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Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Modelling lifestyle e!ects on energy demand and related emissions

Christoph Weber *, Adriaan Perrels
Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy, Universitaet Stuttgart, Hessbruehlstr. 49a, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany
VATT, Government Institute for Economic Research, P.O. Box 269, FI 00531 Helsinki, Finland
Received 9 November 1998


An approach to analyse and quantify the impact of lifestyle factors on current and future energy demand is developed. Thereby not
only directly environmentally relevant consumer activities such as car use or heating have been analysed, but also expenditure
patterns which induce environmental damage through the production of the consumed goods. The use of household survey data from
the national statistical o$ces o!ers the possibility to cover this wide range of activities. For the available social}economic household
characteristics a variety of di!erent behavioural patterns have been observed. For evaluating the energy and emission consequences of
the consumed goods enhanced input}output models are used. The additions implemented * a mixed monetary-energetic approach
for inter-industry #ows and a separate treatment of transport-related emissions * improve the reliability of the obtained results. The
developed approach has been used for analysing current emission pro"les and distributions in West Germany, France and the
Netherlands as well as scenarios for future energy demand and related emissions. It therefore provides a comprehensive methodology
to analyse environmental e!ects in a consumer and citizen perspective and thus contributes to an increased transparency of complex
economic and ecological interconnections.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Energy demand; Emissions; Lifestyles; Consumers; Modelling

1. Introduction * rationale for the approach interaction, developing comprehensive but basically
non-quantitative concepts (e.g. Wilhite and Shove, 1998;
Although it is widely agreed that societal energy con- Wilk, 1999) or focusing on speci"c issues like market
sumption and related emissions are not only in#uenced segmentation (e.g. Prose and Wortmann, 1991; Schoen-
by technical e$ciency but also by lifestyles and socio- heit and Niedergesaess, 1995) or appliances (Boardman
cultural factors (e. g. household size and composition, et al., 1997). Also, the so-called household metabolism
greying of society), to date few attempts have been made concept (Noorman and Schoot Uiterkamp, 1998; Biesot
to operationalise these insights in simulation models for and Noorman, 1999), despite its comprehensive poten-
future energy demand. This has led to the unsatisfactory tial, focuses eventually on parts of residential energy
situation that in spite of a broad consensus on the im- consumption. Hence, a methodological gap remains
portance of lifestyle e!ects for the development of sus- between the perceived importance of lifestyle and socio-
tainable development in general (e.g. Duchin, 1996; cultural factors for energy demand and quantitative scen-
Loske et al., 1996) and energy demand in particular (e.g. ario analyses. This may even be seen as one major source
Schipper et al., 1989; Baranzini and Giovannini, 1997), for the lack of con"dence in energy demand modelling
consensus dwindles when discussing the character and among the wider public.
extent of these in#uences. Several studies in the last few The approach described in the following aims at bridg-
years have investigated aspects of the lifestyle}energy ing this gap by modelling future energy demand based on
a consumer perspective. Thereby not only households'
direct energy consumption is accounted for but also the
embodied energy demand, i.e. the indirect energy con-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #49-711-780 6151; fax: #49-711-780
3953. sumption caused by households' purchases of non-ener-
E-mail addresses: (C. Weber), adriaan.per- getic goods and services. The research focuses on factors
rels@vatt." (A. Perrels). related to longer term structural changes in society,

0301-4215/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 1 - 4 2 1 5 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 4 0 - 9
550 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

studies in this direction provided no satisfactory results.

Rather, households have been di!erentiated by house-
hold types according to their position in the lifecycle
(young singles, young couples, middle-aged families, etc.)
in order to account for the impact of the position in the
lifecycle on household consumption. Additionally, the
in#uence of social}economic household characteristics
such as income, education level, type and number of
employment, and size of municipality is investigated. In
summary as shown in Fig. 1, the core of the models and
the study is in the middle segments, but both the broader
societal context and the "rst line environmental implica-
tions with respect to the resulting emissions are taken
into account in the modelling approach.
The choice of an explicit consumer focus has been
made for three reasons: "rstly, private consumption is the
largest demand category in most economies. In addition,
large parts of export production (for most countries the
category second in importance) are also meant for
foreign consumption. Thus, consumption of households
is eventually the main driver for the volume and assort-
ment of commodities produced. Secondly, a detailed
modelling of household consumption patterns o!ers in-
creased possibilities to account for the e!ects of non-
economic in#uences on direct and indirect energy use
Fig. 1. The embedded long-term lifestyle approach and coverage of the and related emissions of households. Finally, at a con-
ceptual level both economic mainstream and the self-
understanding of modern democracies postulate the
consumers/citizens to be the ultimate sovereign. Conse-
which have an impact on the volume and composition of quently, a modelling approach placing the consumers in
consumption patterns. This could be termed the long- the focus of interest may contribute to give this perspect-
term lifestyle. Based on earlier work (Perrels et al., 1995; ive a real standing in the political process. It may thus be
Perrels, 1996) we subscribe to the hypothesis that in the a valuable tool for the necessary political discourse on
context of (domestic) energy use lifestyle can be identi"ed future energy options, providing a common perspective
by means of expenditure patterns of time and money. In for experts from various disciplines as well as decision
turn these patterns are on the one hand in#uenced by makers and the wider public.
broad societal and technical changes and on the other The remaining paper is organised as follows: "rst the
hand the expenditure patterns predetermine to a signi"- modelling approach is described, then brie#y some
cant extent the required type and amounts of energy. results from the empirical investigation of existing
This approach is summarised in Fig. 1. As regards the consumption patterns are presented. Subsequently, the
operationalisation in the study it means that lifestyles are applied scenarios are discussed and results from their
understood as the patterns of equipment ownership, ex- evaluation are presented. Finally, a concluding dis-
penditures of time and money and energy use of house- cussion points at further research requirements.
holds. Similar to most lifestyle concepts in sociological
research, lifestyles expressed by the just mentioned
patterns are perceived as dependent variables, the in- 2. Modelling concept
#uencing factors of which are investigated. Contrary to
approaches often found in marketing research, no life- Most energy-economy-environment models to date
style groups or types have been identi"ed since earlier account for social and behavioural aspects only in
a rather aggregate and implicit way by de"ning e.g.
aggregate penetration rates of di!erent types of equip-
ment or instead their average annual consumption.
 We are aware of the variety of lifestyle concepts developed in social Furthermore, also the di!erent aspects of energy-related
sciences (for an overview see e.g. MuK ller, 1989). However, for the
purpose of energy demand modelling the proposed de"nition seems to behaviour are modelled separately so that the internal
be the most workable though we certainly advocate a more elaborate consistency of scenarios cannot be tested but has to be
use of time budget and timing information. taken for granted. The models discussed here attempt to
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 551

