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Hey, everyone.

Sam Ovens here, and welcome to week one of the Consulting

Accelerated program. In week one, we're going to cover the fundamentals and
foundations of your consulting business. This week is extremely important because, just
like when you build a house, if you build it on bad foundations ... Let's say you build an
amazing house but it's built on shoddy foundations and it's built on sand. It doesn't
matter how awesome that house is, if the foundations are bad, it's going to fall over. It's
going to collapse. The same is true in business. If you have the best sales schools and
you have the best Facebook ads and the best everything, but the foundations of your
consulting business have issues with them, it doesn't matter how good anything is. It's
going to fall over and it's going to fail. The fundamentals and foundations is probably one
of the most important and crucial weeks in this entire training program. What I notice a
lot of people do is a lot of people think, "Oh, I already know this stuff. I've already got my
niche. I already know what my offer is. I already know what the price of it is, and I
already know my message and I know how to communicate that message to my market,
so I can just skip over this." Believe me, it doesn't matter how much money you're
making. It doesn't matter if you're already making seven figures, eight figures. You want
to go through week one in full to make sure that you re-evaluate all of the fundamentals
and foundations in your consulting business, because one small improvement here can
make a world of difference in everything else. What are the fundamentals and
foundations of your consulting business? I refer to these things as the foundations, and
they're things like picking a niche. In consulting, it's so important that we don't focus on
everyone in the world, and we want to focus on a small niche instead, because when we
focus on that niche, we can really hone our skills and we can really help people more
than if we were just a generalist and tried to help everyone. Picking a niche is one of
them. The second thing is crafting your offer. Your offer is really what you offer to the
people in your niche to provide value and help them improve their business or their life
or whatever their situation is. Your offer is crucially important, because that's really what
you're selling to people. That's really the value unit that you're exchanging with people,
and that's really how you make money. That is fundamentally important, as well. The
third one is your message, and your message is really how you communicate that offer
to your niche. You can kind of see how this works. We find a niche and then we really
look in that niche and we want to find a problem ... We really want to get inside people's
heads, understand what makes them tick, and then see a gap in the marketplace where
we can come in and provide value to people. Once we can see that, then we want to
craft an offer that is going to be how we actually help these people. Once we've got our
offer ready, we need a message so that we can communicate that offer to the niche. In
this week one, fundamentals and foundations week, we really cover some crucial things
with your consulting business. If you get these things wrong, like I've said, it's almost
impossible to make the other parts work. It's almost impossible to sell it, regardless of
how good you are at sales. It's almost impossible to get clients through Facebook ads
and things like that if you have this stuff wrong. Believe me, you want to really put in a lot
of work and a lot of focus into all of the training modules in week one. I'm also going to
show you the science of how consulting works. I've really analyzed consulting and really
looked at it and really boiled it down and crystallized and understand the core forces that
are really at play that enable consulting businesses to be successful and make profit. I'm
going to teach you that, and I'm going to teach you things like the consulting equation,
which is basically a mathematical equation that I've boiled consulting down to, which will
help you really understand it, conceptualize it, and see how you can come in and start
providing value. Week one, I would say, is probably the most important week in the
entire program. I don't say that lightly. All of these weeks are very important, but week
one, if you mess this stuff up, it's very hard to make the other things work, so I really
encourage you to take your time, watch each video in week one in full, and do the work.
Make sure you take action and do the work. If you get stuck in any of the parts in week
one, just jump over to the Facebook group. You should've joined the Facebook group by
now. If you haven't, the link is, and what I want you to do right
now is go over to that group, request access, and get in there. If you have trouble with
anything at all, the Facebook group is going to really help you get unstuck, because I
have coaches in there, there's over 7,000 members in there who are ready to help.
We've also got the Q and A calls, and they happen every Monday and every Friday. I
really just shot this video to welcome you to week one and really tell you what lies ahead
in week one and really stress the importance of doing all of the work and taking things
one step at a time in this category. That's it for this video. I look forward to working with
you throughout week one, and I'm looking forward to seeing your results and your
comments over in the Facebook group. Thanks.

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