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Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

General review

Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy

La lèpre : actualités épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques
F. Reibel a,b,c , E. Cambau d,e,f , A. Aubry a,b,c,∗
a Sorbonne universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CR7, Centre d’immunologie et des maladies infectieuses, CIMI, team E13 (Bacteriology), 75013 Paris, France
b Inserm, U1135, centre d’immunologie et des maladies infectieuses, CIMI, team E13 (Bacteriology), 75013 Paris, France
c Bactériologie-hygiène, hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, AP–HP, 75013 Paris, France
d Centre national de référence des mycobactéries et de la résistance des mycobactéries aux antituberculeux, bactériologie-hygiène, 75013 Paris, France
e Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Inserm, UMR 1137 IAME, 75018 Paris, France
f Service de bactériologie, hôpital Lariboisière, AP–HP, 75010 Paris, France

Received 23 January 2015; received in revised form 1st June 2015; accepted 2 September 2015

Leprosy is an infectious disease that has now been reported for more than 2000 years. The leprosy elimination goal set by the World Health
Organization (WHO), i.e. a global prevalence rate < 1 patient per 10,000 population, was achieved in the year 2000, but more than 200,000 new
case patients are still reported each year, particularly in India, Brazil, and Indonesia. Leprosy is a specific infection: (i) it is a chronic infection
primarily affecting the skin and peripheral nerves, (ii) Mycobacterium leprae is one of the last bacterial species of medical interest that cannot be
cultured in vitro (mainly because of its reductive genome evolution), and (iii) transmission and pathophysiological data is still limited. The various
presentations of the disease (Ridley-Jopling and WHO classifications) are correlated with the patient’s immune response, bacillary load, and by the
delay before diagnosis. Multidrug therapy (dapsone, rifampicin, with or without clofazimine) has been recommended since 1982 as the standard
treatment of leprosy; 6 months for patients presenting with paucibacillary leprosy and 12 months for patients presenting with multibacillary leprosy.
The worldwide use of leprosy drugs started in the 1980s and their free access since 1995 contributed to the drastic decline in the number of new
case patients. Resistant strains are however emerging despite the use of multidrug therapy; identifying and monitoring resistance is still necessary.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Leprosy; Mycobacterium leprae; Multidrug therapy

La lèpre est une maladie infectieuse décrite depuis plus de 2 millénaires. Bien que l’objectif d’élimination (prévalence mondiale inférieure à 1
pour 10 000 habitants) affiché par l’OMS ait été atteint au niveau mondial en 2000, plus de 200 000 nouveaux cas sont encore observés chaque
année, en particulier en Inde, au Brésil et en Indonésie. La lèpre et l’agent infectieux qui en est responsable sont remarquables à plus d’un titre :
(i) c’est une infection chronique qui atteint en priorité la peau et les nerfs périphériques, (ii) Mycobacterium leprae est une des dernières espèces
bactériennes d’intérêt médical à ne pas être cultivable in vitro, en particulier du fait d’une évolution réductrice de son génome, et (iii) les données
de transmission et de physiopathologie sont encore mal connues. Il existe différentes formes de la maladie (classifications de Ridley et Jopling,
de l’OMS) déterminées par la qualité de la réponse immunologique de l’individu atteint, la charge bacillaire et la précocité du diagnostic. La
polychimiothérapie (dapsone, rifampicine, plus ou moins clofazimine) est le traitement standard recommandé pour le traitement de la lèpre depuis
1982 avec une durée de traitement de 6 mois pour la forme pauci-bacillaire et 12 mois pour la forme multi-bacillaire. La diffusion en masse
des médicaments, commencée dès les années 1980, et leur distribution gratuite à partir de 1995 ont permis une baisse drastique du nombre de

∗ Corresponding author. Laboratoire de bactériologie, faculté de médecine Pitié-Salpêtrière, 91, boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75634 Paris cedex 13, France.
E-mail address: (A. Aubry).
0399-077X/© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

nouveaux cas. Cependant, malgré l’introduction de la polychimiothérapie, des souches résistantes émergent, ce qui montre que le diagnostic et la
surveillance de la résistance sont encore cruciaux.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