Table 1
Household types considered and corresponding frequencies in the samples

Household type Number of adults Number of children Age of reference person Number of households in the sample

Germany France Netherlands

Young singles 1 0 Below 35 yr 2037 410 116

Young couples 2 0 Below 35 yr 1788 441 240
Young one-parent 1 1 or more Below 35 yr 315 197 21
Young families 2 1 or more Below 35 yr 4080 1019 583
Middle-aged singles 1 0 From 35 to below 60 yr 2559 677 98
Middle-aged couples 2 0 From 35 to below 60 yr 4349 1005 212
Middle-aged one-parent 1 1 or more From 35 to below 60 yr 1269 588 63
Middle-aged families 2 1 or more From 35 to below 60 yr 15131 2671 917
Elderly singles 1 0 60 yr and more 4100 839 166
Elderly couples 2 0 60 yr and more 6426 874 298
Others 2 or more Any Any 1888 317 *

This household type comprises households with more than two generations (enlarged families) as well as one-parent families and families with
a reference person older than 60. For the Netherlands these households have been reattributed to other household types, therefore the household type
`othersa is empty.

overcome these shortcomings by modelling household

behaviour in detail, accounting for all aspects of energy-
relevant household consumption in an integrated ap-
proach. Furthermore, 11 di!erent household types are
distinguished throughout according to their position in
the lifecycle (cf. Table 1) so that di!erences in consump-
tion patterns and the e!ects of demographic shifts can be
analysed in detail. Through the use of individual house-
hold data for deriving empirical relationships the validity
of the obtained relationships should also be considerably
improved. By endogenising non-economic phenomena
or letting them operate on economic phenomena from
the scenario module a better integrated assessment of
technological, economic and social factors is what we
aim at.
The models distinguish between direct energy use and Fig. 2. General structure of lifestyle-oriented energy and emission
indirect energy use. Direct energy use refers to the con- models.
sumption of energy carriers purchased by the household
itself, in order to cater for energy services, such as space
heating, heating tap water and propulsion of a car. The guished in:
indirect energy use refers to the energy used during vari- E - space heating,
ous stages of production (and distribution) of commodi- E - tap water heating,
ties, also referred to as `embodied energya. The evolution E - cooking,
of direct energy use can be adequately described by E electricity use of appliances and lighting,
technical}economic models (with social entries), while E demand for motor fuels for private cars.
the description of indirect energy depends more heavily
on (socio-)economic concepts, notably consumption The thermal applications module is modelled around
functions and input}output models. The approach is the evolution of the dwelling stock. Dwellings are simul-
summarised in Fig. 2. taneously distinguished by vintage, building type and
The description of direct energy use is split up in: type of space heating } hot tap water equipment combi-
nation. New vintages are assumed to consist of better-
E thermal applications usually connected to the heating insulated dwellings. Furthermore, the entire household
equipment "tted in dwellings, this is further distin- population is distributed over the available dwelling
552 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

