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Biology Lab Report Template

General Rules
 Written neatly or typed (12 point Times New Roman)
 No personal pronouns (I, we, you, they, etc.)
 Start each section at the left margin – do not indent
 Use correct and complete sentences
 Each section has an underlined label with a colon followed by the text
(For example - Hypothesis: If I drop a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers at the same time, they
will hit the ground at the same time because of Newton’s Second Law of Motion.)

Title: Summarize your lab experiment in a few words. Do NOT try to be cute!

Introduction: What do you expect to learn? What is the purpose of this lab?

Hypothesis: Predict the outcome(s) of the experiment, must be in an “if…then…because…” format.

Materials: What equipment and materials did you need for this lab assignment? Describe or sketch how any
equipment was connected. List the name and amount of each item used.

Procedure: What steps did you take to accomplish this lab assignment? Number your steps. Anyone should
be able to reproduce your experiment by following your steps.

Data: Record the data that is collected at each step of the lab in a table if possible. If you use Logger Pro,
you may cut and paste your data into your report. Record any significant observations you make using words.
You must do at least two trials (preferably three) to have valid experimental results.

Analysis: This is where you put your graphs, and a brief explanation of what you learned from each graph. If
you use Logger Pro, you may cut and paste your graphs into your report.

Conclusion: Restate your hypothesis, and then state whether the hypothesis was supported or not
supported by your data. You must explain why you think your data did or did not support it. (If your
data did not support the hypothesis, it does not mean the experiment failed!)

References: Cite any sources that you used to research your experiment. Use MLA format.

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