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Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

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Sodium bicarbonate salts for the control of postharvest black rot disease in T
yellow pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus)
Rosa Vilaplana∗, Patricia Alba, Silvia Valencia-Chamorro
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering and Agro-Industry, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Quito,


Keywords: Black rot caused by Alternaria alternata in yellow pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) is a significant postharvest
Alternaria alternata disease that is difficult to control. Sodium bicarbonate (SBC) treatments were tested in order to incorporate them
GRAS compounds into an integrated disease management program and to reduce postharvest use of synthetic fungicide. The
Disease control control of black rot on fruit treated with 298 mM (2.5%) sodium bicarbonate (SBC) was superior to that resulting
Sensory quality
from other SBC treatments on fruit examined after 21 d at 12 °C plus 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C. Treatment with
298 mM reduced weight loss, retained color and firmness, slowed changes in total soluble solids, titratable acid
content, and pH of yellow pitahaya during storage and shelf-life. After storage, the general appearance of fruit
treated with 298 mM SBC was significantly better than that of those treated with imazalil or non-treated fruit.
Treatment with 298 mM SBC is potentially useful in controlling postharvest black rot in yellow pitahaya without
harming its sensory quality.

1. Introduction include depressed water-soaked injuries with olive to black powdery

stains coexisting with soft rot (Qin and Tian, 2004).
Yellow pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) is a valuable agricultural Currently, synthetic fungicides, such as imazalil, are commonly used
commodity in Ecuador which, in recent years, has emerged as an or- to control diseases that affect yellow pitahaya (Vilaplana et al., 2017).
namental and fruit crop with high commercial value. This exotic sub- However, environmental impact and the proliferation of resistant
tropical, climacteric fruit (Osuna Enciso et al., 2011; Rodríguez et al., strains have awakened public consciousness about the injurious effects
2005) with yellow peel, is very attractive in appearance when fresh of fungicides on human health (Gamagae et al., 2004; Obagwu and
(Mizrahi, 2014). It has bracteoles that are small salient formations; its Korsten, 2003; Palou et al., 2002).
pulp has a sweet-sour characteristic flavor, with delicate aroma and In the last few years, there has been an increased interest in finding
taste, and copious small black seeds evenly dispersed in the tissue (Li alternative control methods that would be efficient against pathogens;
et al., 2017). Yellow pitahaya seeds contain essential oleic and linoleic among those being studied are hot water dips, at 50 °C for 2 min on
fatty acids that play important roles in reducing cholesterol, activating yellow pitahaya (Vilaplana et al., 2017) as well as safe chemicals like
the digestive function and preventing colon cancer, and diabetes food preservatives (Gamagae et al., 2003). Selected inorganic and or-
(Ariffin et al., 2009). ganic salts have also been extensively used in the food industry as active
One constraint in yellow pitahaya is that it has a short postharvest antimicrobial agents. Carbonic salts such as sodium bicarbonate (SBC,
life due to accelerated ripening caused by high respiration and weight NaHCO3) are readily accessible, can be used without serious risk of
loss. The dehydration of fruit is perceptible eight days following harvest damage to the fruit, and are inexpensive and less cumbersome in con-
(Ali et al., 2013; Chutichudet and Chutichudet, 2011), and signs include trast to other non-chemical alternatives such as heat treatments and
browning and necrosis of the skin (Serna Cock et al., 2013). Further- biological control (De Costa and Gunawardhana, 2012). SBC exhibits a
more, the pitahaya fruit was reported to be seriously vulnerable to broad spectrum of antifungal activity (Karabulut et al., 2001), is gen-
several complex diseases caused by fungi, such as A. alternata, that erally acknowledged as safe to use (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug
cause serious postharvest losses (Ortiz-Hernández and Carrillo-Salazar, Administration (Palou et al., 2001), and is also presented as being ex-
2012; Rita et al., 2013). This fungus usually infects lesions on ripe fruit empt from residue tolerance on all agricultural commodities
with high water activity during postharvest periods and the symptoms (Larrigaudière et al., 2002).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Vilaplana).
Received 5 March 2018; Received in revised form 7 August 2018; Accepted 13 August 2018
0261-2194/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Vilaplana et al. Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

