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RECTOR 21.05.

06 «Oil and gas technical and technology» Profile: «Metrology and metrological assurance»
«Oil and Gas techical and technology» 27.03.03 «System analysis and control»
Prof. Vladimir LITVINENKO Profile: «Theory and mathematical method of system analysis and control
BACHELOR PROGRAMS IN THE FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES in technical economic and social systems»
Date of foundation: November 1st, 1773 (DURATION OF STUDIES 4 YEARS): 27.03.04 «Control in engineering systems»
History: The first technical higher education institution of Russia. In 1996 05.03.06 «Ecology and environmental management» Profile: «Information technologies in management»
the Mining University was included in the state register of the most valued Profile: «Environmental management» 29.03.04 «Technology of ornamental material processing»
examples of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian 07.03.01 «Architecture» Profile: «Technology of ornamental material processing»
Federation. Profile: «Architecture» 38.03.01 «Economics»
08.03.01 «Building and construction» Profiles: «Accounting, analysis and audit»
Status: The highest state status of the Russian education system (license Profile: «Industrial and civil engineering» «Business economics»
from the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science № 09.03.01 «Information technology and computer engineering» 38.03.02 «Management»
0295 dated 17.08.2012) Profile: « » Profiles: «Production management»
09.03.02 «Information systems and technologies» «Project management»
Location: center of St.Petersburg Profile: «Information systems and technologies»
Number of students: 8200 11.03.04 «Electronic engineering and nanoelectronics» MASTER PROGRAMS IN THE FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES
Profile: «Industrial electronics» (DURATION OF STUDIES 2 YEARS):
Foreign students: 674 12.03.01 «Instrument engineering» 09.04.01 «Information technology and computer engineering»
Profile: «Quality control and diagnostics instrumentation and techniques» Program: «Method of analysis and synthesis of design decisions»
Degree programs available: bachelor, master, engineer (specialist), 13.03.01 «Heat power engineering and heat technology» 12.04.01 «Instrument engineering»
candidate of sciences, doctor of sciences Profile: «Power supply of enterprises» Program: «Instruments and systems of mining and technical supervision
Number of lecturers: 721 13.03.02 «Electrical power engineering and electrical technology» and control»
Profiles: «Electric drive and automation» 13.04.02 «Electrical power engineering and electrical technology»
Number of lecturers with academic degrees: 638 «Electric power supply» Programs: «Electric drives and operating systems»
15.03.01 «Mechanical engineering» «Automated electromechanical complexes and systems»
Faculties: 7 Profile: «Technologies, equipment and automation of machine-building 15.04.01 «Mechanical engineering»
Geological-and- Prospecting Faculty, Mining Faculty, Mechanical Faculty, plants» 15.04.02 «Production machines and equipment»
Chemical-and-Metallurgical Faculty, Faculty of Economics, Construction 15.03.02 «Production machines and production machinery» Programs: «Production machines and equipment for removal of peat»
Engineering Faculty, Oil and Gas Faculty Profile: «Oil and gas processing equipment» «Metallurgic machinery and equipment»
15.03.04 «Automation of technological-processes and production «Metallurgic machinery and equipment»
THE MINING UNIVERSITY OFFERS PROGRAMS facilities (trade-wise)» «Oil and gas processing equipment»
FOR ENGINEER’S DEGREE IN THE FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES Profile: «Automation of technological-processes and production facilities» 15.04.04 «Automation of technological processes and production
(DURATION OF STUDIES 5 YEARS): 18.03.01 «Industrial chemistry» facilities»
08.05.01 «Construction of unique buildings and structures» Profiles: «Industrial chemistry of natural energy sources and carbon Program: «Automated control systems in metallurgy»
Area of expertise: «Construction of unique buildings and structures» materials» «Automated control systems in oil and gas processing»
11.05.01 «Radio electronic systems and facilities 20.03.01 «Technosphere safety» «Automated control systems in mechanic engineering»
Area of expertise: «Radar systems and facilities» Profile: «Safety of technological processes and production facilities» 18.04.01 «Industrial chemistry»
21.05.01 «Applied geodesy» 21.03.01 «Oil and gas engineering» Program: «Industrial chemistry of natural energy sources and carbon
Area of expertise: «Engineering geodesy» Profiles: «Oil and gas well drilling» materials»
21.05.02 «Applied geology» «Operation of gas distribution and consumption networks» 21.04.01 «Oil and gas»
Areas of expertise: «Surveying and exploration of solid mineral deposits» «Operation and maintenance of oil and gas production facilities» Programs: «Oil fields development modelling»
«Oil and gas geology» «Operation and maintenance of natural gas production and gas «Oil field development»
«Ground water exploration and geological engineering survey» condensate installations and underground storage facilities» «Well operation in abnormal conditions»
«Engineering geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy» «Operation and maintenance of handling and storage facilities of oil, gas «Technology of oil reservoir penetration»
21.05.03 «Technology of geological exploration» and plant products» «Drill fluids technology»
Areas of expertise: «Geophysical methods of exploration of mineral «Reservoir engineering and field development of offshore hydrocarbon «Technology of petroleum reservoir penetration in abnormal conditions»
deposits» deposits» «Drilling in abnormal conditions»
