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HD-U6A configurations

1. Copy the files from the CD to your computer's hard drive, open the folder, click the icon to run the
application for debugging.

2. Each one of the LED display has a program in CD that had already set up display configurations, you won’t have to do it
again, so, run the application, add any program.

3. Program Properties, Font, Size, Font style, 3D effect, Borders, Background.

4. Added, Click first to preview, revise it if no satisfy, plug USB storage device, click to export

5. Plug the USB Disk in monitor, it will pop up on screen in normal, display "OK" loaded successful, then plug out USB Disk,
LED display normally displays in a way of the configurations. Programs updated complete.
HD-U6A 调屏方法

1. 把 CD 中的文件 完整复制到电脑上,在电脑上打开该文件夹,点击里面的图标 打开程序,开始


2. 每个 LED 显示屏配送的 CD 里的程序都是已经对应该显示屏设置好屏参的,不需要再另行设置,所以打开程


3. 按用户喜好修改节目属性,修改字体,字号,文字特效,3D 效果,有无边框,背景等。

4. 添加完毕,可以先点 预览一下大概效果,不满意再返回修改。完成在电脑上插入 U 盘,点

导出文件到 U 盘。

5. 从电脑上拿下 U 盘再插入显示屏上,正常读取显示屏上会显示 USB 字样,读取完成显示 OK 字样,然后拿下

U 盘,显示屏正常显示调试好的内容,更新节目完成。

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