Although, there is extensive literature describing the effect of SBC in stored at 12 °C for 21 d (relative humidity RH = 80%), plus 5 d at 20 °C
reducing postharvest decay, mainly on citrus fruit (Smilanick et al., (RH = 85%) to simulate marketing period (shelf-life). The diameter of
1999; Youssef et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2013) such as apples (Conway lesions were measured on a daily basis in order to obtain rot dynamics
et al., 2005), pears (Lai et al., 2015), melons (Aharoni et al., 1997) and information. The results, representing presence of decay, were labeled
bananas (Alvindia et al., 2004; De Costa and Gunawardhana, 2012), to as severity (mm) produced by A. alternata HP13 and the experiment
our knowledge, this is the first time this method has been used on was repeated twice.
yellow pitahaya in order to control black rot during storage and shelf-
life periods. With the purpose of using alternative methods to improve
the quality of yellow pitahaya during postharvest, a series of experi- 2.4. Effect of SBC treatments on the postharvest physicochemical quality of
ments were carried out to compare the effects of several SBC treatments yellow pitahaya
to the action of chemical fungicides, on the development of black rot
caused by A. alternata. Moreover, upon the completion of this study, it In order to evaluate the effect of SBC on the postharvest quality
was possible to determine if these SBC treatments affected the physi- parameters of yellow pitahaya, freshly harvested fruit was artificially
cochemical and sensory quality of yellow pitahaya during the post- inoculated, treated and stored as described above. Weight loss, color,
harvest period and shelf-life. firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and pH were
the physicochemical parameters assessed. Quality parameters were
2. Materials and methods tested on twenty fruit specimens for each treatment, and performed at
room temperature (about 20 °C), before treatment (0 d) and after 7, 14
2.1. Fruit and pathogen inoculum and 21 d of cold storage at 12 °C, plus 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C (26 d).
The experiment was repeated twice. The yellow pitahaya were weighed
Yellow pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus) were obtained early in (Boeco, model BBA-51, Germany) before treatment (A) and after 7, 14,
the morning from a commercial orchard located in the Pedro Vicente 21 d of storage at 12 °C plus 5 d at 20 °C (B), and weight loss was cal-
Maldonado canton, Pichincha, Ecuador, and were rapidly transferred to culated as [(A-B)/A] x 100 (Zhou et al., 2002) and expressed as a
the postharvest laboratory. Upon arrival, the fruit to be used was se- percentage (%). Surface color evaluations (L*, a*, b*) were obtained
lected based on the uniformity of its size (161 ± 14.1 g of mass) and from the middle section of intact fruit with a Minolta Chroma Meter
color (mature green-index 4), absence of physical injuries, and were (model CR-200, Osaka, Japan) using CIE illuminant C lighting condi-
then randomly divided into lots of 20 pitahayas each. tions and an 8 mm-diameter measuring area. Changes in color were
A. alternata strain HP13 was isolated from infected yellow pitahaya labeled as Luminosity (L*), and Saturation [(a*)2 + (b*)2]1/2, that
fruit in the laboratory of the Food Science and Biotecnology defines the brightness and intensity of the color and Hue angle [Tan−1
Department of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Quito, Ecuador) and (b*/a*)] (López and Gómez, 2004). Flesh (pulp) firmness (N) was
identified by DNA amplification of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) measured at two points of the middle section of each individual fruit
region (results not shown). It was cultivated in a potato dextrose agar sample using a penetrometer (Effegi, Milan, Italy) fitted with an 8 mm
medium (PDA) (Difco™, Le Pont de Claix, France) and incubated at diameter flat tip. The juice of five pitahayas was used for measuring TSS
25 °C for 10 d. Its virulence was tested in a previous study (Valencia- and TA. The percentage of TSS was determined by measuring the re-
Chamorro et al., 2016). The spores were removed from the culture fractive index of a few drops of the juice using a digital refractometer
surface, suspended in 5 mL of sterile distilled water containing 0.05% (Atago PAL-alpha, Japan). Data were expressed in percentage terms (g
(v/v) Tween 80, and filtered through four layers of sterile cheesecloth 100 g−1 fresh weight) (Larrigaudière et al., 2002). TA was determined
in order to remove any adhered mycelia. Spore concentration of A. in a mixture containing 5 mL of juice, 50 mL H2O and 0.1% phe-
alternata HP13 was determined using a hemocytometer adjusted to 105 nolphthalein, which was titrated with 0.1 M NaOH to a pH end-point of
conidia mL−1 after adding sterile distilled water. 8.1. Acidity was expressed in grams of citric acid per liter of juice
(Wright and Kader, 1997). Tissue pH was established using an elec-
2.2. Sodium bicarbonate tronic pH Meter (Fisher Scientific AB150, USA).

