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My Personality

Well I have not really been raised in such an amazing life, I have had to grow up relatively

quickly in order to help out my family but when I moved in with my grandparents I did not really need to

do those things anymore, but I still faced a lot of emotional stress. After a point of too much emotional

stress my personality became a lot more quiet and worried about others more than myself so I became

worried about others worrying about me so while I joke around a lot and cause a lot of ruckus, its

actually because I don’t anyone to know how I really feel. In one of me and my friend Andres’s deep

conversations I told him about this attitude that I have. But when I became friends with more people

over time I actually started to become genuinely happy and laugh and make real jokes instead of acting.

So as of right now I’m kind of in the mists of either being happy or quiet and negative, I have begun to

become more happy more often than not. But I guess I try to be positive because being negative won’t

change anything for the better even though sometimes I can’t help it. I also try and think things through

logically and given the salutation use some emotion to make decisions and decided there importance

and impact on me. While I am usually aware of problems I try and solve them by using a long and

positive process rather than be mean and logical and get straight to the point. So I guess my two main

personalities are happy, nice and positive while the other one is negative, straight to the point and likes

to take care of thing in a logical manner. But something that I also have that ties those two personality’s

is my ability to work too hard on something I know needs to be done or something I am passionate


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