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Career Readiness Reflection

(for Career Choices Events, Mock Interviews, Field Trips, Industry Expert One-On-Ones,
Simulations, Guest Speakers, etc.)

Date of presentation/event:​May 25, 2019​ ​Location:​CHS maker space

Brief description of activity (what was it?):
-Students who signed up for this presentation would receive a lecture on various aspect and
careers in the healthcare industry.
Why did you choose to attend this presentation?
-The healthcare industry is such a massive career sector, that I can't ignore considering it as a
possible career choice.
What did you learn about this career/field that is appealing to you?
-I discovered that for any individual, no matter their career interest, has a roll to play in the
healthcare industry.
What areas of this career/field might be difficult for you?
-Surgery. I lack the self confidence to pursue it.
What skills have you already developed that would help you in this career/field?
- As a student, I am currently learning to learn about new subjects.
What skills would you need to further develop (or begin to develop) to be successful in this
-Concentrating on high school courses that are the most applicable is the most I can do to
develop skills in this field.
Do you want to continue to investigate this career/field as a possibility for your future? Why or
why not?
-I will always keep it in my top five considerations. Because, I can't help but appreciate the work
satisfaction and benefits.

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