Different concentrations of 119 mM (1.0%), 179 mM (1.5%),

298 mM (2.5%) and 357 mM (3.0%) of SBC (LAQUIN CIA. LTDA, Quito, 2.5. Effect of SBC treatment on postharvest sensory quality of yellow
Ecuador) at pH 8.3–8.4, were used in this study. pitahaya

2.3. Curative activity of SBC on yellow pitahaya This study was conducted with non-inoculated fruit. The sensory
quality of fruit subjected to the most effective SBC treatment was
Following harvest, fruit was washed with sodium hypochlorite 5% compared to control fruit (CK) and fruit treated with imazalil (F). These
pH 7.5 (Fast Concentrated Chlorite, Quito, Ecuador) for 2 min, rinsed results were evaluated by 12 semi-trained judges who were familiar
with tap water, and allowed to air-dry at room temperature (Vilaplana with the sensory qualities of yellow pitahaya, just after treatment (0 d),
et al., 2017). and after 7, 14 and 21 d of storage at 12 °C. Judges rated general ap-
Surface-disinfected yellow pitahaya was punctured once in the mid- pearance regarding fruit freshness, base on a 5-point hedonic scale,
section of the fruit with a sterile steel rod. The puncture was 3 mm deep where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent quality. For this test, nine fruit
and 3 mm wide. An aqueous suspension of A. alternata HP13 (15 μL) at samples from each treatment were selected and grouped (three samples
105 conidia mL−1 was applied to each wound and allowed to dry for 2 h in each group), and samples were presented to judges on trays labeled
(Zhang et al., 2007). Puncture-inoculated fruit was divided into six with 3-digit random codes.
groups: i) CK (Control group): non-treated; ii) F: sprayed with imazalil Flavor, sweetness, sourness and off-flavor were also evaluated by
synthetic fungicide (0.4 g L−1) until whole surface area is covered; the judges based on a 5 point hedonic scale where 1 = absence of, and
rest of treatments were immersed in a SBC dip for 1 min at iii) 119 mM, 5 = presence of. Eleven fruit samples from each treatment were chosen
iv) 179 mM, v) 298 mM and vi) 357 mM. The yellow pitahaya were then for this test, their ends were cut, and then they were peeled, and sliced.
immersed in 30 L of room temperature (20 °C) SBC water solutions. The Three slices, from each treatment, were served to panelists on separate
fruit: water ratio was (w/v) 1:5. trays randomly labeled with 3-digit codes. Water was provided for
Twenty yellow pitahaya constituted a replicate in each treatment palate rinsing between samples.
and each test was replicated four times. After treatment, all fruit was