stock. Di!erent household types in the same dwell- on parts of residential energy consumption, despite its
ing type can have di!erent energy consumption levels comprehensive potential. We chose to combine an elab-
and respond di!erently over time to changes in back- orate set of consumption functions with an input}output
ground variables. For further details see de Paauw and system that traces back the required production by sector
Perrels (1995), Perrels et al. (1996) and Weber et al. given the simulated expenditures by category. However,
(1996a). the accuracy of the results is considerably improved by
The modules for electricity use and the consumption using a mixed monetary-energetic input}output model
of motor fuels both use discrete choice models (cf. e.g. for a re"ned treatment of energy deliveries and energy
Maddala, 1987) to describe the evolution of ownership. sectors (e.g. Beutel and MuK rdter, 1984). Furthermore,
Admittedly, for new or recently penetrated appliances a detailed treatment of transport requirements and the
such an approach is not feasible. In that case, either an corresponding emissions has been developed.
ad-hoc expert opinion-based penetration curve is entered It should be noted that by this approach the total
(e.g. an electrically heated water bed) or a reasoned sub- energy demand and related emissions induced by a con-
stitution mechanism with respect to an existing appliance sumption unit (be it a single household or all households
is applied (e.g. in the case of an integrated washing in a country) are determined independently of the geo-
machine and dryer). Appliances can be further distin- graphical location of the emission source. For example,
guished between those continuously running, such as consumption of German households induces emissions
a refrigerator, and those that need a signal from the user, partly in Germany, but partly also abroad. Both catego-
the so-called discrete appliances. For the major discrete ries of emissions are accounted for in the lifestyle-
appliances, the intensity of use is dependent on the size oriented energy and emission models. In the model
and type of the household. For every appliance and for version discussed here similar production and energy-
private cars an annual improvement of the energy e$- conversion technologies are assumed for the emissions
ciency of newly sold appliances and cars is speci"ed. This abroad as for domestic production, but this heroic
means that the lifetime of appliances and the share of assumption may be abandoned if international inter-
"rst-time buyers in#uence the speed with which the ac- connected input}output tables are used. The emissions
tual national stock of appliances reduces its speci"c en- attributable to German exports are on the other hand
ergy consumption. Further details are given in Weber not included in the German emission budget in order to
et al. (1996a), de Paauw and Perrels (1995) and Perrels avoid double counting.
et al. (1996).
The total indirect energy requirement of a household 2.1. Empirical xndings
depends on the volume of its non-energy expenditures
and its distribution over expenditures categories. In some For the empirical investigations data sets from the
categories the average energy intensity of the products household surveys conducted by the national statistical
and services is much lower than in others. For example, o$ces in three European countries * West Germany,
on average, food products have a higher energy inten- Netherlands, France * have been employed. Although
sity than textiles. It should be noted that * so far } this all surveys cover a wide range of energy and emission
approach does not allow for speci"c consumer choices relevant patterns of household consumption some items
between high-quality versus low-quality products (often are not available for all countries. For example, in the
implying a lower energy intensity per monetary unit Dutch survey dwelling type and number of rooms are
spent) nor for the related problem concerning the extent recorded but not the #oor space, whereas in the French
of environmentally aware purchases. This would require data set information on domestic energy consumption is
a much more detailed treatment, i.e. on a product-by- mostly given in monetary units only. Due to the di!er-
product basis. However, such a level of detail is method- ences in available data, in several points of the analysis
ologically very di$cult to combine with a dynamic de- country-speci"c approaches had to be chosen. A further
scription of consumption and production in a society. di$culty arose from the fact that in Germany and France
There are developments regarding the so-called hybrid large household surveys are not conducted every year but
methods (e.g. Wilting, 1996), but they still lack a lot of only every "ve years and at irregular intervals, respec-
information concerning the dynamics at the consump- tively. Therefore, no common year of analysis could be
tion side. Another solution could be o!ered by the retained. Also, the French and German surveys do not
so-called metabolism concept (Noorman and Schoot cover possible motivational or cognitive factors, while
Uiterkamp, 1997), but this approach eventually focuses the Dutch survey contains some variables concerning
this aspect, such as education level, religious, political
and other societal a$liations, hobby preferences.
 High quality comes usually at a higher price, while the embodied
The empirical investigation of the di!erent aspects of
energy has not increased commensurate. The result is a lower energy energy-related household behaviour shows that depend-
intensity per money unit spent. ing on the type of behaviour the explanatory factors
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 553

Table 2
In#uences on ownership of electric appliances in Western Germany * standardised derivatives

Appliance own.ship AGE EMP (%) SOC (%) MUN (%) ln (HHS) (%) ln (INC) (%) DSIZ DTYP Pseudo-
rate R

Washing 86% Non-linear #0.6 !0.4 #5.4 #0.5 #5.8 0.262

Dish washer 29% Non-linear !3.4 !1.6 #1.7 #5.6 #16.3 #7.7 !0.9 0.223
Tumbler 17% !4.4% !1.8 !0.6 #5.2 #6.8 #2.7 !2.7 0.102
TV-Set 95% Non-linear #1.5 #0.9 #1.3 #0.5 #0.8 #0.4 0.084
Multiple 32% of 5 Non-linear #2.4 #3.2 #2.0 #6.3 #8.9 #2.7 #0.5 0.095
Cooling 97.2% Non-linear #0.4 #0.6 #0.8 #0.4 0.122
Freezing 73% of 6 Non-linear #1.0 #0.8 !0.4 #7.6 #3.7 #5.0 #0.5 0.192
Large freezing 74% of 7 Non-linear #1.6 #0.9 !5.0 #4.7 !2.5 #5.0 !6.9 0.126

Data basis: German household survey (1988); Non-signi"cant in#uences at a 90% level eliminated.

considered vary substantially in importance. Even with- appeared to be in#uenced only to a small degree by
in the category of appliance ownership the explanatory socio}economic household characteristics. A major "nd-
power of the various factors depends on the appliances ing in this "eld was that the insulation standards issued
considered (cf. Table 2), e.g. dish washer ownership is in the past have been probably far less e!ective than
most strongly in#uenced by household income. For presumed (see also Schuler et al., 2000). Further research
many of the other appliances household size has the should clarify whether this is due to lack of control in the
largest impact. As regards freezer ownership the dwelling application of the standards or whether changes in ten-
type and the size of the municipality are however even ants' behaviour occur in the better insulated buildings.
more important. Also, for di!erent appliances the con- Car use turned out to be in#uenced mostly by income
sidered variables explain di!erent shares of the observed although there the degree of explanation was not very
variance. Whereas washing machine and dish washer satisfactory. This is, however, partly due to restrictions of
ownership are well explained by the social}economic the data bases used which do not allow to analyse spatial
factors included here, for tumbler and multiple TV patterns.
ownership the explanation is far less satisfactory. Here For household expenditures a wide range of in#uences
the inclusion of attitudinal factors may lead to consider- has been identi"ed, with important di!erences between
able improvements. For car ownership and dwelling size household groups. The expenditure patterns are de-
income turns out to have the largest impact, followed by scribed in a three-layer system. Firstly, from the at-
household size. In both cases the degree of explanation is tributed household income the estimated share of
rather good. However, that does not apply to multiple voluntary savings is separated. Subsequently, cross sec-
car ownership. So, for the explanation of ownership of tional consumption functions are applied to allocate the
more luxury equipment motivational and cognitive fac- budget to expenditure categories. Finally, the in#uence of
tors seem to be of more importance than for standard prices is added, thereby adapting the budget shares per
equipment. category. The main "ndings of the estimation of cross-
For the use of the electric equipment household size section data for six broad expenditure categories are
turned out to be by far the most important factor, the summarised in Table 3. Additionally, the e!ects of price
same holds for tap water use. Space heating, by contrast, changes have been estimated using meso-level time series

