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Badiaga (fresh water sponge)

Fresh water sponge
(related to Spongia, toasted sponge)

A bit more evolved than spongia, found in

fresh water, where environment less stable

Swelling of glands
Inflammation of lymphatic tissues
(enlargement of glands, cervical and other
Retains fluids (appears stouter)
A sore pain (Arn)
The harm doesn’t penetrate the system too
much it stays on the surface
(Spong) can’t elaborate on their pain much, for Bag it’s as if they are made of rubber
and the bad experiences just bounce off the surface
They don’t want to cope with pain entering their system, so stays on surface
Looks stout, solid, rigid, a big structure, overweight
Overweight and strong (Spong, overweight and weak)
Active congestion: (Coral) high blood pressure
Too much focus on physical symptoms, to try an show a macho-ness
Escape (retraction): when they get into a situation they cannot endure, they have a
very quick and effective escape mechanism
Panic attacks (but not as much as Spongia) will show less
Attached to artificial supports (Spong brings husband, Bad brings tranquilizers)
As if heart is not strong enough—they don’t have energy and strength inside to really
behave as they are trying to appear
Find someone else weaker (Spong finds someone stronger) both parents aren’t able
to cope with their kids, they just have one child because they have to work so hard for
Something that is normal for other families is difficult for them
Ailments from excessive joy (problem dealing with strong emotions)
Skin problems
Muscular pains, soreness
Suddenness of symptoms

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