R. Vilaplana et al. Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

2.6. Statistical Analysis 2008; Zhu et al., 2013). Palou et al. (2002) found that the reduction of
green and blue molds was 40–60% on mandarins dipped for 60 or 150 s
Severity, quality and sensorial parameters of fruit were subjected to in 238 or 357 mM SBC solutions at room temperature, after 7 d of sto-
analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Statgraphics Centurion XVI for rage at 20 °C. Analogous results were obtained in the study by
Windows. Statistical significance was assessed and data were subjected Karabulut et al. (2005) where treatments with 238 mM of SBC were
to mean separation using the LSD test (Least Significant Difference) test, effective in controlling Botrytis cinerea in sweet cherries stored for
(p < 0.05). 60 d at 0 °C and then for an additional 5 d at 20 °C; and in reducing the
incidence of Colletotrichum gloesporioides on papaya stored at 13.5 °C for
10 d (Gamagae et al., 2003). Alvindia et al. (2004) reported a 62%
3. Results and discussion reduction of crown rot on bananas treated with 71 mM of SBC and
stored 10 d at 12–13 °C; while De Costa and Gunawardhana (2012) re-
3.1. Effect of SBC treatments on black rot development in artificially ported a reduction of anthracnose lesion areas on artificially inoculated
inoculated yellow pitahaya bananas treated with 298 mM of SBC. However, different results were
obtained in the control of blue mold in apples, where Conway et al.
State of the art treatments discovered in the last two decades, are an (2005) found that the use of 238 mM of SBC had little effect in con-
indication of the arduous work carried out by researchers to find a safe trolling P. expansum in apples after 4 months at 1 °C plus 14 d at 20 °C;
alternative method of reducing or even replacing the use of chemical Janisiewicz et al. (2008) observed a 53% reduction of P. expansum in
fungicides on fruit. SBC has been considered a feasible technology to apples treated with 238 mM of SBC and stored at 1 °C for 5.5 months. In
prevent postharvest rot development due to its direct antifungal effect pears, Lai et al. (2015) obtained a 43.3% reduction of blue mold in fruit
that induces fruit defense mechanisms (Youssef et al., 2014). treated with 71 mM of SBC after 8 d of storage at 25 °C.
Black rot severity in yellow pitahaya treated with SBC, as well as
those untreated is reported in Fig. 1. Postharvest decay on yellow pi-
tahaya, caused by A. alternata, showed a linear pattern during storage 3.2. Effect of SBC treatments on the postharvest physicochemical quality of
period and shelf-life. However, after 7 days of storage, severity in yellow pitahaya
control fruit (CK) was higher than in other treatments (p < 0.05)
(Fig. 1). Results showed that a 298 mM SBC treatment before storage, Yellow pitahaya are highly susceptible to weight loss during storage
significantly reduced (p < 0.05) black rot, and cold storage was ex- and shelf-life due mainly to the migration of water from the fruit to the
tended up to 21 d and shelf-life up to 5 d. The premise indicating that to environment (Osuna Enciso et al., 2011; Vilaplana et al., 2017). As
more concentration of SBC more rot control was not accomplished in shown in Fig. 2, the weight loss registered by control (non-treated) fruit
this study. It is appreciable that 298 mM of SBC effectively reduced A. when using synthetic fungicide and SBC treatments increased con-
alternata incidence and severity in yellow pitahaya. tinuously during storage. After 21 d of cold storage at 12 °C the weight
Although, fruit treated with imazalil (F) exhibited lower decay loss of non-treated fruit was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that
(p < 0.05) than fruit treated with 298 mM SBC, control using this of those treated with imazalil and 298 mM of SBC. After a shelf-life
concentration of SBC was significant enough to be considered as a period of 5 d at 20 °C fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC and yellow pi-
possible alternative treatment against A. alternata. After 21 d of cold tahaya treated with imazalil showed less (p < 0.05) weight loss than
storage at 12 °C plus 5 d at 20 °C, imazalil and 298 mM of SBC reduced when using other treatments (Fig. 2). At the end of shelf-life, 298 mM of
black rot by 55% and 44%, respectively (Fig. 1). SBC, prevented weight loss in yellow pitahaya in the same manner as
SBC has effectively controlled green and blue mold on citrus fruit chemical fungicides. In this study, concentrations of SBC higher than
caused by Penicillium digitatum and P. italicum, respectively (Obagwu 298 mM did not help mitigate weight loss during cold storage (Fig. 2).
and Korsten, 2003; Porat et al., 2002; Smilanick et al., 1999; Usall et al., Analogous results were obtained by Obagwu and Korsten (2003) and by

Fig. 1. Severity (mm) caused by A. alternata HP13 in yellow pitahayas treated with sodium bicarbonate over 21 d of cold storage at 12 °C plus 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C
(26 d). Yellow pitahayas were pre-inoculated with A. alternata HP13 at 105 conidia mL−1. (●) CK (control fruit): non-treated; (○) F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); (■)
119 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 119 mM; (☐) 179 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 179 mM; (▲) 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM and (Δ) 357 mM: sodium
bicarbonate at 357 mM. Each point represents the mean of one hundred and sixty different fruit LSD (p < 0.05).