Mots clés : Lèpre ; Mycobacterium leprae ; Polychimiothérapie

1. Introduction of leprosy in Asia. The disease would then have progressively

spread towards the West starting with East Africa, Europe, and
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobac- the Americas to finally reach the West of Africa [5] (Fig. 2).
terium leprae, also known as Hansen’s bacillus. This
incapacitating disease was first described in Indian treaties dat-
ing from 600 BC. Leprosy was an endemic disease in Europe 3. Epidemiology
from the 12th century to the 13th century, but has now almost
entirely disappeared from that region of the world. One of the The first WHO Expert Committee on Leprosy got together
first goals set by WHO, and reached in the year 2000, was to in 1953 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), but the first global data
reduce the global disease prevalence to less than 1 case patient on the disease prevalence was published in 1966. At the time,
per 10,000 population [1]. Leprosy is however still reported in WHO estimated the global number of leprosy case patients at
various countries of the world; 215,656 new case patients were 10,786,000, even though well aware that this figure was proba-
registered by WHO in 2013 [2]. Significant geographic dispar- bly under-estimated. The global number of leprosy case patients
ities can be observed: Southeast Asia alone accounted for 72% reported between 1960 and 1980 remained stable, ranging from
of case patients reported in 2013 (155,385/215,656) and more 10 to 12 million [6,7]. The approval and wide use of a multidrug
than 10,000 new case patients are reported each year in India, therapy from 1982 onwards contributed to the drastic reduction
Brazil, and Indonesia (Fig. 1). in the number of case patients. In 1991, the global number of lep-
rosy patients dropped to 5.5 million [8]. This promising figure
led the members of the 44th session of the World Health Assem-
bly to approve the WHA 44.9 resolution (Elimination of leprosy
2. Leprosy over the years
as a public health problem by the year 2000), i.e. the reduction of
the disease prevalence to a level below 1 case patient per 10,000
Leprosy is a very old disease, which spreads through the
population [1].
centuries via the various populations of the world. The first
The number of leprosy case patients detected every year
3 large clusters of leprosy were found in India, China, and
between 2000 and 2006 significantly decreased from 719,219
case patients in 2000 to 265,661 in 2006. The decrease was
The first medical description of leprosy was found in an
mainly due to the lower number of leprosy case patients iden-
Indian treaty, known as the Sushruta Samhita, dating from 600
tified in the regions of the world that are still reporting the
BC. In China, the first clinical description consistent with lep-
highest number of case patients (i.e., Southeast Asia and Africa).
rosy dates from the 3rd century BC. In India, 4 skulls with
Unfortunately, this decrease in annual case patients started to
leprosy-specific lesions were found and dated to be from the
drastically slow down in 2006: 265,661 case patients were
2nd century BC [3]. The first biological evidence of leprosy
reported in 2006 and 215,656 in 2013.
found in humans was identified thanks to paleontology and its
The latest available data suggests that the overall prevalence
use of molecular biology. The DNA of M. leprae was isolated
of leprosy case patients in countries that are still reporting case
from the bones of a man skeleton dating from the 1st century
patients is 0.32 per 10,000 population (first trimester of 2014).
BC and found in a grave near Jerusalem [4].
This figure is lower than the goal set by WHO in 1991, i.e.
For a long time, the analysis of ancient texts was the only way
less than 1 case patient per 10,000 population. However, the
to make assumptions about the progressive spread of M. leprae
prevalence of leprosy differs from one region to another: 0.04
in the world. Leprosy is believed to have spread to the Mediter-
per 10,000 population in the Western Pacific Region and 0.63
ranean region through the Greek soldiers of Alexander the Great
per 10,000 population in Southeast Asia.
returning from their Indian military campaign. This hypothesis
The following observations can be drawn from analyzing the
is now being called into question considering epidemiological
gender and age distribution of case patients reported in 2013:
data obtained by molecular typing [5]. Two hypotheses have thus
been put forward to explain the worldwide spread of leprosy. The
first hypothesis points out to the East African origin of the dis- • the proportion of women among newly detected leprosy
ease and suggests that leprosy might have simultaneously spread case patients in countries reporting more than 100 new case
towards the East (Asia) and the West (Europe) before reaching patients per year was lower than that of men, ranging from
the Americas and West Africa through human migration waves 0.5% (Pakistan) to 56.4% (South Sudan). These figures may
due to colonialism and slave trade. The second hypothesis is reflect the difficult access to medical care for women living
rather more consistent with ancient texts and places the origin in these countries;

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. New case detection rates of leprosy case patients, WHO, January 2013.
Taux d’incidence des cas de lèpre détectés annuellement par l’OMS, janvier 2013.

Fig. 2. Worldwide spread of leprosy. The circles indicate the country of origin of the analyzed samples and their distribution into the 4 SNP types. SNP-type 1 is in
yellow, SNP-type 2 in orange, SNP-type 3 in purple, and SNP-type 4 in green. The colored arrows indicate the direction of human migrations predicted by the SNP
analysis. Gray arrows indicate the human migration routes derived from genetic, archaeological, and anthropological studies.
Dissémination de la lèpre à travers le monde. Les cercles colorés correspondent aux pays d’origine des souches examinées et leurs distributions à travers 4 SNPs-
types. Le SNP-type 1 apparaît en jaune, le 2 en orange, le 3 en violet et le 4 en vert. Les flèches colorées indiquent les migrations de populations déduites de l’analyse
des SNPs-types. Les flèches grises correspondent aux migrations de populations déduites des études génétiques, archéologiques et anthropologiques.
From Monot et al. [5].