 For example, during preparatory investigative studies regression

 For measuring the relative importance of the various explanatory analysis hinted at the impact of a `hobby factora. In short, it means that
factors in discrete choice models standardised derivatives, averaged over time dwellings are adapted to the occupiers needs. On balance this
over all observations in the sample, are used. They measure the average has some deteriorating e!ect on the energy e$ciency (e.g. dormers are
change in ownership probabilities, in case the explanatory variable a popular `add-ona, that degrade the roof insulation).
varies by one standard deviation. Thus, they combine the advantage of  In the version for the Netherlands, the model contains also a mac-
easy interpretation with the possibility to compare the relative strength ro-economic module, depicting economic growth, labour market and
of e!ects (the latter similar to the standardised e!ect coe$cients pro- the distribution of jobs over households and, the attribution of (net)
posed by Long, 1987). household income.
554 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Table 3 ences within one country may be observed between dif-

Signs of estimated parameters for the e!ect of income, household size ferent household types (cf. Fig. 4). Here not only do the
and age on budget shares of six main categories of goods (cf. Pellekaan absolute "gures di!er among household groups by al-
and Perrels, 1996)
most a factor three, but also the shares of the various
Income Household size Age contributions: E.g. young singles have on average higher
CO emissions due to private transportation than

! # # middle-aged singles although their overall CO emis-
Home ! # # 
sions are lower.
Clothes # ? !
Leisure # ! !
Transport # ! !
Other ! ! # 3. Scenario projections

Besides the investigation of current consumption pat-

terns also the analysis of possible future lifestyle develop-
data. The prices refer to the price level per consumption ments and their impact on energy demand and emission
category. The apparent segmentation of household ex- levels is of interest. Therefore, four scenarios have been
penditures by category implies that for a given income created. They are meant as an illustration of the use of the
level and household type, price changes are preponder- developed methodology for scenario calculations. At the
antly compensated for within the own category, conse- same time they provide an overview of possible develop-
quently the (visible) impact of pricing is limited. Housing ments in the future and give an orientation on the emis-
was in fact the only category for which price rises seem to sion consequences of major societal and political choices
be signi"cantly compensated for by also cutting down in in the "elds of lifestyles, economy and technology use. As
other categories. Please note that the actual ownership base year for the scenarios the year 1990 has been taken.
and use of large electric appliances was handled separate- The year 2010 has been chosen as time horizon with
ly (see above). The expenditure functions are important intermediate results evaluated for the year 2000. As will
for the calculation of indirect energy use, not the direct. be shown in the following, already in the period up to
Yet, as far as detail allowed, consistency checks between 2010 rather contrasting developments of lifestyles and
the di!erent modules were taken care of. emissions may be obtained depending on the scenario
The backtracking of the energy and emission conse- settings. The results for the year 2000 should not be
quences of the consumed goods showed that more than taken as precise forecasts for the near future but corre-
50% of the total energy consumption induced by house- spondingly to the aim of the scenario analyses they are
hold consumption is related to direct household energy meant to concretise and quantify approximately the ex-
use. The same holds for the emissions of CO (see pected developments resulting from the interaction of the

Fig. 3) and NO , whereby in the case of NO the most various e!ects.
important fraction stems from private car use.
For CO important di!erences appear between coun- 3.1. Scenario dexnitions

tries as indicated in Fig. 3. Particularly, the absolute level
of emissions per household is considerably lower in The scenario `storylinesa, illustrating the general idea
France than in Germany and the Netherlands. This is underlying the scenarios, have been de"ned in a common
partly due to climatic di!erences, degree}days in France process involving all partners of the `Consumers' Life-
are on average 25% lower than in Germany and the styles and Pollutant Emissionsa project (cf. Weber et al.,
Netherlands and correspondingly energy use for space 1996b). These general outlines provide the foundation for
heating both in households and in the production sectors the choice of speci"c parameter settings and thus avoid
is lower. Therefore, also the share of energy at home is scenarios being just an arbitrary combination of para-
considerably lower in France than in the other two meter choices. Since both descriptive and normative
countries. The major part of the di!erence has however scenarios are of interest, it has been decided to distin-
to be attributed to the largely fossil-free electricity gen- guish two pairs of scenarios. The "rst pair of scenarios
eration in France and the higher share of electricity in
"nal energy use of households and production sectors.
Besides these international di!erences, important di!er-  Of course, it is of interest to explore lifestyle changes and the
corresponding emission consequences in an even longer perspective,
although prospects on lifestyle developments and technological cha-
nges in the long run are more subject to uncertainty. Within the project
 In the graph of the Netherlands the fraction `transporta contains `Consumers' Lifestyles and Pollutant Emissionsa; C3ED has used
only public transport, slow modes and telecommunication, all car- SEESM-type models to extrapolate to the year 2030 the developments
related expenses including fuel, maintenance, purchase, etc. are in investigated in detail by means of the Elife and ELSA models for the
`energy for transporta. period to 2010 (cf. Ryan et al., 1996).
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 555

Fig. 3. Comparison of total CO emissions per household for France, Western Germany and the Netherlands in 1990.