R. Vilaplana et al. Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

Fig. 2. Weight loss (%) in yellow pitahaya inoculated with A. alternata HP13 and treated with sodium bicarbonate over 21 d of cold storage at 12 °C plus 5 d of shelf-
life at 20 °C (26 d). (■) CK (control fruit): non-treated; (☐) F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); ( ) 119 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 119 mM; ( ) 179 mM: sodium bicarbonate at
179 mM; ( ) 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM and ( ) 357 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 357 mM. Each column represents the mean of forty different fruit.
Columns with different letters were significantly different according to LSD test, (p < 0.05).

Scherrer Montero et al. (2010) where no differences were found be- Scherrer Montero et al. (2010) did not obtain result differences in
tween non-treated tangerines or oranges and those treated with tangerines treated with 357 mM of SBC or imazalil when compared to
357 mM of SBC. Conversely, treatment with 238 mM of SBC on clem- non-treated fruit.
entines increased weight loss in fruit stored during 45 d at 5 °C On the other hand, due to cell degradation and loss of turgor, yellow
(Larrigaudière et al., 2002). pitahaya firmness decreased slightly in fruit treated with imazalil and
Fruit treated with SBC and synthetic fungicide showed few changes fruit treated with SBC and stored at 12 °C during 21 d plus 5 d at 20 °C,
in L* values during cold storage period and shelf-life (Table 1). How- in comparison with non-treated fruit (Fig. 3). However, fruit treated
ever, in this study it was found that senescence presented an inverse with SBC was firmer than non-treated fruit throughout cold storage.
relation with saturation (Table 2). Values of this parameter decreased Twenty-one days after the beginning of cold storage, the firmness of
as yellow pitahaya ripened, and increased in fruit with less senescence fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC was significantly higher (p < 0.05)
such as in yellow pitahaya treated with 298 mM of SBC and treated with than non-treated fruit and even higher (p < 0.05) than yellow pitahaya
synthetic fungicide (F). Similar results were obtained with yellow pi- treated with synthetic fungicide (Fig. 3). The same pattern was ob-
tahaya dipped in hot water (50 °C during 2 min) before storage or in served in yellow pitahaya treated with 298 mM of SBC after 5 d at 20 °C
Andean blackberry and guava; in all three cases an inverse relation (Fig. 3). Similar results were found by Aharoni et al. (1997), where after
between saturation and fruit maturity was also detected (Arteaga et al., 14 d at 3 °C and an additional 4 days at 20 °C, the firmness of melons
2014; Teixeira et al., 2016; Vilaplana et al., 2017). Results showed that treated with 238 mM of SBC was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than
yellow pitahaya hue angle decreased throughout cold storage and shelf- in non-treated fruit. However, no differences in firmness were observed
life (Table 1). After 21 d at 12 °C, the reduction of hue angle was sig- in mandarins treated with 238 mM of SBC (Hong et al., 2014); ad-
nificantly (p < 0.05) lower in fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC and ditionally Larrigaudière et al. (2002) showed in their study that clem-
yellow pitahaya treated with imazalil than in non-treated fruit. How- entines treated with 238 mM of SBC presented less firmness than non-
ever, after 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C, the reduction of hue angle was treated fruit after 60 d of storage at 5 °C.
significantly (p < 0.05) lower in yellow pitahaya treated with 298 mM In climacteric fruit, alterations in TSS and TA during ripening were
of SBC than in non-treated fruit and fruit treated with synthetic fun- associated with an increase in ethylene production and respiration
gicide (Table 1). These results indicated that SBC at 298 mM main- rates; some of the primary changes included an increase in membrane
tained yellow color up to 21 d at 12 °C plus 5 d at 20 °C, an equal or an permeability, loss of pulp firmness, decrease in starch, increase in
even better result than that of fruit treated with fungicide (Table 1). sugar, decrease of peel thickness as well as changes in color and aroma

