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Grade Tracking Sheet

NAME: Dylan Lyon DATE: April 19, 2019


Spanish 1 Assignment #15,25,37,42,47,55 77.7%

Plane Geometry NONE 92.23%


Modern CA NONE 96.11%

AS ELA Assignment #17 84.16%

Biology NONE 85.14%

What is working for you at this point in terms of your academic strategies?
- A strategy is still absent from my school routine. But spanish is continuing to be my
weakest skill, I should put aside time to improve this skill via studying.

If your grades are low, what’s making academic success difficult?

-Though 77.7% is a passing grade, I am not satisfied with this level of success.
This late into the second semester, having six missing assignments in my weakest
subject(Spanish 1) is proving to create challenges in raising my grade.
That fact remains, that with over 55 assignments graded, significantly improving this
grade is unlikely.The best I can do is complete my work to the best of my ability.

What is one academic goal you have for yourself for the next four weeks?
-I plan on completing all future assignments in order to increase my GPA.
I would like to improve my Spanish grade.
What specific actions will you take to help achieve this goal?
-I will make time to focus on completing school work whenever possible.
I would benefit from studying my spanish work in order to properly instill a working knowledge
of the subject.

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