Fig. 4. Comparison of total CO emission of various household types in West Germany, 1990.

has mainly descriptive character. It represents two di!er- The descriptive scenarios are called:
ent ways of prolongation of current trends into the
future. The second pair is built around the vision of (I) `Stagnationa or `Tendencial Bleaka (abbreviated
sustainable development and investigates di!erent ways `Stagn.a);
for achieving substantial emission reduction through im- (II) `Business As Usuala or `Tendencial Rosya
portant policy changes. (`BaUa).
556 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

This `Tendenciala pair assumes that the currently ob- contribute by developing especially environmentally
served developments of economic globalisation and lib- friendly technologies. Controversially debated technolo-
eralisation are continuing in the future. gies, such as nuclear power, are abandoned. Consumers
The **Tendencial Bleak++ (Stagnation) version develops are not focusing on growth of their material standard of
the view that this process will lead to a reinforcement of living, but attach importance to environmental quality of
social tensions and increasing inequalities between products.
wealthy and poor social groups, both world wide as well Both scenarios are thus oriented towards Sustainability,
as in the countries considered. Morose economic per- yet they di!er considerably in the conceptualisation of
spectives, increasing job uncertainty and lower social the term Sustainable. The technologically optimistic scen-
security levels lead to diminishing interest in environ- ario clearly stands for a concept of `Weak Sustainabilitya
mental questions and further improvements in this "eld allowing substitution of nature capital by man-made
are not attempted. capital and with Sustainability mainly being perceived as
The **Tendencial Rosy++ (Business As Usual) scenario is achievement of environmental goals. By contrast, the
based on a more optimistic view of prolongation of the re#ective consumption scenario embraces a wider con-
present tendencies. The on-going globalisation provides cept of Sustainability stressing also equity goals. In the
growth opportunities for global and national economies, formulation chosen here it certainly does not ful"l the
income inequalities are not rising but economic growth is requirements of a `Strong Sustainabilitya * i. e. con-
pro"table for all social groups. Increasing material stan- stancy of natural capital stocks * yet it tends at least
dard of living remains a major political and societal towards a replacement of energy supply from "nite
concern, so improvements of environmental quality are stocks by renewable energies.
achieved to the extent that they do not seriously impede Whether the sustainability-oriented (and the other)
growth perspectives. scenarios really allow improvements of environmental
The second pair of scenarios is more normative instead quality cannot be decided in advance. Regarding air-
of descriptive. These scenarios do not represent probable borne emissions the results of quantitative investigations
outcomes, if current trends are continuing in the future, are discussed in the following, but before the scenario
but assume that political and societal choices are made, assumptions have to be quanti"ed for the use of lifestyle-
aiming at a fundamental change in consumption}envi- oriented energy and emission models.
ronment links. The preoccupations of a sustainable de-
velopment are gaining real weight in political decision 3.2. Key scenario assumptions
processes. Again, two versions are developed, called:
In order to determine the e!ects on energy and emis-
(III) `Sustainability through Technological Break-
sions of the scenario settings these have to be translated
througha (`Sust. Techn.a);
into numeric speci"cations for the computation. The key
(IV) `Sustainability through Re#ective Consumptiona
assumptions are summarised in Tables 4 and 5. Further
(`Sust. Cons.a).
details on scenario assumptions are given in Weber et al.
Although the main objective of scenarios III and IV is the (1996a,b).
same * moving towards sustainability * the way to The exogenous settings varying across scenarios may
achieve this target is very di!erent. be categorised in (macro)economic driving variables on
The **Sustainability through Technological Break- the one hand and `cleana technology use on the other
through++ embraces a technologically optimistic view. It is hand. Population and household development as well as
characterised by the assumption that scienti"c and tech- consumer preferences have not been changed across
nological progress in the future will be very important, scenarios, although this would have added to the `#a-
inducing high economic growth. But at the same time, voura of the scenarios. Indeed the scenario settings de-
also the technological progress leads to signi"cant im- scribed in the previous section may be interpreted as
provements in energetic and environmental e$ciency. having implications both on household formation and
The society as a whole is very open-minded to new consumer preferences, e.g. larger household size in the
technologies, consumers and producers are inclined to Stagnation case due to economic restrictions for large
invest in most e!ective technologies and critical views parts of the population, or shifts of consumer preferences
expressed on some technological developments, such as towards environmentally more friendly goods in the Sus-
nuclear power, are decreasing in importance. tainability through Re#ective Consumption scenario, yet
The **Sustainability through Reyective Consumption++ these e!ects are di$cult to quantify and any assumption
scenario develops the vision of a society, where goals of
environmental quality and social justice take a pre-emi-
nent place, so that economic growth is no longer the  From a theoretical point of view it seems even questionable whether
predominant societal objective. In this common process constancy of natural capital stocks is possible at all (see SchaK %er and
of moving towards sustainability, private enterprises Fahl, 1995)
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 557

Table 4
Key scenario assumptions

Stagn. BaU Sust. Techn. Sust. Cons.

