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School Board Meeting Reflection

EDES 6359

Natalie Lozano

Loyola Marymount University


I attended a School Board meeting for Long Beach Unified School District. Upon

entering the meeting, I scanned the room. I noticed a diverse group of faces. Some officials

wearing suits and ties, some elderly people with walking devices, groups of teachers, and parents

with their children. I expected for the feeling in the room to be quiet and serious. However, this

was on the contrary. People were laughing and chatting with one another, which gave me an

indication that the community within Long Beach Unified School District is friendly and


The meeting began formally, following Robert’s Rules of Order, approving minutes,

inviting new business to the floor, reading aloud reports, etc. Before new business was brought

up, Long Beach Unified School District took time to recognize the Teacher Librarian of the

Year. This was exciting and unexpected, especially because the school I currently work for does

not have a formal librarian. It was nice to see that not only does Long Beach Unified value

school librarians, but also that they are recognizing an accomplished librarian for his

achievements and contributions to his school.

After glowing words were stated about the teacher librarian of the year, the floor was

opened up to public testimony. I did not know what to expect when I saw public testimony listed

on the meeting agenda. I witnessed a variety of families go up to the modium in front of the

school board and advocate for their child. This for many different reasons. For one family, their

child had a variety of health problems and there was no safe place for their child to play at recess

time. For another family, their child had been bullied and threatened at school, and nothing was

done about it. Hearing these testimonies and others were difficult to hear without tearing up.

Attending this school board meeting reminded me that as an educator, we need to be advocates

when our students are not with their parents from 8 am-3 pm every day. Each student in our

class, no matter their behavior problems or challenges with academics, is somebody’s daughter

or son, and we should ensure that the trust parents put into teachers is being respected.

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