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Eman Basem

Sana Sameer

Daniah AlHousni

Period E

March 16, 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources:

The 1947 Partition Archive. (n.d.). Retrieved from

These are videos of interviews by volunteer citizen historians from twelve different

countries. The videos will be used to explain how each interviewee’s lives were before and after

the partition. We will compare the different perspectives of how these volunteers of citizen

historians viewed their partition experiences.

Everett, E. (n.d.). 1902 Map Of India, Then A Colony by Everett. Retrieved from

This image shows the way that India was structured prior to the great spilt. This resource

will be used to display a before and after image of India on our website to allow the users to get

an idea of how large the split was.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

HnrgL&q=indian soldiers in 1858&oq=indian soldiers in



The image inserted consists of Indian soldiers standing by British soldiers because of the

conflicts they had between each other in WWI and WWII. It will be inserted in our preparation


History Extra . (2019, April 03). The final days of Queen Victoria. Retrieved from

This image will help the group explain that the British queen once became the Empress

of India. It allows the audience a visual representation of what the queen resembled in her day

and age as it is a direct image from the time period.

(n.d.). Retrieved from


The image inserted proves the triumph of India when they were signing the papers that

declared independence and Britain's withdrawal from the country.

(n.d.). Retrieved from


This image shows the manslaughter that occurred on 16 August 1946 (Direct Action

Day), also known as the Great Calcutta Killing. This image will be used as visual evidence of the

violence and hatred that was present between Hindus and Muslims after the partition.

(n.d.). Retrieved from


This image represents the triumph that the people were feeling after finally freeing their

country from british colonization and it portrays the happiness and content feeling they were


The National Archives. (2014, June 20). The Road to Partition 1939-1947. Retrieved from

These are documents about the Road of partition and the impact of the Second World

War on the relationship of India and Britain.These documents will be used to discuss the

separation of India and Pakistan Separation causing the end of Britain’s occupation. Also being

stated, the differences of the two politicians (Jinnah and Gandhi).

National Archives. (2014, September 01). Movement of refugees. Retrieved from


This report sent by the Ministry of information talks about the movement of refugees

after the partition. This document will be used to talk about the misplacement of people during

the refugee crisis to show how this event was a tragedy. The casualties that occured during this

movement will also be mentioned.

[BBC]. (March 8, 2018).​What happened to the women? | My Family, Partition and Me: India

1947 - BBC One [ Video File].​

This video will help the team understand the events and tragedies that occurred during the

partition. As there is an old man from the period of the partition, it gives the team insightful and

trustful information to be using. It will provide useful information on how some Hindus may

have been treated during the partition.

[The 1947 Partition Archive].(August 18,2013). ​Abdul Jabbar.​ [Video File]. Retrieved from

This video allows the research team a primary source on the brutal events that occurred

during the partition. A muslim man describes how his friends turned on him after the partition

began. Description of his fear and journey are told. This information directly supports the

research needed for this assignment, as it gives strong proof of true events
(n.d.). Retrieved from


This image was displayed the body of Mahatma Gandhi, a political activist that was

always striving for peace in India after the violence of the partition when he was assassinated by

hindu extremist. He led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and


Secondary Resources:

Bates, D. C. (2011, March 03). History - British History in depth: The Hidden Story of Partition

and its Legacies. Retrieved from

This website provides us with the possible causes for the splitting of India. This source

will be used to identify what were some of the reasons of the split of India. It will help show the

causes as well as the effects and consequences. It will help shed light on the nager that both the

Muslims and Hindus felt towards each other.

History of India's Independence. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The source provided clearly explains the history of India’s independence. It determines

the damage and suffering effects on social, economic, cultural, and political life of Indians due to
the British occupation. The source provides the website of information of how Britain managed

to bring India under their rule.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

l73ABw&q=indian jewels stolen by british&oq=indian jewels stolen



This image is of Queen Victoria’s crown used by the British nowadays which consists of

jewels made in India. The great jewels were a one of the resources that Britain hoped to gain

when they took over India.

(n.d.). Retrieved from




This image illustrates all the Indian spices that Britain earley desired to gain from their

control of India. Indian species were a significant natural resource that britain would take a lot of

advantage of. These species were part of indian traditions and heritage which will end up being a

huge money maker to the British empire.

Ansari, S. (2017, August 13). A Partition too deep: How events in 1947 shaped Pakistan today.

Retrieved from ​

This article provides information on how the partition affected the relationship between

India and Pakistan. It also dives in and gives us a greater look on how Pakistan was impacted due

to the partition.

(n.d.). Retrieved from


This image portrays the tragedy of a single elderly Indian women as she recalls the

tragedies that occurred during the partition or at the time of the partition. It is visual portrayal of

the tragedy that people felt after the partition. The image will be inserted on the tragedy section

of our website to show the hardships of the citizens due to the paration.

“History of India.” ​History of India from Pre Historic Era to Freedom Struggle and

Independence of India,​ 19 Feb. 2019, ​​.

This image shows all the leaders of India before the British rule. It is an easily

understandable image that will allow the group to give insight to the background of India and

some of the prior Indian leaders, this images replaces a lengthy paragraph.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

This image is of the front page of the Hindustan Times, announcing India's independence

from the British Empire in 1947. This source will be used to show how the splitting of india and

its independence from Great Britain was good news to the people.

Special Reports | 629 | 629 | After partition: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. (2007, August 08).

Retrieved from


This image helps to portray where the line for Pakistan and India has been divided. It

allows the audience to see what a great proportion of India was separated into a the new country

of Pakistan . The image is an accurate map of before and after the partition

(n.d.). Retrieved from


The image provided shows the great strengths that the people had to go through in order

to migrate during all of the chaos that the country was going through and how extremely

dangerous it was. Migrates carried all of their heavy belongings on their back and were willing to

do whatever it takes to migrate. This image will be inserted in the home section of our website to

give a visual idea of the topic “The Partition of India”.

R/AskHistorians - Why did british decide to give India independence? (n.d.). Retrieved from

This website clearly explains the reason why Britain let go of India and thought it was

impossible to continue having control of it. It also describes that Britain took all the advantages

of India, for example, wars, soldiers, etc. The information provided on this source will be used to

explain the partition section of our website reasoning why Britain was no longer in need to

continue their occupation on India.

LibGuides: Partition, India-Pakistan (1947): Secondary Sources. (n.d.). Retrieved from

One of the books on this website called “Changing Homelands” by Neeti Nair published

on 2011 talks about how Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs anticipated and their reaction to the partition.

N. (2017, August 19). Political Cartoons - Curriculum for Curious Minds. Retrieved from

This image is a political cartoon that represents the situation of the Indian division. In the

image the women is being divided by a brutal saw into two halves. Each half represents a

country. This image portrays the events of the division, describing how it was a difficult task

that one divide one country and one people into two.

Ansari, S. (2019, April 12). How the Partition of India happened – and why its effects are still

felt today. Retrieved from

This reliable source that determines the effects felt today of the Indian Partition and how

the partition began. It describes how millions of people to where they hoped it would be safer

territory which has caused the nation to be torn apart. Muslims headed towards Pakistan, Hindus

and Sikhs went to India.

Doshi, V., & Mehdi, N. (2017, August 14). 70 years later, survivors recall the horrors of

India-Pakistan partition. Retrieved from



This is an image of Indian soldiers walking in Amritsar through scattered pieces of

rubbish by a building after the paration. The photograph will be used as a visual aid of the

Indian-Pakistani paration outcome.

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