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REVIEW The historical review given in this section is baséil on information given in several texts on the theory of plasticity (1~4). Perhaps the first reference in the history of plasticity ean be attributed to Coulomb (1773), who proposed a yield criterion for solids such as scils. Subsequently, Renkine (1853) applied Coulomb's concept to problems of the calculation of easth pressures on ‘retaining walls. However, Tresca is regarded as the first one to perform scientific study of the plasticity of metals. He published the results on punch- ing and extrusion of metals in 1864 and formulated his famous yield criterion, Subsequently, in 1870, Saint-Venant applied Tresca’s yicld criterion to de- termine stresses in a partly plastic eylinder subjected to torsion or bending. Levy, in 1871, adopting Saint-Venant’s concept of ideal plasticity, proposed a tihree-dimensional relationship between stress and plastic strain. rate. von ‘Mises, who independently proposed equations similar to Levy's, suggested a vield criterion in 1913 on the basis of mathematical considerations. Ruess (1930) made an allowance for elastic strains (°"">wing an earlier suggestion by Prandit (1-4). However, a unified theory be... 10 evolve only around 1945, Since that time a considerable amount of work has been done in this area. For 2 detailed history of this review, the reader is referred to the text by Hill 1). ‘There are iwo major aspects that constitute the theory of a) the yield eteion”and-(O7postaeld Behavior. In subsequent sections thes. two aspects are considered in dei os YIELD CRITERIA ‘The yield criterion can be defined as the limit of elastic deformations expressed ca ganar aaiared cas acide igemaaia a sea Bg viel ed: for instance, quantities such as mes: sures of uniaxial compressive stress or uniaxial tensile siress. However, smulaiial states ig becomes complicated. and a mathematical experimental observations, Original experimental work was done on metals. and hence the development of this subject started with metal plasticity. In this chapter some of the yield criteria developed for metals will be discussed first. In_view. of-the. complexities involved in.the yielding of materials under three-dimensional states of stress, i is convenient ta define a scala function, F, as the yield criterion, That is, Fe F(44.0225953+ 120295913) (9-1) In the most general case, F will be a function of ail six components of the stress tensor. If the material is assumed to be homogeneous, this function is valid everywhere in the material. Equation (9-1) can also be expressed in terms of the principal stresses and their directions (8). That is, F = F(o,.03. 630MM.) (92) ilere ay, 63, and oy are the principal stresses, and m,n, and my are their direction cosines (Chapter 4), txpraioninvating al te tee t oles aed ESR a mathematical expression. known a5 the yield criverion, has to be done based on tidal Equation (9-1).can-be complicated. as the yield criterion is dependent op 2 six quantities. This can be simplified if an assumption made regarding ‘material properties. If we assume thal the material is isotropic, it does not hhave any prefersed directions. Therefore, she veld criterion ia Eq-(9.2\can he expressed only in (érms of principal stresses. That is, for an isotopic material, (F=F(0,.0258)) > (9-3) ‘This can also be expressed more GoiivEniénily in terms ofthe invasiamts of the stress tensor as follows: Fe FI Jyh) (9-4) where J, 4, and J, are the invariants of the stress tensor as defined in Chap- ter 4, ‘The influence of hydostatc sess on the plastic deformations has been found to be negligible for many metals. Bridgeman's experiments (6) have shown that the inerease in shear modulus when the mean pressure was inereased from zero to 10* atm was only 2.5% for coiled steel, and 1.8% for nickel, The experimental results of Bridgeman (6) have also shown that volumetric deformations of 8 neaporous solid can be assumed to be elastic. In fact. the volumetric strains experienced by most metals have been found to be very small in the working range of pressures. Experimental evidence shows that the yielding of a metal is not affected significantly by moderate hydrostatic pressure, either applied alone or superim- posed on a state of combined stress. Some supporting ths fact can be found in the text by to the conclusion that the yield eriterion ‘only om the state ‘of the deviatoric stress. Therefore. the yield function in Eq, (9-4) can be ‘expressed in terms of the invariants of the deviatoric stress tensor a5 Fl Jap. typ) =0 (8-5) Here Ji and Sop are the second and third invariants of the deviatoric stress tensor, respectively. In a subsequent section, some yield criteria in metal plasticity will be discussed, and it will be shown that those criteria are related {wo the quantities of the deviatoric sizess tensor. In the next section, represens- tion of yield criteria in a three-dimensional frame of reference is described. mnt 4.5.2 Critétios de Escoamento Para 0 caso de corpos submeticos a um estado Uniaxial de tensoes, a detertinagio da tensfio que ‘conclu a0 escoamento é imediata, a partir de ensai- 65 cle tragio ou compressio axial, comentemente tealjzados em laborat6tio para a maioria dos materi- ais de construcio. Assim, neste caso, para se saber se haverd ou no escoamento em um certo ponto de um compo cartegado, basta que se compare a tensio atuante neste ponto com o limite de escoa- ‘mento, obtido em laboratério. Qual deveria ser, en- luetanto, © procedimento para tum estado mitiplo dle lenses? Como, por exemplo, considerando-se tensio de escoamento definiia a partie de um en- sao de compresso simples, poder-se-ia veriicar se ‘corte ot niio 0 escoamento em unt ponto de um corpo submetido a um esiado twiaxial de tenses? Para resolver este problema, foram enunciados, a partir do final do século XVII, os critérios (ou tecri- as) de escoamento, Eles simplesmente formuilam, com base ei experimentos, relagbes entre a tensio de escoamento obtida em ensaios de tragio ou com> pressto simples ¢, ¢ fungdes ou variive's associa Alas a0 estado mltiplo dle tensdes, 4. Teoria da Malor Tensio Normal ou Teoria de Rankine Esta teoria estabelece que ocorrext o escoumento sempre que uma das tenses prineipats for igual 2 Kensio de escoamento na compressio simples 0,, ‘0u 3 tensio de escoamento na tragio simples 6, Assim, para o estado plano de tensdes, ‘es que catacterizam © e5c =F, 76, onde 6, © G, slo a maior ¢ a menor tensio prin cipal, respectivamente. A Pigura 4.15 representa gralicamente a teoria de Rankine Fo. fig. Te Sout cat o epresentagio grfica da teoris de Ranking

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