• the proportion of children among newly detected leprosy M. leprae belongs to the Mycobacterium genus and to
case patients in countries reporting more than 100 new case the Mycobacteriaceae family. The rod-shaped bacillus appears
patients per year ranged from 0.6% in Argentina and Mexico motionless at microscopic analysis, and is 1 to 8 ␮m long for
to 39.5% in the Federated States of Micronesia. These figures 0.3 ␮m large (Fig. 3). M. leprae is a micro-aerophilic bacterium
are good indicators of the disease infectiousness and of the and ideally grows at a temperature ranging from 30 to 35 ◦ C. The
persistence of undiagnosed contaminating patients. bacilli group together in highly infected tissues to form clumps
of bacilli (known as globi) that can contain hundreds of bacilli.
4. Bacteriology The inability to culture M. leprae in vitro is one of the
main specificities of that bacterium, and can be explained by
M. leprae was identified in 1873 by Gerhard Henrik Armauer its very long doubling time (14 days). For matters of com-
Hansen [9], 9 years before the identification of M. tuberculosis parison, the doubling time of M. tuberculosis is 24 hours and
by Robert Koch (Table 1). that of Escherichia coli is 20 minutes. Laboratory research on

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 1 genetic studies conducted in the 1980s and 1990s, eventually

Key dates of significant importance in the history of leprosy. leading to the first sequencing of the M. leprae genome in 2001.
Principales dates associées à un évènement marquant dans l’histoire de la lèpre.
In 2008, the team led by Han et al. identified a new species of
600 BC 1st clinical description of leprosy in an Indian treaty mycobacteria, known as M. lepromatosis, which was isolated
1873 Armauer Hansen identifies the disease-causing agent of from 2 deceased patients who presented with diffuse lepro-
leprosy [9]
1941 1st publication by Faget supporting the effectiveness of
matous leprosy. This type of leprosy was initially reported in
dapsone [54] Mexico by Lucio and Alvarado and is best known as Lucio’s
1960 Shepard succeeds in quantifying the multiplication of the leprosy phenomenon [12]. The results of the whole genome sequenc-
bacillus in a mouse footpad [10] ing of that new species of mycobacteria revealed that M. leprae
1964 First reported case of resistance to dapsone [65] and M. lepromatosis are quite similar in terms of phylogenetics.
1970 A new and effective agent in the treatment of leprosy is identified:
rifampicin [56]
They both derive from the same ancestor [13], and must have
1971 Kirchheimer and Storrs manage to obtain a significant separated more than 13.9 million years ago. M. lepromatosis
multiplication of the leprosy bacillus inoculating the disease to was recently isolated from carriers of tuberculoid leprosy, with
the nine-banded armadillo [11] or without M. leprae [14].
1981 WHO recommends the use of multidrug therapy [57]
1997 A “single dose” regimen is suggested for patients presenting with
a single nodular lesion: ROM (rifampicin/ofloxacin/minocycline)
5. Genetics
2001 Whole genome sequencing of an Indian strain of M. leprae The results of the whole genome sequencing of M. leprae
isolated from the Tamil Nadu (TN) region [15] (TN strain) were first published in 2001 [15]. The results of
2008 A new species of Mycobacterium causing lepromatous leprosy is the whole genome sequencing of 3 other strains revealed the
identified: M. lepromatosis [12]
reductive genome evolution of M. leprae as a sequence identity
of 99.99% was found in 3 strains isolated from 3 very distant
regions [16]. The genome of M. leprae was found to contain
M. leprae was, and still is, made difficult by that very long dou- 3,268,203 base pairs (3.2 Mb) and to have a G + C content lower
bling time, but in 1960 Charles C. Shepard proved that the culture than that of other mycobacteria: 57.8% vs. 65.6% for M. tuber-
of M. leprae could be done by inoculating the bacterium into culosis. M. leprae shares 90% of its protein-coding genes with
the footpad of female Swiss mice (white) [10]. The culture of M. tuberculosis, the remaining 10% being specific to M. leprae
M. leprae allowed studying and developing antibiotic therapies, [15]. The results of the genome analysis revealed that only half
and later studying and identifying antibiotic resistance. of the transcripts were actual genes; the other half being pseudo-
In 1971, Kirchheimer and Storrs proved that massive mul- genes or non-coding regions. Among bacteria and archaea, M.
tiplication of M. leprae could be done by inoculating the leprae is the bacterium with the highest number of pseudogenes
bacterium to the nine-banded armadillo, a perfect animal model as 50% of its genome seems to be lacking biological functions
due to its body temperature (between 30 ◦ C and 35 ◦ C) and its [17]. The function of those pseudogenes, which have a signifi-
susceptibility to M. leprae [11]. The experiment of Kirchheimer cant impact on the bacterium metabolism, is still unknown but
and Storrs enabled scientists to obtain a large number of lep- several hypotheses have been suggested to explain it. Pseudo-
rosy bacilli. It was then fundamental for the many antigenic and genes and non-coding regions could be involved in the regulation
of the infection, intracellular parasitism, or in the replication of
the bacterium [18].
The small size of M. leprae, the mosaic structure of its
genome, and the significant deletions all point out to a reductive
evolution. The number of genes involved in the respiratory and
metabolic pathways is reduced [15,19]. The loss of those genes
may be related to the loss of many metabolic functions and to
the intracellular parasitic development of M. leprae [20].