«Exploration techniques» «Construction and repair operations of pipeline transportation facilities» «Engineering diagnostics in gas transportation systems»
21.05.04 «Mining» (duration of studies 5 years 6 months) 21.03.02 «Land management and cadastres» «Hydrocarbon pipeline transportation»
Areas of expertise: «Mine construction and underground excavations» Profile: «Urban cadastre» «Resource-recovery technologies transport and hydrocarbon storage»
«Mine surveying» 22.03.01 «Materials science and materials engineering» 22.04.02 «Metallurgy»
«Mining industry ecology» Profile: «Materials science and new materials engineering»
«Opencast mining» 22.03.02 «Metallurgy» Programs: «Nonferrous metallurgy»
«Underground mining of stratified deposits» Profile: «Nonferrous metallurgy» «Heat engineering of metallurgical processes»
«Underground ore mining» 23.03.01 «Technology of transport processes» 27.04.03 «System analysis and control»
«Process safety and mine rescue work» Profile: «Logistics and automobile transport management» Programs: «Theory and mathematical method of system analysis and
«Mining machinery» 23.03.03 «Operation of handling and production machines and control in technical economic and social systems»
«Mining transportation systems» systems» «System analysis of organization and management activities in large
«Electrification and automation of mining practice» Profile: «Automobiles and vehicle fleet» scale systems»
«Mineral processing» 27.03.01 «Standardization and metrology» 38.04.01 «Economics»
Programs: «Business accounting, analysis and audit in mining industry Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering Graphics and
and geologic exploration» regional geography. I N F O R M A T I O N
«Economics and management at enterprises of the raw materials
complex» Participants in preparatory course, who want to enter master’s course or
38.04.02 «Management» postgraduate studies study only the Russian language.
Program: «Strategic management» Classes are organized in groups consisting of 10-12 persons.
At the end of academic year all participants in preparatory course take
(DURATION OF STUDIES 3-4 YEARS): List of documents required for entrance the Mining University and
preparation of an invitation:
05.06.01 – Geo-sciences (25.00.05 – Mineralogy, crystallography; - a copy of passport,
25.00.07 – Hydrogeology; 25.00.08 – Engineering geology, permafrost - a filled application form,
studies and ground science; 25.00.09 – Geochemistry, geochemical - a personal questionnaire,
methods of mineral exploration; 25.00.10 – Geophysics, geophysical - the original document confirming education and its notarized copy
methods of mineral exploration; 25.00.11 – Geology, surveying and (certificate of secondary education, bachelor’s degree diploma, engineer’s
exploration of solid mineral deposits, mineragenia (study of ore minerals); degree diploma, master’s degree diploma),
25.00.26 – Land management, cadastre and land monitoring; 25.00.36 – - a medical certificate including AIDS test,
Geoecology (in ore mining and processing industry) - a birth certificate,
09.06.01 – Informatics and Computer Engineering (05.13.06 – - 6 photos.
Automation control of technological processes and production facilities (in The documents are to be submitted to the Mining University until July 10 th
metallurgy)) 2019. All documents are to be translated into Russian and authenticated
12.06.01 – Photonics, Instrument Engineering, Optical and either in the embassy (consulate) of Russia in the country issued a
Bioengineering systems (05.11.13 – Instruments and methods of control document confirming education or by the Russian notary officer. Address of the Mining University:
of natural environment, substance, materials and products) 2, Line 21, Vasilievsky Ostrov,
13.06.01 – Electric and Heat Engineering (05.09.03 – Electrotechnical St.Petersburg
installations and systems) Our program fees : 199106, Russia
15.06.01 – Mechanic Engineering (05.05.06 – Mining machines) Preparatory course – 120 000 rubles, Telephone: 7-812-328-82-55
21.06.01 – Geology, Mineral Prospecting and Development (25.00.13 Bachelor’s degree program – 260 000 rubles, 7-812-328-86-42
– Mineral processing; 25.00.14 – Technology and technique of geological Specialist’s (engineer’s) degree program – 260 000 rubles, E-mail:
exploration; 25.00.15 – Technology of drilling and well development; Master’s degree program – 260 000 rubles,
25.00.16 – Applied mining geology, oil and gas geology, geophysics, mine Postgraduate program
surveying and subsurface mineral resources geometry; 25.00.17 – (Candidate of science degree, Ph.D) - 440 000 rubles,
Development and exploitation of Oil and gas fields; 25.00.19 – Postgraduate program (Doctor of science degree) from 500 000 rubles,
Construction and exploitation of mines and underground structures;
25.00.20 – Geomechanics, destruction of rocks, mining aerogasdynamics
Other expenses:
and mining thermophysics; 25.00.21 – Theory of designing mine
engineering systems; 25.00.22 – Geotechnology (underground, open and Dormitory accommodation is from 3000 to 7000 per month depending on
construction)) facilities (all foreign students are provided with dormitory housing), St.Petersburg
21.06.02 – Geodesy (25.00.32 – Geodesy) medical insurance – 10600 rubles annually. 2019
22.06.01 – Materials Engineering (05.16.02 – Ferrous, non-ferrous and
rare metals metallurgy)

Academic year: is divided into two terms, the autumn term lasts from
September 1st to January; the spring terms lasts from February 9th to June.
Language of training: Russian
Preparatory course for foreign students:
The course is designed for two terms; the academic year lasts from SAINT-PETERSBURG MINING UNIVERSITY
September 1st to June 30th.
Participants in preparatory course receive training in the technical profile
and study the following subjects: the Russian Language, Physics,

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