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Các bạn lưu ý các script này do cao thu IELTS Speaking 7.5~8.0 soạn.

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1. Describe a historical building. You should say:

- What the building is
- Where it is located
- What the significance of this building is
- Describe your experience with the building
(What the building is) Historical sites, relics and buildings have remained an important
kind of cultural tourism resource as they are always a centre of attraction and attention
from the tourists and authorities. Among many historical buildings in Vietnam, Hue
Citadel Complex stands out as the most prominent one. Therefore, I would like to share
some information about such a stunning complex like this.
(Where it is located) The citadel complex is based in Hue, which was capital of
Vietnam for hundreds of years of feudalism. Many buildings are condensed into just
one complex, conjuring up such a large and stunning place of residence for the kings, in
which the Meridian Gate is the most important building that leads people to the citadel. It
was modelled after the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. Like the
original in Beijing, the Meridian Gate in Huế is composed of a main, central section and
two protruding wings, representing que towers, traditional towers marking the entrance
of palaces, temples and tombs.
(What the significance of this building is) The complex holds great cultural and
historical values as it has witnessed many monarchs of Vietnam as well as the transfer
of power between the last monarch and the democratic government. Also, its cultural
value is also of great importance as most cultural characteristics of Vietnam are
presented in and reflected by the complex such as the Ying-Yang balance, the use of
patterns, colours and materials.
(Describe your experience with the building) I have never had the chance to pay a visit
to this building before. However, having heard of its significance, I have nurtured the
dream of leaving my footprints in this UNESCO heritage site.
1. A centre of attention (phrase): trung tâm sự chú ý.
Some children love being the centre of attention.
Một số đứa trẻ thích làm trung tâm sự chú ý.
2. Stand out (phrasal verb): nổi bật
We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.
Chúng tôi có rất nhiều ứng viên tốt cho công việc, nhưng một người trong số họ đã nổi
bật hơn.
3. Citadel (n): thành quách
The town has a 14th century citadel overlooking the river.

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Thị xã này có một thành quách từ thế kỉ thứ 14 nhìn qua song.
4. Feudalism (n): phong kiến.

Marxist theory states that feudalism leads to capitalism and then socialism.
Chủ nghĩa Marxist cho rằng chế độ phong kiến sẽ dẫn đến tư bản và cuối cùng và xã hội
chủ nghĩa.
5. Condense into (phrase): gôm lại.
I condensed ten pages of comments into/to two.
Tôi gôm 10 trang comment còn lại thành 2 trang.
6. Conjure up (phrase): xây dựng nên
China is dreaming of conjuring up the next Silicone valley in its own country.
Trung Quốc đang mơ về việc xây dựng nên thung lũng Silicone thứ hai ngay trong lòng
quốc gia họ.
7. To be modelled after something (phrase): làm giống với cái gì đó.
You can model your lesson plans after ones from previous teachers.
Bạn có thể làm giáo án giống với mấy cái đã từng có của giáo viên.
8. Hold a value (phrase): giữ giá trị
They hold very middle-class values.
Họ nắm giữ giá trị rất rõ ràng của tầng lớp trung lưu.
9. Transfer of power (phrase): sự chuyển giao quyền lực.
The transfer of power to a civilian government
Một sự chuyển giao quyền lực cho chính phủ nhân dân.
10. Leaving someone’s footprints (idiom): đặt chân (để lại dấu chân).
He has left his footprints in more than 30 countries around the world.
Anh ấy đã để lại dấu chân tại hơn 30 quốc gia trên thế giới.