6. Transmission of leprosy

The exact method of transmission of leprosy is still unknown.

The human being is the main reservoir of infection even
though transmission through African green monkeys [21,22] and
armadillos in Louisiana [23] has been reported. The most con-
tagious presentation of the disease is the lepromatous leprosy
as patients usually carry a very large number of leprosy bacilli.
Fig. 3. M. leprae acid-fast bacilli, isolated or grouped in globi, following Ziehl-
Some patients can carry up to 7 billion leprosy bacilli per one
Neelsen staining. gram of tissue.
Bacilles acido-alcoolo-résistants de M. leprae après coloration par Ziehl- At the first International Congress of Leprosy held in Berlin
Neelsen. Les bacilles apparaissent isolés ou groupés en globi. (1897), Schäffer proved that the infection could spread through

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

nasal discharge. During the congress, Schäffer asked 2 infected immune response. Tuberculoid leprosy is the result of high cell-
patients to speak, cough, and sneeze for about 10 minutes in mediated immunity with a strong Th1 type immune response,
front of microscope slides that were then stained and ana- limiting the disease progression to skin lesions and well-defined
lyzed. The results were conclusive; at the end of the experiment nerve damage (no humoral response in that case). Lepromatous
up to 185,000 bacilli had been spread. Schäffer’s experiment leprosy is however characterized by low cell-mediated immu-
was however disregarded and the transmission of leprosy by nity with a predominant humoral Th2 response (high production
direct contact only was accepted by the scientific commu- of IgG or IgM antibodies), leading to an inadequate immune
nity. In the 1960s, Shepard proved once again that lesions response to an intracellular bacterium and to the uncontrolled
in the nasal mucosa could lead to the discharge of 10,000 multiplication of the bacilli.
to 10,000,000 bacilli [10] and Pedley estimated that tens of Leprosy is known to occur at all ages but most patients do
millions bacilli could be discharged from the nasal mucosa not contract the disease, even after a prolonged contact with M.
on a daily basis [24]. In 2013, M. leprae was identified leprae [30].
in the buccal mucosa of 94% of patients presenting with
multibacillary and paucibacillary leprosy (PCR analysis and
9. Clinical signs and classifications
antigenic markers) [25]. The main dissemination route of the
leprosy bacillus therefore seems to be the upper respiratory
Leprosy is a chronic disease that is not immediately life
threatening. M. leprae has a tropism for the skin and Schwann
Other dissemination routes were suspected but their role in
cells of the peripheral nerves. Patients first present with sensory
the transmission of leprosy was not clearly defined (mosquitos,
neuritis, but untreated patients seeking medical care at a later
breast milk, etc.).
stage present with more severe motor disorders. Plantar ulcers,
lytic bone lesions (nose, phalanxes, etc.), and paralyses (ulnar
7. Pathophysiology
nerve, lagophthalmos) can be named as frequent complications;
they define the clinical picture of leprosy that has now been
Leprosy is probably transmitted through nasal or sputum
described for centuries [31].
excretions. The results of experimental studies conducted on
Various clinical signs can be observed during the early phase
mice pointed out to the respiratory tract as a potential portal of
of leprosy, known as the indeterminate phase, making it difficult
entry for bacilli instead of the digestive tract or the skin [26,27].
to diagnose the disease.
No pathophysiological model has however been established so
Various more advanced presentations of leprosy have been
reported and classified as tuberculoid leprosy and leproma-
Studying the incubation period of leprosy is not easy because
tous leprosy. Many other clinical presentations, known as
of (i) the insidious nature of the disease, especially in the early
intermediate or borderline leprosy, have been identified and
phase, (ii) its slow evolution, and (iii) the absence of sensitive
classified in between those 2 types. The Ridley and Jopling
and specific diagnostic tests for the sub-clinical phase of the
(RJ) system defines [32] 5 clinical presentations of leprosy:
infection. Various incubation periods have been reported: very
polar tuberculoid leprosy (TT), borderline tuberculoid leprosy
short ones in young children (3 and 6 months old) [28], or very
(BT), borderline–borderline leprosy (BB), borderline lepro-
long ones (up to 30 years) [29]. The short incubation period was
matous leprosy (BL), and polar lepromatous leprosy (LL)
observed in 2 leprosy patients with a bacilli count respectively
(Fig. 4).
performed 4 months and 15 days before the first signs of lepro-
WHO recently adopted a new classification to make the treat-
matous skin lesions [28]. The longer incubation periods were
ment choice easier. Paucibacillary leprosy is defined by the
observed in American war veterans who used to be stationed
presence of 1 to 5 skin lesions and/or 1 impaired nerve, and multi-
in endemic countries for short periods of time. These incuba-
bacillary leprosy by the presence of more than 5 skin lesions or
tion periods ranged from 2.9 to 5.3 years for patients presenting
impaired nerves [33]. The relation between those different clini-
with tuberculoid leprosy and from 9.3 to 11.6 years for patients
cal presentations is represented in Fig. 4. The relative frequency
presenting with lepromatous leprosy.
of each of these leprosy presentations differs across affected
Patients living in endemic countries are probably contami-
countries and populations [2].
nated during childhood and leprosy is most frequently detected
in adulthood. The details of the transition from the latent infec-
tion to the symptomatic infection are still unknown; a clear 9.1. Tuberculoid leprosy
understanding of the pathophysiology of leprosy is therefore
impossible. Tuberculoid leprosy is defined by skin lesions and nerve
damage. Skin manifestations either include large hypochromic
8. Immunology macules with well-defined edges that can sometimes be infil-
trated, or large thickened and infiltrated plaques. Tuberculoid
Immunology is a key aspect of leprosy as the host’s immune leprosy presents with very few lesions (hyposensitivity or anes-
response determines the clinical expression of the disease. thetic lesions). Nerve damage is usually observed around skin
Immunodepression leads to the most severe presentations of lep- lesions and is associated with sensory and/or motor impairment
rosy. The clinical presentation is correlated with the quality of the when the hands and feet are affected.

