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Maryam Mohsin

Mr. Lucadamo


30 Friday 2016

The Dog and the Cat

It is a hot, sunny morning in Yemen. Ali, the dog takes a walk. Ali always bragged about

how he can fast from sunrise to sunset. Tired of hearing him boast, Sarah, the cat challenged him

to drink a water bottle. All the animals gathered near the park to watch to see if he would drink

the bottle of water.

Ali, the dog took the water bottle and drank it. Sarah, the cat laughed and said, “See Ali,

you can never fast from sunrise to sunset.” Ali began to cry since Sarah, the cat teased him and

fooled him at the same time. Sarah did not know that in the meantime Malik, the rabbit, was

watching everything that Sarah was doing to Ali. Malik is vigilant and likes to help others feel


On Saturday, Ali goes to the park. When he arrives to his destination, he sits on a bench

and tells himself, “Don't let anyone fool you, do what you have to do.” Later, Sarah sees Ali on

the bench and challenges him, for the second time, to eat a sandwich. He refused to eat the

sandwich, but Sarah the cat, kept teasing him saying how he couldn't fast from sunrise to sunset.

Ali took the sandwich and ate it. Again, Sarah, the cat replied “See Ali, you could never fast from

sunrise to sunset.”

As the day continued, Ali was walking home from the park and decided to give up fasting

for the day because he kept getting teased by Sarah. Sarah all along was right because he was not

able to fast from sunrise to sunset. Finally, Malik the rabbit came walking towards Ali and gave
him advice which was, “Do not let Sarah, the cat get in your way. Always be positive and don't

listen to what others have to say.” “I’ll take your advice and hope it works, thank you Malik,”

replied Ali. Not listening to Sarah will help him complete his fast for the day.

It's a new day. Ali, the dog starts his day fasting from sunrise to sunset. Sarah again offers

him a cookie. However, Ali ignores her and looks away.

Sarah says, “You know you want the cookie, come and get it.” Ali kept ignoring her and

whispers to himself, “Remember what Malik, the rabbit said, don't let Sarah, get in your way.

Always be positive and don’t listen to what others have to say”.

Sarah kept telling him to eat the cookie. But, Ali says, “I'm not going to eat the cookie, I

am not going to eat anything. I'm going to fast from sunrise to sunset and you need to respect

that.” Sarah became offended the way Ali was talking to her. He did what Malik, the rabbit told

him, by not letting Sarah get in his way of fasting.

Ali fasted from sunrise to sunset. It was time to eat and Ali had a lovely and delicious

dinner. The meal he had was rice with chicken, salad, juice, grape leaves, and so much more. He

enjoyed eating his meal.

After that, Ali, the dog always reminded himself to never let Sarah get in his way and to

always do what makes him feel happy. Now, Sarah, the cat learned her lesson to never pick on

anyone and to respect Ali’s goal which was to fast from sunrise to sunset. Ali became happy and

lived happily by doing what he wanted and not letting anyone stop him.



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