2. Describe a person who is good at a foreign language. You should say:

- Who that is
- What languages that person speaks
- How you knew he was good at that foreign language
- Why you think that person’s ability to speak that language is impressive
(Who that is) As a student majoring in linguistics, everyone around me has a high
command of at least one foreign language which might be English, Mandarin or French,
which are three most popular foreign languages learnt in Vietnam. However, it is John, who
is able to use all these three languages fluently, that I admire the most so far.
(What languages that person speaks) Well, John has acquired a high degree of
proficiency in English, Mandarin and French. He is the only person I know that is able to

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speak fluently up to three different languages. He was brought up bilingual as his father is
British and his mother is Vietnamese. He started to learn Mandarin and French at the same
time when he was my classmate in grade 8.
(How you knew he was good at that foreign language) John is the president of the
International Exchange Club of my university, of which I am a member. I, as a vice president,
have cooperate with John to carry out cultural exchange sessions with students from many
countries, notably France and China. That he used French to communicate with French
students and Mandarin to talk to Chinese ones left me astonished and when he used both
languages at the same time, I was at a loss for words because it was such a jaw-dropping
experience for me.
(Why you think that person’s ability to speak that language is impressive) It is common
knowledge that many a student struggles to learn English, which is deemed the universal
language as it is used for all official international documents. While learning English alone is
a great challenge for us, he can study French and Chinese, which are of no relations to each
other. Therefore, I would say that his ability to use up to 3 foreign languages can leave
anybody impressed.
1. To acquire a good command of something (phrase): khả năng
She has an excellent command of French.
Cô ấy có khả năng nói tiếng Pháp tốt.
3. To acquire a high degree of proficiency of a language (phrase): có khả năng sử
dụng ngôn ngữ tốt
He taught himself to carve to a high degree of proficiency.
Anh ấy tự học ngôn ngữ tới một trình độ khá cao.
4. Bilingual (adj): người nói 2 ngôn ngữ
He is bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese
Anh ấy có thể nói hai ngôn ngữ tiếng Pháp và tiếng Bồ Đào Nha.
5. To leave someone astonished (phrase): làm cho ai đó kinh ngạc
He was left astonished by the amount of junk in the house.
Anh ấy bị kinh ngạc khi nhìn thấy lượng rác trong ngôi nhà.
6. To be at a loss for words (phrase): không nói nên lời / không biết nên nói gì
He hesitated and briefly appeared at a loss for words.
Anh ấy ngần ngại và trong một phút đây dường như đã không biết nói gì.
7. Jaw-dropping (adj): quá xuất sắc / quá bất ngờ
The jaw-dropping dress made me buy it immediately.
Cái đầm quá xuất sắc này đã làm tôi phải mua nó ngay lập tức.

8. Describe an experience when you solved a problem via the Internet. You should

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- What the problem was
- When it was
- How you solved it
- And explain why this experience was memorable
(What the problem was) As a member of the International Exchange Club of the
school, I oftentimes encounter with some problems related to the preparation process of
organising cultural exchange sessions. As far as I could remember, the one that could
have brought our biggest cultural annual fair into disrepute was when a member of
my group who was deemed stalwart did not prepare anything until the last day before
the day of the fair.
(When it was) My club has taken great pride in this annual fair as thanks to it, we have
had the chance to expand our social circle with many prestigious universities over the
world. This fair traditionally falls on the last Saturday of March. That problem was not
an exception because it happened right on the last Friday of March two years ago when
she told me that she had not even touched the documents that I had given her up to 2
weeks prior to the deadline, which really got on my nerves and made my blood boil.
(How I solved it) Luckily, thanks to the Internet, I quickly made response to this
problem by helping her finish it soon rather than pouring scorn on her. The Google
Drive Sheet allows us to work together at the same time and keep track of what has been
written by people. By this, both she and I could interact smoothly with each other and get
the timeline done in just 3 hours for the fair taking place on the next day. As I did not
want anybody to be on edge, I had decided not to tell anyone else about this problem
before the fair came to a close. Not until the reflection that I shared with people about
this, and my story left them stunned. Everyone said that both she and I deserved praise as
we were able to rise to the challenge right in time.
(Explain why this experience was memorable) I would say that this experience is the
most both positive and negative memorable one that I have ever had in my student life.
For the negative side, this let me know I was too soft on people as I allowed them to miss
their deadline. For the positive side, I realised that although my blood was boiling, I was
able to keep calm and joined hands to finish the timeline with her so that the fair could be
deliver expected outcome.
1. To bring something into disrepute (phrase): làm phá hỏng cái gì đó
Involvement with terrorist groups brought the political party into disrepute
Việc câu kết với những nhóm khủng bố đã phá hủy danh dự của đảng chính trị này.
2. Stalwart (adj): trung thành, đáng tin tưởng
She has been a stalwart supporter of the party for many years
Cô ấy đã là người ủng hộ trung thành của đảng này qua rất nhiều năm.
3. To expand someone’s social circle (phrase): mở rộng mối quan hệ xã hội
In order to expand your social circle, you will need to become the master of the art of
Để mở rộng mối quan hệ, bạn cần trở thành một bậc thầy trong việc giao tiếp xã hội.