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Clinical, biological, and therapeutic classification of leprosy [32,33]. TT: tuberculoid; BT: borderline–borderline; BL: borderline lepromatous; LL: lepro-
Classification clinique, biologique et thérapeutique de la lèpre [32,33].

9.2. Lepromatous leprosy newly diagnosed patients presented with grade 2 disabilities
according to the WHO scale [35]. This figure points out to the
The initial skin lesions are small-sized hypochromic mac- delay in diagnosing the disease and to the poor access to medical
ules with indistinct edges. If left untreated, they form copper care of those populations.
colored papules or nodules known as leproma. Lepromatous Two types of spontaneous acute complications (leprosy reac-
leprosy patients present with a high number of bilateral and tions) associated with the patient’s immune response can be
symmetrical leproma (20 to 100) that can develop everywhere observed. Type 1 reaction is known as reversal reaction and type
on the skin but most frequently on the face, earlobes, fingers, 2 reaction as erythema nodosum leprosum. They are defined
and toes. Those lesions are not anesthetic. by severe activation/reactivation of the immune and inflamma-
Peripheral nerve damage is often bilateral, diffuse, and sym- tory systems and primarily affect peripheral nerves. Patients can
metrical. It is associated, to various extents, with peripheral present with leprosy reactions before being diagnosed with lep-
nerve hypertrophy, sensory and/or motor impairment. rosy, during treatment, or once an adequate treatment has been
9.3. Borderline leprosy Fifteen to 65% of leprosy patients present with irreversible
nerve damage during the course of the disease, mainly during
Borderline leprosy is defined by various clinical signs and leprosy reactions [36].
corresponds to a transition status. Its classification depends
on the number of clinical signs consistent with tuberculoid or 11. Risk factors
lepromatous lesions. The borderline tuberculoid (BT) presen-
tation of leprosy is defined by the presence of several large Leprosy is associated with poverty and lower socio-economic
asymmetrical and hypoesthetic lesions with peripheral mac- status, but without any additional specific factor. There is no
ules or infiltration of the skin. Smaller lesions can usually relation between the frequency of leprosy and that of other infec-
be observed near the larger ones. The borderline–borderline tious diseases (including HIV), unlike what is currently being
(BB) presentation is defined by the presence of several non- observed with tuberculosis [37,38]. Patients with genetic predis-
anesthetic annular lesions with indistinct edges. The borderline position seem more likely to contract leprosy [39]. Of the many
lepromatous (BL) presentation is defined by the presence of identified genes that could be associated with a higher risk of
more than 10 bilateral and non-anesthetic lepromas and annular contracting leprosy very few were validated in large studies and
lesions [34]. in various populations [39]. Among genes increasing the risk of
leprosy, we can name as an example a region on chromosome
10. Disease progression 6 regulating the expression of the genes PARK2 and PACRG
(Parkin co-regulated gene). The function of the PACRG gene is
Leprosy is a slowly progressing disease. The neurological currently unknown. The parkin-coding PARK2 gene is involved
impairment leads to chronic complications, such as sensory loss, in one of the cellular proteins degradation pathways (ubiquit-
amyotrophy, deformations, and chronic wounds on the hands ination) and is responsible for some clinical presentations of
and feet that can sometimes be irreversible. In 2012, 6.2% of Parkinson’s disease [40,41].