Population and household Medium o$cial forecasts

Economic growth p.a. 1990}2000: 1.5% 2.0% 1990}2000: 2.0% 1990}2000: 1.5%
After 2000: 1.0% After 2000: 3.0% After 2000: 1.0%
Income distribution More disparities Unchanged Unchanged Less disparities
Labour productivity 2.0% 2.5% 1990}2000: 2.0% 0.5%
growth p.a.
After 2000: 3.5%
Labour time change p.a. 0% !0.5% !0.5% !1.0%
Prices of other goods Speci"c developments, see Weber et al. (1996a)
Energy e$ciency No improvements Moderate improvements Important improvements Important improvements
Production structure Unchanged except energy sectors and energy inputs in other sectors
Energy e$ciency industry Moderate improvements Moderate improvements Important improvements Important improvements
and abatement technology
Fuel mix Unchanged Tendencial More nuclear More renewables
Consumers' preferences Unchanged

Per full time equivalent in base year.

Table 5
Comparison of selected model results and observed trends

Observed Trend 1990}1997 Model SG Model BU Model SC Model ST

1. Fuel e$ciency of the private car stock (the Netherlands; l/100 km)
1990 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
1997 8.3
2000 8.2 8.1 8.0 8.1 8.0
2010 7.9 7.5 7.1 6.9 6.7
2. CO emission development index (the Netherlands; 1990"100)

1990 100 100 100 100 100
1997 112
2000 110}114 110 110 100 100
2010 ?? 114 118 102 111

therefore would be largely arbitrary. Since investiga- e$ciency improvements in the production sectors are
tions of technological possibilities for energy e$ciency assumed to continue. Exactly in a stagnation period
improvements and emission abatement were not the investments are usually defensive and cost oriented
main purpose of the present study, the future evolution in and therefore a basic interest in cost-e!ective energy
these "elds has been deduced from existing studies for e$ciency will remain. For the Tendencial Rosy scenario,
Germany and the Netherlands, especially those carried as indicated by its name, the economic growth assump-
out for the Inquiry Commission of the German Parlia- tions are more optimistic, social tensions are assumed
ment on climate change (Enquete-Kommission, 1995) not to deteriorate and additional e$ciency improve-
and for the German IKARUS data base. ments, particularly for household energy use are
Among the scenarios discussed here, the Tendencial achieved. Especially in West Germany, furthermore, the
Bleak scenario is the worst case combining low economic fuel switches observed in the last decade (mainly from
growth, increasing social disparities as well as few e$- coal and light oil to gas) are assumed to continue in the
ciency improvements and emission abatement invest- future.
ments. However, some e$ciency improvements and For both Sustainability-oriented scenarios, the higher
abatement technologies have been allowed for, that re- priority attributed to environmental goals is re#ected in
#ect already enforced legislative standards, e.g. the intro- large e$ciency gains and emission abatement invest-
duction of catalytic converters for cars and subsequent ments. However, the two scenarios di!er substantially by
emission standards, which induce lower emission rates the economic growth rate corresponding to the di!erent
for future cars than for the current stock. Also, energy assessments of this societal goal in both visions. This
558 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Fig. 5. Development of car stock in West Germany, 1990}2010.

leads to an economic growth comparable to the Ten- liberalisation on energy markets and its probable some-
dencial Bleak case for the Sustainability through Re#ec- what di!erent political treatment in the various scen-
tive Consumption scenario, but with decreasing social arios. All in all therefore, we would like to stress that the
disparities, since equity is an important societal goal in resulting emissions have to be regarded as indicative
this case. On the contrary, the technological optimism of values rather than exact forecasts of future emission
the Sustainability through Technological Breakthrough levels.
scenario is re#ected in a high economic growth rate. As an example of equipment development in Fig. 5 the
Furthermore, the fuel mix * particularly for electricity development of the total car stock is displayed for
generation * di!ers notably among both visions follow- Germany. Thereby net di!erences between the scenarios
ing a di!erent assessment of the role of nuclear energy for appear, mostly related to the di!erences in GDP and
moving towards Sustainability. consequently income growth. Yet, although for the
Stagnation and the Sustainability through Re#ective
3.3. Equipment and expenditure patterns Consumption scenarios similar income developments are
assumed, notable di!erences in car stock may be ob-
In the following the scenario outcomes are described in served, due to a di!erent distribution of income over
parallel for the three countries investigated following the household types. It turns out that car ownership is more
computational order inherent to the lifestyle-oriented income-sensitive for those household groups better o! in
models, i. e. starting with household equipment, continu- the Sustainable Consumption case, i.e. the elderly and the
ing with household energy use and expenditures and then one-parent families, than for those pro"ting from the
describing production structure and total emissions. income distribution of the Stagnation case, namely
Finally, also a decomposition of the observed changes young and middle-aged singles and couples. The total
according to important in#uencing factors is presented. number of cars shows particular important increases for
For the interpretation of the "gures one has to bear in the elderly singles and elderly couples. Besides income
mind that * as already noted earlier * the focus of the increases this is the e!ect of their increasing share in
study has been on household behaviour and its impact population. The number of cars owned by elderly people
on emissions, and technological developments have not would be even more important, if instead of supposing
been investigated in detail in the project. In particular, that ownership behaviour of the elderly in the future is
a cross-country comparison of technological potentials the same as the one observed today, the assumption were
was not within the scope of this study. Neither has chosen that households maintain their ownership behav-
explicit attention been paid to the possible impacts of iour when ageing.
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 559

Fig. 6. Average number of cars per household in West Germany, France and the Netherlands, 1990}2010.

