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 Altahona Arnedo Nora

 Cardozo Bello Daniela

 De Ávila Alvis Angie Carolina
 Herrera Villero Yulieth Paola
Grade: 11C
. Visualize how you want the car to be.

Select the necessary parts: 4 rims support blocks, Etc.

First get a long block of LEGO that will serve as the base of

the car.

. Select the rims. Usually you only need four, but if you are

going to make a bigger car, you may need to add another pair
of rims on each side and maybe a spare on the back.

Build the car with blocks of different sizes, to try to imagine

how the blocks can mimic the shape of the car.

You must take the small pieces that serve as support so

that the tires do not come off.

Verify that the car is resistant after placing the supports.

Keep in mind that the car moves, because when placing the

pieces some can prevent it

Finally, place the decorative accessories that you consider

and be ready.

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