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ENGLISH TEST Module 4 Group 1

1.Circle the correct answer

1.1 My Spanish is __________ than my French.
a.bad b.worse c the worst

1.2 Roosevelt street is __________ than East street

a.long b.longer c.more longer

1.3 Shoes are ___________ than clothes.

a.cheaper b.more cheap c.more cheaper

1.4 Last week was __________ than this one.

a.cold b.colder c. coldest

1.5 Matt’s book was ___________ than Lina’s book.

a.more interesting b.most interesting c.interesting

2. Write sentences using the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives.
2.1. Skopje/ polluted/ Ohrid.
2.2 He sold/small/book in the book store.

2.3 Mary /short/Eva.

2.4 The clock / cheap / the watch.

2.5 My brother/good/driver in the world.


3. Circle the correct answer

3.1 The cheese in France is great. It’s __________ cheese in the world.
A .good b. better c. the best
3.2 Please be quiet Lory. You are the __________ child in the classroom.
a. louder b. loudest c. the loud
3.3 We love that restaurant. It’s ____________ restaurant in city.
a. most popular b.popularest c. the most popular
3.4 Ben is the _____________ boy in the class. He is 1.7m tall.
a.most tall b. the taller c. tallest
3.5 The koala is _______________ animal in the world. It sleeps 18-22
hoirs a day
a. the laziest b.lazy c.lazier

4. Write sentences using “be going to” for future

4.1 I/call/my mother
4.2 Emi and Mat/not sing/a new song together.
4.3 My friends/listen to music ?
4.4 Mila/go/ to the disco?
4.5They/not walk/ to the bus stop.

5. Underline the correct possessive pronouns

5.1Jane has already eaten her lunch , but I'm saving mine; yours; his; until later.

5.2My pencil is broken. Can I borrow his; yours; mine.

5.3My mobile needs to be fixed, but ours; mine; his; is working.

5.4My computer is a Mac, but mine; yours; its; is a PC.

5.5We gave them ours; yours; theirs; telephone number, and they gave us ours;
yours; theirs;.

6.Translate the following words

Modern inventions , electric toothbrush, washing machine, Fridge


Name:________________________________ Date:___________________

Total points: ________________/100 Grade:________________________

Good Luck

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