In Fig. 6 an international comparison of the penetra- Fig. 6. The utilisation of the equipment is hardly
tion rates for cars is shown, i.e. the average number of in#uenced by income increases (see above) and the equip-
cars per household. Thereby the highest penetration ment increases are outweighed by e$ciency improve-
rate in the base year is observed in France, yet this is also ments of dwellings (insulation and heating systems),
the country with the highest average household size, cars and appliances. In the Netherlands however, the
therefore, the average number of cars per capita is higher larger increase of the number of households (in %)
in West Germany. In all three countries the important and a slight increase in the consumption per dwelling
income increase in the Sustainability through Technolo- cause a substantial rise of aggregate domestic energy
gical Breakthrough scenario after 2000 will lead to an consumption.
important rise in penetration rate. Also, in the Business as Aggregate "nal energy consumption of households is
usual case the average penetration rate rises by more than of course decreasing less than per household consump-
10% whereas in the other two scenarios only small in- tion since the number of households is still increasing, as
creases are observed. Therefore, in these cases the major shown in Fig. 8 for West Germany. Especially in the
part of the aggregate increase in car stock as displayed in Business as Usual case total "nal energy consumption is
Fig. 5 is due to the increased household numbers. increasing although at a per household level decreases
In Fig. 7 the development of direct energy consump- are observed.
tion per household is displayed for Germany. The simu- The development of consumption expenditures in the
lations show that due to energy e$ciency improvements di!erent scenarios is shown in Fig. 9 for the Netherlands.
the "nal energy consumption per household is decreasing Thereby expenditures in national currencies have been
although the equipment rates are rising as shown in converted to purchasing power standards (PPS in ECU)
by means of purchasing power parities as established by
the OECD. Whereas up to the year 2000 no important
 Due to multiple car ownership the penetration rates shown here di!erences appear between the scenarios, in the second
suggest a higher share of car holding households than is actually the period the higher economic growth rate in the Sus-
case (e.g. the Dutch share of car owning household in 1990 was 75% tainable Technology case leads to an increase of
* having at least one car). consumer expenditures per household by over 28% com-
 In the Netherlands even a decrease of the penetration rate is pared to 1990. This is sensibly higher than the increase by
obtained in the Sustainability through re#ective consumption scenario.
This is mainly the e!ect of exogenous assumption on declining multiple 5, 13 and 7% observed, respectively, in the Stagnation,
car ownership, since due to data limitations multiple car ownership the Business as usual and the Sustainability through
cannot be derived from empirical equations for the Netherlands. Re#ective Consumption cases. Thereby in all scenarios
560 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Fig. 7. Final energy consumption per household in West Germany from 1990}2010.

Fig. 8. Total "nal energy consumption of households in West Germany from 1990}2010.

expenditures for home and particularly leisure show is shown for the example of the Netherlands. As for the
a clear disproportionate increase, whereas the expendi- development of the car stock again the increasing im-
tures for food are even declining in the two tendencial portance of elderly households appears, their share in
scenarios, due to the corresponding relative price drops. consumption expenditures rises from 22% to 26% to
In Fig. 10 the development of aggregate consumption 27%, depending on the scenarios, with a particularly
expenditures and their repartition by household groups important increase for elderly singles.
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 561

Fig. 9. Consumption expenditures per household in the Netherlands from 1990}2010, in purchasing power standards (PPS).

Fig. 10. Aggregate consumption expenditures by household type for the Netherlands, 1990}2010.

3.4. Energy demand and related emissions the development of household expenditures and house-
hold energy use the resulting emissions are also in-
Of course the di!erent growth paths of household #uenced by the production structure, the energy
consumption in the di!erent scenarios lay potentially e$ciency developments and abatement technologies.
di!erent pressures on the environment. However, besides This is shown in the following for the examples of CO

562 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Fig. 11. Development of total CO emissions induced by households in West Germany between 1990 and 2010.

and NO emissions. Further results covering also other the higher economic growth assumed and the corre-
emissions may be found in Weber et al. (1996a,b) and sponding higher consumption.
Perrels and van Arkel (1996). For France the potentials for fuel switching are less
Whereas for the classical air-borne emissions such as important (given an already largely fossil-free electricity
NO and SO in the period up to 2010 important emis- generation) and consequently the emission levels of all
sion decreases are obtained for all scenarios and all scenarios except the Sustainability through Re#ective
countries, the picture for CO is more contrasted. As Consumption case are higher in 2010 than in 1990 (see

indicated in Fig. 11 emissions for Germany remain Fig. 12). Still however the CO emissions per household

roughly at the same level in the tendencial scenarios, with remain lower than in Germany. They amount to
a slight decrease for the rosy variant (!3%) and con- 12.9 t/hh for all scenarios except for the Sustainable Con-
trarily a small increase for the bleak case (#6%). Parti- sumption case (10.3 t/hh), compared to a range from
cularly, the CO emissions related to direct energy use 13.5 t/hh (Sustainability through Technological Break-

are substantially higher in the bleak than the rosy variant through) to 18.7 t/hh (Stagnation) for West Germany in
which is of course related to the higher direct energy 2010.
consumption of households in the Stagnation case (cf. For the Netherlands the results obtained are even
Fig. 7). In contrast, the two sustainable scenarios show worse (see Fig. 13). Only in the Sustainability through
that substantial emission decreases can be obtained Re#ective Consumption case a stabilisation of CO emis-

* about 23% in both cases * although they di!er sions in the year 2010 versus 1990 is obtained, for all
substantially in the way this goal is achieved. other scenarios increases by 10% or more are observed.
As already stated above, the energy e$ciency improve- Of course this is related to the lower potential for energy
ments are rather similar in the two scenarios as far as e$ciency improvements (particularly insulation) as-
industry and households are concerned, yet major di!er- sumed in the Dutch case. Here the international com-
ences arise from the fact that nuclear is supposed to fade parability of assumptions should be checked carefully.
out in the re#ective consumption path by the year 2010, Yet, some additional e$ciency gains introduced for the
whereas in the technology-oriented path its share in Netherlands plus the introduction of thermal solar col-
electricity production is assumed to increase from 32% in lectors for tap water heating did not modify substantially
1990 to 60% in 2010 (cf. Fahl et al., 1995). Thereby CO the outcomes.

emissions of about 60 Mt are avoided * by expanding
a technology, where the risks are still rather controver-  Given the new tightening of the Energy Performance Standard
sially debated. This carbon-free form of electricity pro- (EPN) these collectors are expected to be used in newly built houses and
duction permits to o!set the higher emissions induced via a part of the thoroughly renovated houses.
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 563

Fig. 12. Development of total CO emissions induced by households in France between 1990}2010.

