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Sr. Content Page no. Teacher’s

no. sign
1. Write a program to display abc. 1

2. Write a program to find the greatest of two 1

3. Write a program to find the area of rectangle 1
4. Write a program to find the area of circle. 2
5. Write a program to find the simple interest. 3
6. Write a program of ifelse nesting 3
7. Write a program of ifelse test 5
8. Write a program of iftest 6
9. Write a program to fInd the sum of 1 to 100 7
natural numbers by using while loop.
10. Write a program to find the sum of 1 to 10 8
natural numbers by using do while loop.
11. Write a program to find the sum of 1 to 10 9
natural numbers by using for loop
12. Write a program of type casting. 10
13. Write a program to display right angle 11
triangle by using *.
14. Write a program by using classes, objects and 12
command line arguments.
15. Write a program to implement method 14

16. Write a program with the parameterized 15

constructor and methods to initialize instance
17. Write a program of constructor overloading. 18
18. Write a program to calculate area of rectangle 20
using classes and objects.
19. Write a program to calculate the sum and 21
difference of two given distances.
20. Write a program to convert the temperature 23
from Fahrenheit to celcius by using
temperature conversion
21. Write a program to demonstrate use of 24
22. Write a program by using ‘super ‘ keyword 26
with instance variables.
23. Write a program to refer to a method of base 26
class with super keyword
24. Write a program to call the constructor of 28
base class by using ‘super’.
25. . Write a program to call the constructor of 30
base class with the super().
26. Write a program using Multi level 32
27. Write a program using method overriding 35
28. Write a program using method overriding. 36
29. Write a program using dynamic method 37
30. Write a program to demonstrate use of ‘final’ 39
31. Write a program that showing error in case of 39
overriding ‘final’ method.
32. Write a program that showing error in case of 41
creating subclass of final class.
33. Write a program that ‘initializing final’ 42
variable through constructor
34. Write a program to demonstrate use of 43
‘abstract’ class
35. Write a program using interface (simple 44
36. Write a program using interface with static 45
and default methods.
37. Write a program to assign and display the 46
values of an array.
38. Write a program to accept and print 10 47
values by using array.
39. Write a program to find smallest and largest 48
values by using array.
40. Write a program to print the elements of an 51
array in reverse order.
41. Write a program to compute And display 51
number of students based on marks
42. Write a program to create, assign and display 54
the values of 2D array.
43. Write a program to Add, subtract and 55
multiply two matrices.
44. Write a program to demonstrate a 3-d array. 59
45. Write a program to demonstrate an array of 60
46. Write a program with by using commonly 62
used string methods.
47. Write a program by using objects and 63
methods of stringBuffer class

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