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In Excel, we have three specific functions to convert text from one case

to another. Whereas there is another case for which we don’t have any
function or any other option.

That’s ==> Sentence Case

You might be wondering: What sentence case actually is?

Well, in sentence case, for an entire sentence, the first letter of the first
word should be in the capital case and rest of the letters of the first
word and all the other words should be in lower case.

Something like this:

Now, the thing is.

How can we convert a normal text to sentence case in Excel if we don’t

have any particular function or option?

The answer is simple.

We can create a formula by combining other text functions.

So today, in this post, I’d like to share with you a simple formula
which you can use to convert a normal case to sentence case in Excel.

Let’s get started and download this file from here to follow along.
Convert to Sentence Case in Excel
To create a formula for sentence case we need to use five different text
functions. Let's your text is in cell A1, then the formula will be:

How it works
To understand this formula, we need to split it into two parts.

In the first part, the left function returns the first character of and
then upper function converts it into upper case.

In the second part, will convert rest of the text to lower case as we
need rest of the letters in lower case for sentence case.

And finally, this combination return the text in sentence case.

Yes, that's it.

Convert to Sentence Case for More than One

The formula we have learned above is simple and easy to apply. But,
do you have the same thought in your mind which I have right now?

What will we do if there is more that one sentence in a cell?

This is crazy:
And you know, in this situation above formula is for nothing, we can't
use it.

We do need a different formula which can convert a text into the

sentence case when we have more than one sentence.

Here's the formula:

(LOWER(C12),". ","9z9")," ","zxz")),"9Z9",".
"),"zxz"," ")

How it works
So you want to learn how this formula works? Right? Well, you need
to hold your nerves and stay with me for a minute.

We need to split this formula into three different parts like I have done

In the first part, with lower function and two substitute functions, we
have converted the text into lower case and replace all the spaces
within words with “zxz” and space and dot between two sentences
with “9z9”.

At this point, we don't have any space in our text. So far so good.
In the second part, we have converted the entire text into the proper
case using the proper function.

A secret you need to learn

Whenever you convert a text into a proper case and you have a
number in that text, the function will treat that text separate words.
Look at the below example.

In the third part, we have again used two substitute functions to

replace “zxz” with a space and “9z9” with a dot and space.

In this way, we have converted our multiple sentence text into an

actual sentence case text.

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