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Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine:

o The following harmless reactions to DTaP can occur:

o Pain, tenderness, swelling and redness at the shot site are the main side
effects. This happens in 25% of children. It usually starts within the first 12 hours.
Redness and fever starting on day 1 of the shot is always normal. It lasts for 3 to 7

o Fever (in 25% of children) and lasts for 24 to 48 hours

o Mild drowsiness (30%), fretfulness (30%) or poor appetite (10%) and lasts
for 24 to 48 hours.

o Large swelling over 4 inches (10 cm) can follow the later doses of DTaP.
The area of redness is smaller. This usually occurs with the 4th or 5th dose. It occurs in
5% of children. Most children can still move the leg or arm normally.

o The large thigh or upper arm swelling goes away without treatment by day
3 (60%) to day 7 (90%).

o This is not an allergy. Future DTaP vaccines are safe to give.

2. Hemophilus Influenza Type B Vaccine (Hib):

o No serious reactions reported.

o Sore injection site or mild fever only occurs in 2% of children.

3. Hepatitis A Vaccine:

o No serious reactions reported.

o Sore injection occurs in 20% of children.

o Loss of appetite occurs in 10% of children.

o Headache occurs in 5% of children.

o Most often, no fever is present.

o If these symptoms occur, they most often last 1-2 days.

4. Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine (HBV):
o No serious reactions reported.

o Sore shot site occurs in 30% of children and mild fever in 3% of children.

o Fever from the vaccine is rare. Any baby under 2 months with a fever after
this shot should be examined.
5. Influenza Virus Vaccine:

o Pain, tenderness or swelling at the injection site occurs within 6 to 8 hours.

This happens in 10% of children.

o Mild fever under 103° F (39.5° C) occurs in 20% of children. Fevers mainly
occur in young children.

o Nasal Influenza Vaccine: Congested or runny nose, mild fever.

6. Measles Vaccine (part of MMR):

o The measles shot can cause a fever (10% of children) and rash (5% of
children). This occurs about 6 to 12 days after the shot.

o Mild fever under 103° F (39.5°C) in 10% and lasts 2 or 3 days.

o The mild pink rash is mainly on the trunk and lasts 2 or 3 days.

o No treatment is needed. The rash cannot be spread to others. Your child

can go to child care or to school with the rash.

o Call Your Doctor If:

 Rash changes to blood-colored spots

 Rash lasts more than 3 days

7. Meningococcal Vaccine:

o No serious reactions.

o Sore shot site for 1 to 2 days occurs in 50%. Limited use of the arm occurs
in 15% of children.

o Mild fever occurs in 5%, headache in 40% and joint pain in 20%

o The vaccine never causes meningitis.

8. Mumps or Rubella Vaccine (part of MMR):

o There are no serious reactions.

o Sometimes, a sore shot site can occur.

9. Papillomavirus Vaccine:

o No serious reactions.

o Sore injection site for few days in 90%.

o Mild redness and swelling at the shot site (in 50%).

o Fever over 100.4° F (38.0° C) in 10% and fever over 102° F (39° C) in 2%.

o Headache in 30%.
10. Pneumococcal Vaccine:

o No serious reactions.

o Pain, tenderness, swelling or redness at the injection site in 20%.

o Mild fever under 102° F (39° C) in 15% for 1-2 days.

11. Polio Vaccine:

o Polio vaccine given by shot sometimes causes some muscle soreness.

o Polio vaccine given by mouth is no longer used in the U.S.

12. Rotavirus Vaccine:

o Most often, no serious reactions to this vaccine given by mouth.

o Mild diarrhea or vomiting for 1 to 2 days in 3%.

o No fever.

o Rare serious reaction: intussusception. Risk is 1 in 100,000 (CDC).

Presents with vomiting or severe crying.
13. BCG Vaccine for Tuberculosis (TB):
o Vaccine used to prevent TB in high-risk groups or countries. It is not used
in the US or most of Canada. Note: This is different than the skin test placed on the
forearm to detect TB.

o BCG vaccine is given into the skin of the right shoulder area.

o Timing: Mainly given to infants and young children.

o Normal reaction: After 6 to 8 weeks, a blister forms. It gradually enlarges

and eventually drains a whitish yellow liquid. The blister then heals over leaving a scar.
The raised scar is proof of BCG protection against TB.

o Abnormal reaction: Abscess (infected lump) occurs in the shoulder or

under the arm. Occurs in 1% of patients.

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