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Higuera 3

Alex Higuera

Professor Dewey

ENG101 Essay 2

27 February 2019

I believe that I am full mexican and not mexican-american in terms of my ethnicity. I

believe that an American is anyone who lives from Canada until South America. Anyone who’s

parents are from another country that move into another country looking for a better life does not

change anything about where they are from. For example, if two pigs move into the chickencoop

looking to start a new life and proceed on with their lives, and end up having an offspring. There

in no shape, way, or form is the piglet going to part chicken.

I believe people need to respect their culture more and be appreciative of where they are

from. It is very disrespectful that people do not have a sense to love the community of where

their roots are from and tend to turn against it. As times of today, people are very racist and even

against their own kind. I do not even understand how certain people are totally against one race

but are all for their culture and what it brings to our society. Us as mexicans are very diminished

in the community, especially with our racist president. It is very tough for us to appreciate our

roots without getting criticized and called names. They consider all of us criminals, and terrible

stereotypes, but what they do not appreciate is that we are the hardest workers and do alot for our

society. I just believe that being mexican is a blessing.

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We are being so diminished in today's society of the US having to deal with oppression

on the daily is not easy to to deal with. There are people that work in this country and pay taxes

and are still belittled. It is a disgrace that we work the hardest and have to deal with being labeled

as job stealers or cancers to society. We are here to have a better life for our families not to just

be a leach and haul government money in. Most of the people that are here illegally or legally are

here to work and appreciate the mexican culture. These people are contributing to the economy

and are not on the sides of freeways asking for money but yet are the ones that are the most

criticized. This issue that they have to deal with on the daily, of attempting to avoid the

government officials in order to remain in the country is something that needs to be realized.

These people are contributing to the economy, has a job, pays bills, send their kids to school, and

still can not be here legally just blows my mind.

For example, I have a friend that is a dreamer. He was not born here in the states but is

here now and was going to school while he works. He was offered a full ride to Gateway

Community College to further his academic and athletic career to play soccer for them. When the

school found out that he was a dreamer without legal documents, they took back their offer. This

should never happen. A student that qualifies for what the school prerequisites are should not be

denied to attend a school because of where they are from. This situation should never happen

based on the simple fact that the student was already offered the scholarship.

I also believe that there are plenty of kids out there not taking advantage of what they

have in front of them. I'm not only doing this for myself, but for my parents. They moved to the

states in order to have a better life for them and their children. Now I am in route to finish

college and be the first one in my family with a college diploma. There are kids that seem to take
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advantage of being in this country legally and do not do anything with their lives. I am not the

judge of other people's lives but they should appreciate the effort and sacrifice their parents made

for them, and should be proud to be full mexican.

I look to make my parents happy, and to put a roof under their heads. They did

everything in their will to make sure we were okay. They presented me with how to appreciate

my culture and that being mexican is a blessing. I will forever be in debt to my parents.

Appreciate your roots for they are what allowed yourself to grow.

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