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

12. Diagnosis 12.2.2. Microscopic analysis and acid-fast bacilli

M. leprae cannot be cultured in vitro; researching resistant
The diagnosis of leprosy remains clinical and easy to make for acid-fast bacilli with an optical microscope remains the standard
health workers used to treat those patients. The biggest challenge diagnostic technique [33]. Tissue fluid smear tests or biopsy cell
is to suspect the diagnosis of leprosy, especially in industrialized suspensions, once crushed and spread out onto the slide, are
countries where the disease has now almost entirely disappeared. stained with the Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique. Bacilli take
Choosing the right lesion that will then be sent for pathological a fuchsia color on a blue background (Fig. 3).
and biological analyses is crucial and requires clinical expertise The number of bacilli contained in each microscopic field or
of leprosy lesions. bacterial index (BI) is calculated with the Ridley index [43] for
Paraclinical tests can help confirm the clinical diagnosis of skin smears (earlobe and skin lesions). Tuberculoid leprosy is
leprosy, i.e. bacteriological (Section 12.2) and pathological anal- associated with a negative BI in the tissue fluid of the earlobe and
yses. No other biological analysis can be recommended. a negative or equal to “1+” BI in skin lesions. In lepromatous
leprosy, the BI is positive, always > “2” with bacilli grouping
together to form globi. An initially high BI (≥ “4+”) is consistent
12.1. Clinical diagnosis
with a higher risk of transmission and relapse [44,45]. Compliant
patients have a decreasing BI, but most patients with a high BI
The patient’s medical history is the first indicator of lep-
still have a positive BI at the end of the treatment course as the
rosy, especially if the patient is coming from or used to live
clearance of non-viable residual bacilli can take years.
in an endemic country. Skin lesions with hypoesthesia are usu-
ally the hallmark sign of leprosy as no other dermatological
12.2.3. Molecular techniques
condition is theoretically associated with sensory disorders. Der-
The analysis of the DNA of M. leprae is done with the PCR
matological signs are the clinical indicators of leprosy in 90%
technology. Several target genes and antigens have been sug-
of patients; the remaining 10% present with neurological signs
gested to detect it in smear tests: pra-36 KDa, pra-18 KDa,
only [42].
RLEP, Ag85B, 16S RNA, folP, rpoB, and gyrA [46]. Specialized
The clinical analysis of the skin lesions and nerve damage
laboratories perform those analyses on the skin lesion biopsies
must be performed by an experienced leprosy clinician. The
presenting the highest bacilli count as they are associated with
results will help diagnose and classify the patient’s disease pre-
the best detection rate [47].
sentation according to both RJ and WHO classifications, which
PCR sensitivity is close to 100% in patients presenting with
will then inform the choice of an adequate treatment, determine
a positive bacteriological index, but it is significantly lower in
the patient’s infectiousness, and help prevent potential reversal
patients presenting with a negative bacteriological index. Sen-
sitivity figures vary between studies and methods, ranging from
Microbiological and pathological analyses should be per-
87% to 100% for lepromatous patients and from 30% to 83%
formed whenever possible to support the clinical diagnosis. Such
for tuberculoid patients [46]. PCR sensitivity makes it possible
analyses should preferably be performed using a skin biopsy or a
to confirm a leprosy diagnosis, highlighting the presence of the
nerve biopsy when the patient is mainly presenting with neuritis
DNA of M. leprae in the lesions [42,48,49].
12.3. Pathological diagnosis
12.2. Bacteriological diagnosis
The biological diagnosis of leprosy must include a patholog-
12.2.1. Samples ical analysis of the skin biopsies.
M. leprae has a tropism for skin; skin lesions must therefore Tuberculoid leprosy presents with nodular and histio-
be sampled (smear tests and biopsies). A rapid diagnosis can be lymphocytic infiltrations surrounding the adnexa and nerves;
established with little iatrogenic effects with a tissue fluid smear an infiltration or even destruction of the nervules and sudorifer-
test performed on the earlobe; experience is however needed to ous glands can also be observed, leading to the hypoesthesia or
successfully perform this test. The result is usually negative for anesthesia of the lesions.
most paucibacillary and tuberculoid presentations of leprosy. Lepromatous infiltrations are dense with histiocytic cells
Taking a sample from the nasal mucosa is not recommended, characterized by foamy cytoplasm (Virchow’s cells). They usu-
especially for patients presenting with lepromatous leprosy as ally surround hair, adnexa, and nerves without invading them.
their mucus membrane is fragile. It is also not recommended to They are separated from the superficial part of the dermis by the
sample nasal discharge collected through nose blows because band of Unna [50]. Infiltrations have no destruction potential
of their low specificity (presence of other commensal mycobac- and patients do not present with any sensory impairment.
teria of the mucus membrane) and of the difficulty to collect
a large quantity of secretions. Skin biopsy known as “punch 12.4. Immunological diagnostic
biopsy” is preferred, using if possible a 4 mm punch to collect
enough tissue for microscopic and molecular analyses. Surgical Infection by M. leprae leads to a cell-mediated humoral
biopsy (≥ 6 mm) is only needed for relapsing cases of leprosy response and to the production of non-protective antibod-
or suspicion of resistance. ies. One of the antigens of M. leprae, known as phenolic

