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The Applicability of Concept PEERS TY SYSTEM as Anthropological Approach to

Mother Nature

Our future lies in our hands. The ultimate engineers of our own lives were us, ourselves. It is
us, people of earth making the will to drive what we want for ourselves. God gave us all the
power to direct our lives but unfortunately, we, people of earth were too greedy to be satisfied
for what God gave us. He gave us Mother Nature to be our Home and be part of His good
creation. Our duty as living race is to conserve and be the soldiers of his masterpiece in
protecting it away from any harmful natural or artificial predators. But instead of becoming
protectors, we bacame the destroyers. We step across the border line. We were blinded with
what this masterpiece can give us which led us to the unleashing of the life’s biggest
temptation, MONEY, AUTHORITY and POWER. These became the reason behind the
world’s largest unsolve human-caused problem, the CLIMATE CHANGE.
This climate change can result to possible human extinction. Since we, humans, were the
author of this gigantic problem, we should also be the publisher of best evaluated solution.
But first, we should mend the problem in our hearts. We need to accept that because of our
deeds we were silently killing ourselves through destroying our HOME. We should start
opening our hearts and minds with what is happening in the real world. The consequences of
our wrong decisions before are now very visible that is why we should make a counter action
to overcome the consequences. We should always put in our minds that we are committed
with the world as the world is also committed to us. So if the world extincts, we shall also be
The CONCEPT OF PEERS TY SYSTEM (Pro-Environment Acts, Earth-Friendly User,
5Rs and SB Way, Trees for LIFE, and the You-Forest Approch) is our best resort. The global
application of this concept can create a huge impact in the development of the
#SolveClimateChange and we can also treat this as our stepping stone in finally concluding
climate change. Implementing this concept would regain our position as the protectors of
earth not the other way around. Everyone single person must be educated with the vastful
effect of climate change so that everyone will be aware of what is happening with Mother
Earth. Through the power of education, people will also know the role of PEERS TY
SYSTEM in the realization of our mission and that is to manage or totally eradicate the
causes of climate change. Education must not be the ends of this battle, there must be an
action to be implemented. Going deep to the abbreviation of PEERS TY, we must encourage
not just ourselves but also other people to be engage in doing PRO-ENVIRONMENT
ACTS with which primarily focus on practicing the use of organic-based products,
exploration of renewable sources of energy and be advocates for environmental awareness.
Be an EARTH-FRIENDLY USER through avoiding the use of plastics, chemical-based
products and smoke-producer machines to help less the pollution. Implement the 5Rs & SB
WAY through global adaptation of Solid Waste Management. Influence others to participate
in TREES FOR LIFE projects which involve planting trees for sustainable reforestation and
be part of campaigns against deforestation. And for those who want a life time investment,
applying the YOU-FOREST APPROACH is the best option.
The application of the PEERS TY SYSTEM maybe the best solution but if people continue
to be blind from the naked truth and keeps on preying our nature then, everything is pointless.
Saving Mother Earth should start from opening our eyes and embracing reality. We must not
forget our duties as human being. So we should start making our action before it’s too late.

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