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Snooze for Gmail

As a power Gmail User I don’t want to get distracted by the Blast of incoming emails during my
working hours rather I want to process all those emails sometime later or after working hours.
In order to solve this user pain point we are introducing “Snooze feature” which will allow power
Gmail users to hide all the incoming emails for specified period of time and work without any
distraction. All the snoozed emails will come back to the top of the inbox when the user wants
“Snooze feature” will help power Gmail users to be more productive and efficient on how they
use Gmail.
1. Only 10% of the total Gmail users are Power Gmail users
2. All power Gmail users knows in and out about Gmail and they are used to configure
Gmail in settings.
High Level product Definition
Process Input:
Inflow of Emails
Process output:
Emails getting snoozed based on whether snooze feature is ON/OFF.
When an email is sent by a user it goes to Gmail server. Before sending that email to the
receiver’s email id there should be 2 checks at the server
1. If for receiver’s Gmail (Desktop) the snooze feature is activated or not.
2. From which email id the email is coming from
 If the snooze is activated then the email should be redirected to the new
Snooze Folder
 If the snooze is not activated then the email should go directly to the
Inbox folder
 If the snooze is activated and the email id from which the email is coming
is mentioned in exception, then the email should go directly to the Inbox
Receivers Gmail should also check for snooze time and day

 If the snooze time is over, it should switch OFF the snooze and move
emails from snoozed folder to the inbox
 User should receive a Notification once the snooze is off.
 Based on the rules set in Snooze, Gmail should check when to switch
snooze ON/OFF
 Snooze time cannot be a past time. It should always be greater than
current time.
Core Components and User Flow
1. Gmail Home page
 Tom (power user of Gmail) click on the settings Icon on Gmail homepage
2. Gmail Settings Page
 Tom clicks on new Snooze tab in settings and snooze form opens up
3. Snooze Tab in settings
 Tom sets all the rules in the snooze form and clicks save to activate it
Details on User Flow Steps
1. Gmail Home Page
 New Snoozed folder below Inbox folder
 A notification or Snooze Icon should come at the top when snooze feature is
2. Gmail Settings page
 New Snooze tab inside Gmail Settings Page
 On Click snooze form should open up
3. Snooze tab in settings
 3 radio buttons(Only one can be selected) to snooze incoming emails
o For Next number hours OR
o Until Tomorrow Time OR
o create custom rules
 When user select create custom rule
o User can add multiple custom rules
o Inside rules
 User can select from Time , to Time
 User can also select the day/days he/she wants the snooze
feature to get activated automatically
o Two rules should not overlap.
o Checkbox to select among multiple rules
o Allow user to Change the name of any rule (For Eg. Work mode)
 Exception
o User can add Email Id or Email Keywords for which snooze will not
work and all such emails will go directly to Inbox
 Activate button to Switch ON Snooze
 Once the snooze is activated, the active button should change to deactivate
In order to measure the success of this feature two key metric needs to be tracked

 % of Users using “Snooze feature”

 % of Users clicking on Snooze Notification to check snoozed emails
 % of Users actually opening snoozed emails
 Track Net Promotor Score (NPS). NPS tells about user satisfaction. NPS
should improve for all those segment of users who are using “Snooze
Product Performance
Addition of new snooze feature should not degrade the performance of Gmail

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