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8 F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

glycolipid-1 (PGL1), was studied for diagnostic test purposes. 13.2. Second-line agents: fluoroquinolones, minocycline,
Several epidemiological studies used a specific serology test to and clarithromycin
detect anti-PGL1 IgM or a more recently developed test that
can detect both anti-PGL1 IgM and anti-LID1 IgG (fusion pro- Fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxi-
tein specific to M. leprae) [51]. This serology test is neither floxacin), minocycline, and clarithromycin are intended as
marketed nor recommended because of its low sensitivity, espe- potential therapeutic alternatives. These antibiotics have the
cially for paucibacillary presentations of leprosy (thus offering same broad-spectrum activity as rifampicin and target many
a limited added value), and its inadequate specificity for popu- Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. They can be admin-
lation of patients frequently infected by other tuberculoid and istered to patients presenting with an intolerance, resistance,
non-tuberculoid mycobacteria [52]. or clinical failure to first-line agents. Patients presenting with
rifampicin-resistant leprosy need to take those antibiotics daily,
and treatment duration must be extended to 24 months because of
13. Treatments
a lower bactericidal activity compared with rifampicin [33,59].
M. leprae, just like any other mycobacteria, is naturally resis-
tant to most of the frequently prescribed antibiotics because of 13.3. New therapeutic approaches
the high number of lipids in its cell wall, thus preventing antibi-
otic penetration and especially hydrophilic ones (␤-lactams, Very few new agents active against M. leprae are currently
glycopeptides, fusidic acid, and chloramphenicol). being developed. Bedaquiline (diarylquinoline, R207910, or
Chaulmoogra oil, extracted from the fruit of the Taraktogenos TMC207) is a new tuberculosis treatment that inhibits the ATP
kurzii tree, was the first leprosy treatment. One of its compounds, synthase [60,61]. The bactericidal activity of bedaquiline against
hydnocarpic acid (C16 H28 O2 ), has an in vitro activity against M. leprae observed in mice is similar to that of moxifloxacin and
some mycobacteria species. It is however inactive against M. rifampicin [62]. Bedaquiline has not yet been tested on leprosy
leprae [53]. patients.

13.1. First-line antibiotics: dapsone, clofazimine, and 13.4. Therapeutic strategies

Multidrug therapy was recommended as the standard treat-
The discovery of dapsone, a sulfamide antibiotic, was a mile- ment of tuberculosis (i.e., the other mycobacterial infection) as
stone for millions of leprosy patients. The antimycobacterial early as the 1970s but its use for leprosy patients was only rec-
activity of dapsone was first demonstrated in the treatment of ommended by WHO in 1982. The use of the multidrug therapy
tuberculosis in 1940. In 1941, the physician Guy Faget was was progressive; its geographical coverage was less than 1%
in charge of the national leper colony of the United States in between 1982 and 1985, 50% in 1992, and is now 100% since
Carville (Louisiana) and decided to contact the Parke-Davies 1997 [63].
company to further study the results obtained with dapsone. The The recommended treatment duration for multibacillary lep-
year before, the researchers of the Parke-Davies company had rosy is 12 months. Patients presenting with LL, BL, and BB
synthetized the agent derived from dapsone, Promin® , which led leprosy according to the Ridley and Jopling system belong to
to the discovery of the first effective treatment against leprosy that treatment group. The recommended treatment duration for
more than 60 years after the identification of the disease-causing paucibacillary leprosy is 6 months. Patients presenting with I,
agent [54]. TT, and BT leprosy according to the Ridley and Jopling system
Clofazimine, B663 or Lamprene® , is a red/orange phenazine belong to that treatment group [32] (Table 2 and Fig. 4). WHO
which was synthetized in 1956. It was first proposed as a tuber- recommends administering treatment to patients presenting with
culosis treatment, and later its usefulness in the treatment of only one lesion, even though most of them usually recover spon-
leprosy was demonstrated [55]. taneously, because there is no diagnostic method to differentiate
Rifampicin belongs to the rifamycin group and was first used which patients will or will not be cured.
as a tuberculosis treatment, just like all the other leprosy treat- In 1997, WHO recommended treating patients presenting
ments. The first studies supporting the efficacy of rifampicin with only one lesion with a single dose regimen containing
against susceptible M. leprae strains, but also on resistant strains 600 mg of rifampicin, 400 mg of ofloxacin, and 100 mg of
to dapsone, were conducted in 1970 [56]. A daily dose of 600 mg minocycline [64]. This therapeutic strategy was however not
of rifampicin was administered to patients enrolled in the first renewed in the 2012 recommendations.
clinical trials [56], but in 1982 WHO recommended the use of Leprosy relapses are first treated with the standard multidrug
a monthly dose of rifampicin because: (i) “the better efficacy therapy-dosing regimen as patients who have been on the mul-
of the 600 mg daily dose of rifampicin as compared with the tidrug therapy for more than 30 years face a minor risk of
600 mg monthly dose” had not be proven [57,58] and because relapses. Relapses are rather associated with a treatment dura-
(ii) of the need to control the use of rifampicin as it was at the tion, which is not long enough [33]. Trying to identify any
time more expensive than dapsone, but mainly because it was acquired resistance is required when the multidrug therapy is
the most effective (bactericidal activity) agent to treat leprosy. clinically inefficient (see below).