Table 1
Color (L*, Saturation, and Hue angle) parameters in yellow pitahayas artificially inoculated A. alternata HP13, treated with sodium bicarbonate, stored at 12 °C for
21 d plus 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C (26 d).
Treatment L* Saturation Hue Angle
Harvest (0 d) = 71.1 LSD = 0.172 Harvest (0 d) = 51.4 LSD = 0.300 Harvest (0 d) = 95.9 LSD = 0.196

7d 14d 21d 26d 7d 14d 21d 26d 7d 14d 21d 26d

CK 72.1b 72.6a 72.2a 71.1a 52.4b 52.2cd 52.7b 52.0c 94.6ab 93.3bc 91.6b 91.3d
F 72.4a 72.3b 72.1ab 71.2a 52.7b 53.4a 53.1a 53.3a 94.4b 93.6a 92.3a 91.7bc
119 mM 71.6d 71.8d 71.5d 70.8c 51.8cd 52.0d 52.5bc 51.8c 94.4b 93.7a 92.1a 91.8b
179 mM 71.8c 72.1c 71.7c 70.9bc 51.7d 52.1d 52.0d 50.4d 94.7a 93.1c 92.2a 90.8e
298 mM 72.3ab 71.7d 72.0b 71.1a 53.1a 52.8b 53.2a 53.4a 94.1c 93.7a 92.2a 92.0a
357 mM 71.6d 71.4e 71.6cd 71.0ab 52.1c 52.5c 52.4c 52.4b 94.4b 93.4b 92.2c 91.6c

Values represent means of 40 different fruits. Values in the same column followed by different letters are significantly different by LSD test (p < 0.05).
CK: non-treated; F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); 119 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 119 mM; 179 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 179 mM; 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM;
357 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 357 mM.

R. Vilaplana et al. Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

Table 2
TSS (%), TA (g citric acid L−1) and pH in yellow pitahayas artificially inoculated by A. alternata HP13, treated with sodium bicarbonate, and stored at 12 °C up to 21 d
plus 5 d of shelf-life at 20 °C (26 d).
Treatment TSS TA pH
Harvest (0 d) = 16.2 LSD = 0.157 Harvest (0 d) = 1.1 LSD = 0.017 Harvest (0 d) = 4.7 LSD = 0.006

7d 14d 21d 26d 7d 14d 21d 26d 7d 14d 21d 26d

CK 18.7a 17.7a 17.3a 15.8a 1.1a 1.1c 1.0e 1.3d 4.8c 4.8b 4.8a 5.1c
F 17.5bc 17.4b 16.6c 15.5b 1.1d 1.2a 1.1d 1.3d 4.8b 4.8d 4.8b 4.9e
119 mM 17.6b 17.3b 17.0b 15.6b 1.1cd 1.2a 1.2b 1.5a 4.8a 4.8cd 4.8d 5.0d
179 mM 17.2d 16.9c 15.4d 14.8d 1.0e 1.0d 1.2b 1.4b 4.8b 4.8a 4.8b 5.1b
298 mM 17.3cd 17.0c 16.5c 15.2c 1.1b 1.1c 1.2a 1.4c 4.8b 4.8a 4.8c 5.0d
357 mM 17.2d 17.0c 16.5c 15.8a 1.1bc 1.1b 1.1c 1.3e 4.8a 4.8c 4.8a 5.1a

Values represent means of 40 different fruits. Values in the same column followed by different letters are significantly different by LSD test (p < 0.05).
CK: non-treated; F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); 119 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 119 mM; 179 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 179 mM; 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM;
357 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 357 mM.