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4. To get on someone’s nerves (idiom): làm ai đó khó chịu
Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.
Làm ơn đừng phát ra tiếng động khó chịu đó nghĩa. Nó làm tôi rất bực mình!
5. to make someone’s blood boil (idiom): làm ai đó sôi máu
When I hear stories of cruelty to animals, it makes my blood boil.
Khi tôi nghe chuyện về sự tàn nhẫn với động vật, nó làm tôi sôi máu.
6. to pour scorn on something/someone (idiom): chửi ai đó/cái gì đó
Critics of the president have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was
first proposed.
Các nhà phê bình của tổng thống liên tục mắng nhiếc cái kế hoạch từ khi nó được đưa ra
lần đầu tiên.
7. to be on edge (phrase): lo lắng
Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.
Có gì đó không ổn hả? Bạn trông có vẻ lo lắng sáng nay.
8. to rise to the challenge (phrase): giải quyết khó khăn cách thành công
All eyes are now on the oil companies to see if they can rise to the challenge and get
the fuel out quickly
Tất cả mọi con mắt đều hướng vào công ty dầu liệu xem họ có thể giải quyết khó khăn
một cách thành công và lấy được nhiên liệu ra nhanh hay không.
Describe an occasion when you showed something new to younger people. You should
- Who you shared with
- What you shared
- When you shared it with them
- And explain why you think it is memorable
(Who you shared with) As a leader of the International Exchange Club of my
university, I am responsible of passing essential skills and information to members of my
group so that they know what should be done and what outcomes they are expected to
deliver. All these members had just been admitted into our club after such a 3-round
thriller full of ups and downs that explored the most outstanding applicants that pushed
themselves to the limits to deliver the best performance that left the recruitment board
(What you shared with them) It is the leadership and organisation skills that I shared
with them. As they were fresh members, little could they have a good grasp of the
club’s activities and know what they were supposed to do. Therefore, it was essential that
information about activities as well as the way to handle those activities be informed to
(When you shared it with them) It was on the orientation day that I decided to talk
about this as I can recognise that that these skills are instrumental in maintaining a

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strong and stable group as well as helping us to deliver the best outcomes. Many
questions about my topic was raised as they were all excited about the brand-new
(And explain why it was memorable) The chance to share leadership and organisations
skills with newbies of my club was beyond memorable because I was the first second-
year student that sprang to the director’s mind when it came to consideration on the
person who should be in charge of this role. Moreover, it was my maiden opportunity to
share such important information to the younger generation, which helped me to strive
even more to become a better person.
1. To deliver an outcome (phrase): đưa ra kết quả
Their strategy delivered the desired outcome.
Chiến lược của họ đã đưa ra kết quả như mong đợi.
2. Ups and downs (noun): Thăng trầm
Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that
Như đa số các cặp vợ chồng khác, chúng tôi cũng có những lúc thăng trầm, nhưng cuộc
sống là vậy.
3. To push oneself to the limits (phrase): vượt lên chính mình
If you really want to know what you are capable of, push yourself to the limits
Nếu bạn muốn biết mình có khả năng tới đâu, hãy vượt lên chính mình
4. To leave someone astonished (phrase): làm cho ai đó kinh ngạc
He was left astonished by the amount of junk in the house.
Anh ấy bị kinh ngạc khi nhìn thấy lượng rác trong ngôi nhà.
5. To have a good grasp of something (phrase): biết rõ cái gì đó
He has a good grasp of the issues.
Anh ấy biết rất rõ vấn đề.
6. Instrumental (adj): rất quan trọng
She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.
Cô ấy đóng vai trò rất quan trọng trong việc hoàn lương tù nhân.
7. To raise a question (phrase): đặt ra vấn đề
The new play raises some challenging questions.
Vở kịch mới đã đặt ra một số vấn đề khó khăn.
8. Spring to one’s mind (phrase): đập vào đầu ai đó
Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to
my mind.
Hãy nói chữ Australia, một viễn cảnh biển xanh sẽ liền đập vào đầu tôi.
9. Maiden (adj): lần đầu