Please cite this article in press as: Reibel F, et al. Update on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy. Med Mal Infect (2015),
MEDMAL-3649; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9

Table 2
Standard multidrug therapy regimens for paucibacillary and multibacillary leprosy in adults and children (WHO recommendation, 2013) [33].
Schémas thérapeutiques préconisés par l’OMS en 2013 dans les lèpres pauci-bacillaire et multi-bacillaire chez les adultes et les enfants [33].
Clinical presentations Population Agents Dosing regimen Treatment duration

Paucibacillary leprosy Adults Rifampicin 600 mg/month 6 months

Dapsone 100 mg/day
Children Rifampicin 450 mg/month 6 months
Dapsone 50 mg/day
Multibacillary leprosy Adults Rifampicin 600 mg/month 12 months
Clofazimine 300 mg/month and 50 mg/day
Dapsone 100 mg/day
Children Rifampicin 450 mg/month 12 months
Clofazimine 150 mg/month and 50 mg/day
Dapsone 50 mg/day

Corticosteroids must be administered to patients presenting

with leprosy reactions because of their anti-inflammatory and
immunomodulatory activity. Treatment duration > 12 weeks is
recommended only if the patient is followed by a specialist.
Treatment duration differs for type 1 and type 2 leprosy reactions

14. Treatment resistance

As M. leprae cannot be cultured in vitro, studying antibiotic

resistance is difficult and available data is limited. Inoculating
the bacillus into the mouse footpad has long been the only avail-
able method to assess the antibiotic susceptibility of a strain; Fig. 5. Molecular detection of resistance in M. leprae strains using the
GenoType Leprae DR (Hain® ) test. Profile 1: rifampicin, oflaxacin and dapsone-
this technique is however long and difficult to perform (1.5 to susceptible strain (WT); profile 2: rifampicin (MUT2), oflaxacin (MUT), and
2 years). dapsone-susceptible strain (WT). Dapsone resistance has not been detected by
The first case of dapsone resistance was reported in 1964 [65]. that test. Gene sequencing is required.
Dapsone resistance is due to mutations of the folP1 gene, which Détection moléculaire des résistances de M. leprae par le test GenoType Leprae
encodes dihydropteroate synthase. This enzyme is involved in DR (Hain® ).
the synthesis of folates [66]. The first cases of rifampicin resis-
tance were reported in 1976, especially in patients previously resistance to leprosy agents. The molecular detection of resis-
treated with a monotherapy [67]. Rifampicin resistance is due tance uses the sequencing of the genes involved in the antibiotic
to mutations of the rpoB gene, which encodes the sub-unit B of mechanism of action: the rpoB gene for rifampicin, the folP
the RNA polymerase [68]. Quinolone resistance is due to muta- gene for dapsone, and the gyrA gene for quinolones [47]. A
tions of the gyrA gene, which encodes the sub-unit A of DNA new test has recently been developed to detect the most frequent
gyrase [69–71]. mutations: GenoType® Leprae DR (Hain) [49]. More easily per-
International data on resistance is very limited and heteroge- formed and less expensive than the mouse inoculation technique,
neous as the rate of resistant strains differs from one study to this test is not limited to reference laboratories and can be used
another, ranging from 4.3% to 41% [72,73]. Previously treated in endemic regions (Fig. 5).
patients are faced with a higher resistance rate than newly diag- Several preventive strategies have been evaluated (BCG
nosed patients (22.6% vs. 5.2%) [74]. Resistance to dapsone primary immunization, BCG immunoprophylaxis and chemo-
is more frequently observed, followed by rifampicin resistance. prevention of “contact patients” of leprosy patients with
Fluoroquinolone resistance is rare and has first been observed antileprosy drugs such as dapsone and rifampicin). None of them
in strains resistant to both dapsone and rifampicin; this is why is currently recommended by WHO as their mid-term effective-
this type of strains is defined as “multidrug resistant” [75]. Mul- ness and suitability to other populations than the one studied
tidrug resistant strains now pose a real threat to the treatment have not been proven [33].
of leprosy. M. leprae strains that are only resistant to fluoro- Leprosy is usually thought of as an old and remote disease but
quinolones [49], with a resistance selection occurring during healthcare professionals should consider leprosy as a diagnosis,
the long-term treatment of other infections, have recently been especially when confronted to patients coming from endemic
observed. The excessive global use of fluoroquinolones could countries and presenting with hypoesthetic skin lesions. Scien-
lead to the greater emergence of such strains. tific research, access to treatment, and preventive strategies must
The development of molecular biology revolutionized the keep on being supported so that every region of the world can
bacteriological diagnosis of leprosy and identification of reach the elimination goal of leprosy.

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10 F. Reibel et al. / Médecine et maladies infectieuses xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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