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Financial Literacy 12th

Title of Unit Grade Level

Social Science March 2019
Subject Time Frame
Ashley Bell
Developed By

Desired Results

In this unit we will explore the financial cost and responsibilities of life. Students will learn the concepts of scarcity through needs vs. wants
activity and develop budget making skills. Using various income levels students will learn how state and federal taxes are determined and use
prior knowledge to connect taxes to local government, school, and housing within the Philadelphia area. Students will apply knowledge of
budgeting and taxes to compare and contrast apartment/housing rates in different areas of Philadelphia. At the end of the unit students will use
all financial literacy knowledge learned to complete their economics project which is a deep exploration into the true cost of life based on the
scenario randomly assigned to them.

Established Goals
Students will learn about relevant financial skills i.e such as creating a budget, calculating taxes, renting an apartment, and purchasing a car,
that will aid them in their adult lives.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want
students to understand & be able to use several years from now)
What misunderstandings are predictable?
1. How to effectively create a monthly budget based on annual 1. What is wealth?
salary. 2. How does one build income equity?
2. How to maintain monthly budget and build personal savings. 3. What is the true cost of life?
3. Owning and leasing a house or car is subjective and not every
life style can maintain those responsibilities.

Performance Task

Students will participate in daily class discussions in which they will be assessed on their contributions and use of prior knowledge.
Students will also complete daily assigned independent or group activity.

Other Evidence

Students will also be assessed through daily exit tickets, quizzes, homework assignments, and participation in group assigned work to demonstrate
their knowledge of financial literacy skill learned and essential question.

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