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To check the normality of the data (value of p should be greater than 0.

05 for normally distributed data)

Packages: nortest, goftest, and moments

1. skewness =0

2. Kurtosis=3

3 shapiro wilk test=Shapiro.test

4.anderson darling test=ad.test

5.lilliefore (kolmogorov-smirnov)=Lillie.test()

6. QQ norms and QQlines=qqnorm(),qqline(variable,col=2,lwd=3) OR qqnorm(variable name




Table(variable1, variable2)

Non metric=chisq.test()

Assumtions of multiregression

Assumption of linearity

Assumption of normality

Assumption of absence of multicollinearity

Assumption of homoscedasticity sample observation should

No outliers

Mean value of the residual has to be zero

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