(Ahmed and Palta, 2016). Variations were detected in TSS and TA va- was a slight increase in fruit pH during cold storage. However, after
lues during yellow pitahaya storage (Table 2). In both cases the ten- 5 d at 20 °C, pH increase was more pronounced in all SBC treatments,
dency was to increase their values during the 21 d of conservation at except for that of fruit treated with a synthetic fungicide (Table 2).
12 °C in all treatments. However, TSS values after cold storage re- Analogous results were obtained in bananas treated with 238 mM of
mained significantly lower (p < 0.05) in fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC (De Costa and Gunawardhana, 2012).
SBC and synthetic fungicide than in non-treated fruit (Table 2). Varia- In this study, a slower rate of senescence occurred in fruit treated
tions in TSS can be explained due to fruit metabolism, associated with with 298 mM of SBC than in non-treated fruit.
the consumption of energy such as ATP (Piriyavinit et al., 2011). These
processes include the conversion of starch into glucose and fructose and 3.3. Sensorial quality of yellow pitahaya treated with SBC
their use, through metabolic pathways, as substrates for respiration
(Lima et al., 2011). TA values in yellow pitahaya treated with 298 mM The general appearance of yellow pitahaya after 21 d of storage at
of SBC were higher (p < 0.05) than those of in untreated and chemi- 12 °C was better (p < 0.05) in fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC and
cally treated fruit after 21 d of storage at 12 °C (Table 2). Fluctuation in that treated with chemical fungicide than in untreated fruit (Table 3).
TA can be generated by the metabolism of organic acids that are con- This fact was symptomatic of less senescence in fruit treated with
sumed in oxidative reactions during ripening and the synthesis of citric 298 mM of SBC. Moreover, there were no differences between the
acid, as well as from glucose in the Krebs cycle (Sweetman et al., 2009). general appearance of fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC and that
Differences of fruit quality parameters in chemical temps were evident, treated with imazalil (Table 3). Non-treated fruit was deeply damaged
depending on the commodity. Scherrer Montero et al. (2010) found that and unfit for consumption.
both TSS and TA were reduced in tangerines treated with 357 mM of No significant differences in flavor were observed between treat-
SBC, De Costa and Gunawardhana (2012) observed an increase of TSS ments, and according to panelists' opinions, sweetness and sourness
in bananas treated with 71 mM of SBC and no difference in TSS and TA were scored better (p < 0.05) in fruit treated with chemical fungicide
values were found in mandarins treated with 238 mM of SBC compared than in those treated with 298 mM of SBC. However, no off-flavor dif-
with non-treated fruit (Hong et al., 2014). As shown in Table 2, there ferences were obtained between fruit treated with 298 mM of SBC and

Fig. 3. Firmness (N) in yellow pitahayas inoculated with A. alternata HP13 and treated with sodium bicarbonate over 21 d of cold storage at 12 °C plus 5 d of shelf-life
at 20 °C (26 d). (■) CK (control fruit): non-treated; (☐) F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); ( ) 119 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 119 mM; ( ) 179 mM: sodium bicarbonate at
179 mM; ( ) 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM and ( ) 357 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 357 mM. Each column represents the mean of forty different fruit.
Columns with different letters were significantly different according to LSD test, (p < 0.05).

R. Vilaplana et al. Crop Protection 114 (2018) 90–96

Table 3
Sensory parameters of yellow pitahaya, treated with sodium bicarbonate, and stored at 12 °C for 21 d.
Sensory parameters

Treatment General appearance LSD = 0.192 Flavor LSD = 0.210 Sweetness LSD = 0.228 Sourness LSD = 0.158 Off-Flavor LSD = 0.115

0d 7d 14d 21d 0d 7d 14d 21d 0d 7d 14d 21d 0d 7d 14d 21d 0d 7d 14d 21d

CK 3.7b 3.1c 3.1a 2.2b 2.3b 3.1b 2.9b 3.1a 2.9b 3.1b 3.0b 3.0a 1.2b 1.7a 1.2b 1.2a 1.3a 1.1ab 1.2a 1.2a
F 3.7b 3.3b 2.9b 2.4a 3.1a 3.0b 3.2a 3.0a 3.2a 3.4a 3.2b 2.8b 1.6a 1.2b 1.2b 1.3b 1.1b 1.2a 1.2a 1.2ab
298 mM 3.9a 3.6a 3.3a 2.5a 2.9a 3.4a 3.1ab 3.0a 3.4a 3.2ab 3.5a 3.1a 1.3b 1.2b 1.4a 1.2a 1.4a 1.0b 1.2a 1.1b

Values for sensory parameters relate 12 different judges. Differences between treatments for each time were analyzed by LSD multiple range test. Values in the same
column followed by different letter are significantly different by LSD test (p < 0.05).
CK: non-treated; F: imazalil (0.4 g L−1); 298 mM: sodium bicarbonate at 298 mM.

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