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Name: Robeme M.

Espinosa BSEd- English IVeutuiioy7gukgukyu

Date: August 09, 2018

Assignment # 1
English and American Literature History

1. How is the history of America reflected in the literature?

In order to truly understand literary modernism, it's important to take a look at a little
U.S. history. Around the turn of the century, this country saw a shift as a result of
industrialization. Cities began to grow and technology suddenly had the power to
change everything. This is when realism in literature began, which, in basic terms,
was a literary movement that produced (for the first time) writing that reflected the
very real lives of the working class. In that sense, literature was already beginning to
It was 1914, however, that marked a very important change - something began that
ultimately sent the world into a tailspin. It was World War I - the first war of mass
destruction. A war in which many nations saw their best and brightest young men die.
Although U.S. involvement in battle was limited to just over a year, the country
mobilized itself for true worldwide conflict, raised money and whatever else would
help, supported allied powers and prepared over four million personnel for battle.
A youth culture emerged - one in which free expression and a deliberate break from
tradition became defining characteristics. While America continued to evolve and
change (the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote, and the stock market
crash of 1929 changed everything), modernism in American literature continued to
reflect varying experiences with change from 1914-1945.

2. How does the literature reflect American idealism?

First, American literature reflects beliefs and traditions that come from the nation’s
frontier days. The pioneer ideals of self-reliance and independence appears again and
again in American writings. American authors have great respect for the value and
importance of the individual. They tend to reject authority and to emphasize democracy
and the equality of people. They often celebrate nature and a sense of boundless space.
Second, American writers have always had a strong tendency to break with literary
tradition and strike out their awn directions. Writers of other counties seem to absorb
their national literary traditions. But many authors have rejected the old in order to create
something new.
Third, a lively streak of humor runs through American literature from earliest times to the
present. In many cases, a dash of salty humor saves a serious theme from becoming too
sentimental. American humor tends to be exaggerated rather than subtle. It reflects the
people’s ability to laugh at themselves even during the most difficult times.

important people of American literature

3. How is the style of American literature unique in form?

 Emphasis on bold experimentation in style and form, reflecting the fragmentation

of society. (ex. There is no resolution in “A Worn Path”)
 Rejection of traditional themes and subjects. Loss of faith in religion and society.
 Sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American Dream. (ex. Nick and
Gatsby from “The Great Gatsby”)

4. What are the responsibilities of effective writers?

Attention to Detail
Great writers are observers, always taking mental notes and noting subtle changes around
them. This attention to detail not only makes them fantastic editors who can spot the
smallest grammatical error during a read-through, but it adds a special touch to their
writing, too. No descriptive detail gets left behind.
Writers who excel are familiar with frustration because re-writes, edits, and
improvements all come by maintaining a disciplined approach to writing. Great writers
are devoted to constantly re-evaluating their work, no matter how small the task may be.
They focus on their craft and are constantly working to get better through intense
An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear
language that's quickly and easily understood by others. This valuable quality helps them
tackle even the densest subject matter by breaking it down into uncomplicated pieces.
Strong Vocabulary
No one likes to read the same words over and over again, so a strong, robust vocabulary
is an asset to any good writer. Incorporating interesting and unusual words into their
writing, this skill helps them maintain a reader's interest and allows them to communicate
more effectively by accessing the perfect word for any situation.
Open to Changes
Being open to external edits and suggestions is key for exceptional writers because it
enables them to improve their writing, even though it might damage their ego in the
meantime. Open-mindedness allows them to see their work through the eyes of others
and improve weak points.
Passion for Reading
Voracious readers often make great writers, because being immersed in a world of words
helps one better understand the nuts and bolts of writing (like syntax, tone, framing, etc.)
The more one reads, the more learned he/she becomes on all of the different writing tools
and stylistic angles that exist.

5. What are the traits of strong academic writing?

Academic writing in English is linear, which means it has one central point or theme with
every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digressions or repetitions.
Its objective is to inform rather than entertain. As well as this it is in the standard written
form of the language. There are ten main features of academic writing that are often
discussed. Academic writing is to some extent: complex, formal, objective, explicit,
hedged, and responsible. It uses language precisely and accurately. It is also well
organised and planned.
Written language is relatively more complex than spoken language. Written language has
longer words, it is lexically denser and it has a more varied vocabulary. It uses more
noun-based phrases than verb-based phrases. Written texts are shorter and the language
has more grammatical complexity, including more subordinate clauses and more
Academic writing is relatively formal. In general this means that in an essay you should
avoid colloquial words and expressions.
In academic writing, facts and figures are given precisely.
Written language is in general objective rather than personal. It therefore has fewer words
that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the main emphasis should be on the
information that you want to give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you.
For that reason, academic writing tends to use nouns (and adjectives), rather than verbs
(and adverbs).
Academic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text. Furthermore, it is the
responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to the reader how the various parts
of the text are related. These connections can be made explicit by the use of different
signaling words.
Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have words with narrow
specific meanings. Linguistics distinguishes clearly between "phonetics" and
"phonemics"; general English does not.
In any kind of academic writing you do, it is necessary to make decisions about your
stance on a particular subject, or the strength of the claims you are making. Different
subjects prefer to do this in different ways.
A technique common in certain kinds of academic writing is known by linguists as a
In academic writing you must be responsible for, and must be able to provide evidence
and justification for, any claims you make. You are also responsible for demonstrating
an understanding of any source texts you use.
Academic writing is well organised. It flows easily from one section to the next in a
logical fashion. A good place to start is the genre of your text. Once you have decided
on the genre, the structure is easily determined..
Academic writing is well planned. It usually takes place after research and evaluation,
according to a specific purpose and plan.

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