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The first hydrogen-powered airplane will make its maiden flight this year.
Máy bay đầu tiên chạy với nhiên liệu hydro sẽ bay chuyến bay đầu tiên năm nay.
10. To strive (v): cố gắng
Mr Roe has kindled expectations that he must now strive to live up to.
Ông Roe đã đặt ra những mong đợi mà ngay bây giờ ông ấy phải cố gắng để thực hiện.
Describe a prize that you would like to win. You should explain
- what the prize is for
- how you know about it
- what you would have to do to win it
- and why you would like to win this prize.
(What the prize is for) I have nurtured the dreamed of winning Miss Universe since I
was a young 6-year old girl. Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that
is run by the American-based Miss Universe Organization. It airs in more than 190
countries worldwide and seen by more than half a billion people annually. Along
with Miss World, Miss International, and Miss Earth, Miss Universe is one of the Big
Four international beauty pageants.
(How you know about it) Miss Universe is relatively popular here in Vietnam since
Vietnam had the honour to host the Miss Universe 2008 in Nha Trang, which was also
the time when I first heard of this beauty pageant. Also in that year, Vietnam made it to
the top 8 of the competition, which was its best result before being eclipsed by H’Hen
Nie, who set a new milestone for Vietnam’s performance at Miss Universe by making it
to top 5 in 2018.
(What you would have to do to win it) I am now a 19-year-old girl majoring in
International Business at the Foreign Trade University, which is deemed the source of
beauties in Vietnam as a considerable proportion of Vietnamese beauty pageant
titleholders come from my university. I would make use of this chance to expand my
social circle with my predecessors who have gone far at beauty pageants to learn from
them. Also, I would go to great lengths to improve my weight.
(And why you would like to win this prize) All beauties clinching Miss Universe title
have proved influential in community service as well as gained a certain position in the
fashion industry. I would like to win the competition so that I can voice my concern
over the lack of education in mountainous areas in Vietnam and in other countries in the
world as well as use the money to set up a charity foundation for education. H’Hen Nie
has proved that education is the easiest way which people can go to lift themselves out
of poverty.
1. To air (v): chiếu
The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning.
Buổi phỏng vấn với tổng thống sẽ được chiếu vào sáng ngày mai.
2. To eclipse (v): vượt mặt
The economy has eclipsed all other issues during this election campaign.

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Vấn đề về kinh tế đã vượt mặt mọi vấn đề khác trong chiến dịch tranh cử này.
3. To set a milestone (phrase): lập cột mốc
In Monday mornings, we would set milestones for the week.
Trong các buổi sáng thứ hai, chúng tôi sẽ lập cột mốc cần có cho tuần mới.
4. Deem (v): cho là/xem là
The area has now been deemed safe.
Khoanh vùng này đã được cho là an toàn.
5. Titleholder (n): người chiến thắng/nhà vô địch
The Olympic and World titleholder
Nhà vô địch Olympic và thế giới
6. To expand someone’s social circle (phrase): mở rộng mối quan hệ xã hội
In order to expand your social circle, you will need to become the master of the art of
Để mở rộng mối quan hệ, bạn cần trở thành một bậc thầy trong việc giao tiếp xã hội.
7. To go to great lengths (phrase): làm bất cứ điều gì.
He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.
Anh ấy sẽ làm bất cứ điều gì để đạt được những gì anh ấy muốn
8. Voice concern over something (phrase): lên tiếng về vấn đề gì
Many people have voiced concern over the proposed changes in the law.
Rất nhiều người đã lên tiếng về những thay đổi dự trù trong Luật/
9. Lift oneself out of poverty (phrase): kéo ai đó ra khỏi cảnh nghèo
Sustained economic growth is the single most powerful means of lifting people out of
Tăng trưởng kinh tế bền vững là cách quy nhất để kéo người dân ra khỏi cảnh nghèo.
Describe a teenager you know. You should say:
• What this person looks like
• When and where you met this person
• What you do when you are together
And explain why he/she makes you remember.
(What this person looks like) Well, the person I’d like to talk to you about is a teenager
who imprinted my memory with so much to remember, Jane. She must be one of the
nicest and most down-to-earth people I have ever known in my life. She is a person who
always appears resplendent in stunning dresses in parties and is always a hub of
attraction and the star of the show. With her long curly hair and her stunning voice, she
looks like a truly diva.

