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Assignment 2

Name: Waseem Akram

Class: BBA 2C
Subject: Case Incident 2
Sir: Muhammad Akram
Q What changes in employment relationships are likely to occur as population

The relationship between age and core task performance are essentially will
according to the empirical evidence but I believe that this elicits a problem due to
the different school of thoughts between the two generations. Companies hiring
Independent Contractors. Reduced hours and flexible schedules. As the workforce
ages it is likely that companies will look to other options such as outsourcing make
jobs more flexible.

Q Do you think increasing age diversity will create new challenges for managers?
What types of challenges do you expect will be most profound?

Finding a way to balance motivation in the workplace. This is because what
motivates a younger person will not necessarily motivate an older person.
Managers will need to find a way to balance this when dealing with age diversity.
Problem of how to form a cohesive workplace by bridging the gap between the
older and younger workers.

Q How can organizations cope with differences related to age discrimination in

the workplace?

By implementing strategies that place older people in positions best suited to
their ability without stereotyping them. Organizations need to look for ways to
make technology more friendly to older people as this can enhance the workplace
experience for an older population. Ensure that the reward system is based on
performance and not tenure.
Q What types of policies might lead to charges of age discrimination and How can
these policies be changed to eliminate these problems?

Not employing mature workers because it’s assumed that they’ll soon retire.
Not interviewing someone because they are too old to ‘fit in’ with other staff.
Making choices during layoffs, or forcing someone to retire, because of their age.
Advertising for someone to join a “dynamic, young team”.
1. Biased comments 2. Comparisons • Equal opportunity policy that helps staff 3.
Disparate discipline understand their rights and responsibilities. 4. Promotions •
Pair workers of different ages .Workers 5. Favoritism of any age can pass on their
experience and help others develop through their unique knowledge and skills. 6.
Hiring younger employees 7. Suddenly stupid 8. Harassment 9. But the boss is older
• Fire an employee on the basis of his performance not on the basis of his age.

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