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Who are you?

What are you?


He was tired and worn out. He already fought all the soldiers that came to him. He could see
all his surroundings filled by dead bodies, skulls, bones, and melted armors and weapons.

He also didn't look so good. His clothes were shredded, full of holes and burn. It was almost
like the clothes didn't cover him anymore.

He looked in front of him. There was the man with the dark silver armor and some soldiers
around him. His gaze radiated amazement and greed toward him.

“You don’t know when to give up huh?!” the man said.

He growled and threw a deadly glare to the other man, which in just laughed then looked at
him from up to down. “You are brave enough to be the bait, giving all your friends the time to run
away. Leaving you here.”

The man put his sword back and raised his hand to tell the soldiers to step down. “I’m going
to let you win this time, but I will come back and take you with me next time.”

The man looked at his ankle. “Besides, I know you are not going anywhere.” He smirked and
started to walk away, followed by his soldiers.

He kept staring at the man and his soldiers till they were gone in the snow storm. He started
to feel weak. His legs were tired, he also couldn’t keep staying awake. He fell to the snow,


He opened his eyes, looked around, found himself in a cave. He remembered he was
unconscious and now he found himself waking up in the cave, covered by a cloak, near a bonfire. He
could see a bag and things like a bowl and a bottle of water.

Suddenly, he saw his shield and sword, with a man, lay down near it. He adjusted the cloak,
assuming it belonged to the other man. He took the shield and he could see the ancient script on it,
it was indeed his.
Then he moved to the sword, where he could see his spell script on it. He tried to take the
sword, but he couldn’t lift it. It was like it had become one hundred times heavier than before.

He tried his hardest to take the sword, but he there was no use. He looked to the other man
who was still sleeping. He didn't want to wake him. He was probably the one who brought him to the
cave, saving him from the snowstorm, which probably would have killed him. So he decided to leave
the sword as a gift to his savior.

He was naked, so taking his cloak would be the best thing to do. After adjusting the robe so that it
covered his entire body, he took his shield and started walking toward the blizzard.

"It is not polite to leave without saying goodbye." He heard someone talking and turned to see the
man now standing behind him.

He jumped back and spreaded his wings, bracing the shield as if preparing to defend himself because
even though he realized this man was the one who saved him, he still didn't know whether the other
was a threat or not.

Could he trust this man?


He is awake! That was the first thing he thought after he saw the man trying to take his
sword. The muscles of his arms hardened whenever he tried to lift it.

He tried to not looking at his shoulders, biceps, arms -again- , especially his chest and... no, not the
right time. He kept on pretending to sleep while the man continued to helplessly try to take his
sword. He knew he would leave soon.

"That's not a good way to go without saying goodbye." He said while standing and facing the man,
who instantly turned around and spread his wings, as a warning.

"Hey-hey, I won't attack you," he raised his hands, hoping the man would feel less threatened. He
then turned to take the sword.

"Here, I think it's yours." He handed the sword to the man, but the other looked at him with a
confused face.

The man suddenly kicked the sword from his hand. He jumped backward trying to avoid the next
attack, however, it turned out that the man ran towards the sword that had fallen again on the
ground. But when he reached for his sword, he could not lift it.

He could see the man's face turning red when he tried lifting the sword. He moved closer but the
man jumped away, adjusting his shield. He looked first at him and then at the sword.

Is the sword heavy? He grabbed the weapon and though by the looks of it seemed very heavy, it was
actually really light.

He looked at the man who was as confused as him, then at the sword, and last to the man again,
keeping his eyes on him. "You can't lift it?"
He approached the other and handed him the sword. The man just shook his head and took it. Both
of them were shocked, seeing as he was now able to lift the sword as if he was raising a branch.

He looked at the man who was as confused as him, then at the sword, and last to the man again,
keeping his eyes on him. "You can't lift it?"

He approached the other and handed him the sword. The man just shook his head and took it. Both
of them were shocked, seeing as he was now able to lift the sword as if he was raising a branch.

When the blond grabbed the sword in his hand, their fingers brushed against each other sparking a
strange feeling in him. Then he let go of the sword, and the man held it firmly, now his turn to swing
the weapon in the air.

Smiling, the man turned towards him.

"Thank you for saving me."

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