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(When and where you met this person) I came across Jane at an event of my
company’s headquarter two years ago. She, as always, was the most prominent one in the
party with her red evening gown, which left me astonished at first sight. It just so
happened that Jane and I were in the same group for activities of the event and we started
to get to know each other.
(What you do when you are together) After the party, we still kept in touch and
became good friends. Whenever we meet, we always head to Phuc Long, one of the most
famous tea and coffee chains in Ho Chi Minh city, and spill the tea. However, we
sometimes travel with each other, meaning that we have to join hands to work on the
(And explain why she/he makes you remember) The very first impression of hers on
me was her red gown. It was crowned the best gown in the event, and the way she
walked to the stage was far beyond anyone’s imagination as it was not far from
professional whatsoever. Also, she had a beautiful voice, which left many in the event,
including me, at a loss for words.
1. To imprint (verb): in
That look of grief would be imprinted on her mind forever.
Ánh nhìn giận dữ sẽ in đậm trong tâm trí cô ấy mãi mãi
2. Down-to-earth (idiom): thực tế
She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
Cô ấy là một cô gái thực thế không bao giờ có kỳ vọng nhiều.
3. To come across (phrasal verb): vô tình gặp ai đó
He came across some old love letters.
Anh ấy vô tình thấy lại những bức thư tình đã cũ.
4. It just so happens that (phrase): cũng khá bất ngờ là
It just so happens that I have a bike I can lend you.
Cũng khá bất ngờ là tôi có một chiếc xe đạp có thể cho bạn mượn.
5. Spill the tea (slang): đổ trà (nói xấu)
OMG, spill the tea on that drama
Chúa ơi, đổ trà về cái drama đó coi nào!
6. To work on something (phrase): hoàn thành
Don’t worry about that, I’m working on it.
Đừng lo lắng nhiều quá, tôi đang cố gắng hoàn thành nó sớm.
7. To be far from something (phrase): được sử dụng để diễn tả phủ định
The battle is far from over.
Trận chiến còn lâu với kết thúc
8. To be at a loss for words (phrase): không nói nên lời / không biết nên nói gì

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He hesitated and briefly appeared at a loss for words.
Anh ấy ngần ngại và trong một phút đây dường như đã không biết nói gì.

Describe your dream home. You should say:

 Where the house is
 What the house includes
 How it looks
 And explain why you like to live in this house
(Where the house is) I’ve dreamed of having a house in the resort city of Danang since it
was crowned the most liveable city in Vietnam, and has won this title for 5 years,
leaving bar behind its rivals such as Vung Tau, which is my hometown, and Ho Chi
Minh city, which is the wealthiest city in Vietnam. Danang is such a stunning coastal city
with magnificent scenery of the sea and the mountains. It’s natural and modern at the
same time, that’s why I would love to live there.
(What the house includes) As a person with a diminutive frame, I would also love to live
in a small house without any floors. Yet, it should comprise necessities as well as other
kinds of other supplementary things like a pool or a garden. 30% of my house should be
covered by greenery because it will calm down the temperature significantly when
heatwaves, along with high humidity, affect the region during the summer.
(How it looks) The walls will be painted in white, which makes my house look a lot brighter
and reduces the absorption of heat. Also, the doors will be all glassy because there is
nothing more elegant than glass. I follow the minimalism of the Japanese, and I am lazy,
so there will be nothing much inside my house apart from a kitchen, creamy lights, and
some very essential necessities. There is no question of paintings or complicated
furniture being in my house.
(And explain why you like to live in this house) From what I’ve said, there are two main
reasons. This house is located in the city of Danang, which is a coastal city with beautiful
beaches and mountains. The house is built in deference to Japanese minimalism and I’m
a couch potato who does not want to spend time on tidying up the house too frequently.
1. To be crowned (v): được trao vương miện/thắng cái gì đó
Queen Elizabeth II was crowned (queen) (= made queen in a special ceremony) in 1953.
Nữ hoàng Elizabeth II được trao vương miện vào năm 1953.
2. To leave someone far behind (n): bỏ xa ai đó.
Three years later, the company had left all its close rivals far behind.
Ba năm sau đó, công ty này đã bỏ xa các đối thủ.
3. Diminutive frame (phrase): tướng người nhỏ con.
Despite Roy’s diminutive frame, he was able to defeat some of the top wrestlers who were
twice his size at the world championship.
Mặc dù có tướng người nhỏ con, nhưng Roy đã chiến thắng một trong số các tay vật nổi
tiếng nhất thế giới với thân hình to gấp 2 anh ấy.
4. Absorption (n): sự hút