Fig. 13. Development of total CO emissions induced by households in the Netherlands between 1990}2010.

The importance of e$ciency gains in the production than 15% are obtained for all expenditure groups, in the
sectors for achieving CO stabilisation or reduction tar- Sustainability through technological Breakthrough scen-

gets is illustrated by Fig. 14, where CO emissions per ario even nearly 50% reductions are reached for some

unit of production values are indicated for West expenditure groups. These reductions are of course be-
Germany. For all scenarios speci"c reductions of more sides energy e$ciency improvements also induced by fuel
564 C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566

Fig. 14. Development of CO emission intensities for main non-energy expenditure categories in West Germany between 1990 and 2010.

Fig. 15. Decomposition of CO emission changes for West Germany between 1990}2010.

switches, namely from coal to gas or * in the case of versus the base year, in a next step changes in economic
electricity production * to nuclear. parameters are added (growth of GDP and labour pro-
In Fig. 15 additionally the contributions of the di!er- ductivity, price changes, etc.) and "nally the e$ciency
ent factors investigated to the observed CO emission improvements and fuel switches are superposed. Whereas

developments are illustrated for the example of West demographic and household developments contribute in
Germany. Hereby in a stepwise approach for the projec- all scenarios to an emission increase by about 40 Mt the
tion years "rst only the demographics (household num- e!ect of economic factors varies considerably according
bers and distribution over types) have been modi"ed to the scenarios considered, from about 50 Mt in the
C. Weber, A. Perrels / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 549}566 565

Sustainability through Re#ective Consumption scenario the composition of consumer demand. From the scen-
to more than 150 Mt in the Sustainability through Tech- arios investigated we conclude that both the distribution
nological Breakthrough case. Of course also e$ciency of employments and income as well as the composition of
improvements and fuel switches exert di!erent contribu- consumption a!ect future energy demand.
tions in the various scenarios, with particularly low ef- A major advantage of the approach adopted here is
fects in the Stagnation case. The considerably higher that the analysis of energy demand and emissions in
contribution in the Sustainability through Technological a consumer and citizen perspective provides a possibility
Breakthrough case than in the Sustainability through for policy making to deal with `Sustainable Develop-
Re#ective Consumption case is partly due to the fact that menta by having a `Customer orientationa. The deter-
similar relative emission reductions produce higher abso- mined energy and emission pro"les and in#uencing
lute reductions under the high growth assumptions of the factors give an easily interpretable image of the energy
technology-oriented scenario, partly it is however also and emission consequences of consumer behaviour and
the e!ect of the carbon-free nuclear electricity produc- thus contribute to an increased transparency of complex
tion. For the other countries mainly the e!ect of the economic and ecological interconnections. This could be
e$ciency and fuel switch step is lower, due to fewer used in the future in the context of information cam-
possibilities for fuel switches (for France) and also lower paigns not only to raise the environmental awareness of
assumptions on e$ciency improvements, particularly for the general public but also for providing a common basis
direct household energy use (especially in the Nether- for experts and politicians with various backgrounds but
lands). Therefore, for future work a coherent evaluation in the quest of a common well-being. Since this study the
of technological possibilities and fuel switches is advis- model approach has been used for new studies as well, all
able in order to improve the international comparability of them typically aimed at decomposing macro-trends
of the results. and underlying driving forces into better recognisable
Since the conclusion of the study reported here, the factors at the meso- and micro-level (see inter alia
development of the greenhouse gas emissions has been Jeeninga, 1998; Perrels et al., 1998; Weber, 1999). The
such that the model results presented above still seem to model approach has also been used in a large framework
have their signalling value as regards the way the that also encompassed case studies and a CGE model in
transition of the economy is often modelled (cf. the com- order to assess the employment-creating capabilities of
parison in Table 5). The poorly observed costs of adapta- energy e$ciency investments and the in#uence of contex-
tion of consumers and producers will require more tual macro- and micro-conditions on these capabilities
detailed analysis, e.g. by means of transaction cost ap- (see inter alia Jeeninga et al., 1999).

4. Final remarks and further research perspectives
This research has been carried out to a large extent
Although various impacts of lifestyles on energy de- within the project `Consumersa Lifestyles and Pollutant
mand and related air-borne emissions have been investi- Emissions' involving also Martin O'Connor and Sylvie
gated before, the developed approach provides for the Faucheux and their research team at C3ED, UniversiteH
"rst time a comprehensive methodology to analyse the de Versailles, Saint-Quentin. During the study Adriaan
interconnections between lifestyles and energy consump- Perrels represented ECN, the national energy research
tion. Also, a wide range of factors in#uencing energy- centre in Netherlands. We gratefully acknowledge "nan-
relevant behaviour has been analysed for the di!erent cial support by the European Commission, DG XII un-
relevant aspects of household expenditures * detailed by der the Environment Programme (Contract NO. EV5V-
categories in each case. Thereby particularly the variety CT94-0373).
of the observed in#uencing patterns is of interest * since
it clearly shows that simplistic views and models of life-
style}energy relationships are inappropriate to capture References
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