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Courtney Krueger

Halves Lesson Plan

Context of lesson​: Halves
Grade level of lesson​: 1st Grade
Lesson concept (big idea)​: Using understanding of fractions to partition shapes into halves and
how that can be applied to life
Essential question that your lesson will answer​: Can you use fractions to partition shapes into
halves and can it be applied to everyday life?
Lesson objective​: TSWBT partition shapes into halves and explain how they can use this in their

State standard/Common Core standard: ​Use understanding of fractions to partition shapes

into halves

Materials Needed: ​paper shapes, box of graham crackers (enough so each student in the class
can get one)

-Bring in box of​ ​graham crackers
-Hold one up and break it in half. Then give each half to a student
-Repeat until all students have one

Transition: When I split the graham cracker, I broke it into two equal parts. Each part is called
one half

Concept Development:
-Hold up large sheet of paper, ask students how many parts it has (1)
-Fold paper in half, ask students how many parts it has (2)
-Are these parts the same? (yes, 1 fits exactly on top of the other)
-Take another sheet of paper and fold it into unequal parts, are these parts equal? (no- they don’t
-Explain that when a whole is divided into two equal parts, each part is called one half. Write the
words and the fractions ½ on the board.
-If you fold something in half can one part be bigger than the other? Why or why not? (no, if it is
cut in half, both parts must be equal)

Transition: There are many times in our lives where we have to take half of something.
-When has there been a time where you’ve had to split something in half?
-Examples: When you want to share something with someone

-Give students paper shapes, have them fold it into two equal parts and then color 1 part blue.
-Have them write down one way they can use halves in their lives

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