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Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.
Một số loại khí có thể đi vào cơ thể qua đường hút của da.
5. In deference to something (phrase): theo cái gì đó.
She covered her head in deference to Muslim custom.
Cô ấy che đầu lại theo luật Hồi giáo.
6. Couch potato (n): người lười biếng.
A couch potato is a person who watches a lot of television and does not have an active life
Một “couch potato” là người xem TV rất nhiều và không có một cuộc sống năng động.

1. Describe a person you wanted to be similar when you were young. You should say:
- Who that was
- How old were you then
- What that person had
- Explain why you wanted to be similar to that person.
(Who that was) Everyone has an idol to whom he wants to be similar, I’m not an exception.
Tuyen, a ASEAN Classical winning chorister, was the person who I made a lot of efforts
to be like. She was one of the most recognised members of my church back then due to
her ability to sing as she was always chosen for the leading part as well as soloing in
most important events. As the choir comprised a lot of people from different age groups
in charge of different roles. After the audition, I became a member of the soprano group.
(How old were you then) I was a 14-year-old girl back then while Tuyen was 24, meaning that
she’s exactly 10 years older than me.
(What that person had) Tuyen, at the age of 24, graduated from the Institute of Music with
honours as she aced her graduation exam with the maximum score of 10.0. On top of
that, with such an outstanding performance during the whole process of her at the
institute, she was chosen as the only Vietnamese representative in the ASEAN Classical
competition, which has been well-known for giving birth to and unearthing an
immense number of talents in ASEAN.
(What you wanted to be like that person) Of course, it was her voice that I wanted to have. I
went to great lengths to make my voice like hers, and I was nearly successful until
someone else told me to use my own voice as it’d sound a lot more natural, which made
me give up her voice and started to sharpen my own one. Moreover, I also dreamed of
winning the ASEAN Classical championship like her as it brought her fame and wealth.
1. Comprise (v): bao gồm
The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD.
Khoá học bao gồm một cuốn sách học, một cuốn bài tập và một đĩa CD.
2. Soprano (n): phần hát cao.
3. Ace (v): vượt qua kì thi tốt

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I was up all night studying, but it was worth it - I aced my chemistry final.
Tôi thức cả đêm để học bài, nhưng thực sự đáng, vì tôi đã vượt qua bài cuối kì Hoá cách xuất
4. On top of that (phrase): hơn nữa.
We missed the bus, and on top of that it started raining.
Chúng tôi đã trễ xe buýt, mà hơn nữa trời lại còn mưa.
5. Give birth to so/sth (phrase): sinh ra cái gì đó/ai đó.
She gave birth to twins.
Cô ấy sinh ra một cặp song sinh.
6. Unearth (v): khám phá.
A private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.
Một người trinh thám đã khám phá ra những chứng cớ mới.
7. Go to greath/any lengths to do sth (idiom): làm bất cứ điều gì để làm được cái gì đó.
He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.
Anh ấy sẽ làm bất cứ điều gì để đạt những gì anh ấy muốn.

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