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Kick Your Metabolism and Fat Loss Into

High Gear With These 5 Tips

Want to accelerate your loss of fat? Here are my five favorite melting fat strategies as quickly as

Well, what many people don't realize about getting really lean is that it's really just a slow accumulation
of doing a bunch of good little things. If you're doing just a few right, you're probably not going to get

All effective methods of weight loss do two–and only two–things at its core:

1) They limit the amount of food you eat.

2) The quantity of calories and fat you burn is increased.

#1 is sufficiently simple (accurately adhere to your meal plan), and #2 is about speeding up your
metabolic rate. I want to speak more about #2 in this article.



Cardio studies like those performed by Laval University, East Tennessee State University, Baylor College
of Medicine, and the University of New South Wales University have demonstrated that shorter, high-
intensity cardio sessions result in greater fat loss over time compared to low-intensity sessions.

Research also showed that training with high intensity is more muscle-sparing than cardio with low

Therefore, for all cardio, I recommend HIIT and keep your sessions for 20-30 minutes. This is how it

1. With 2-3 minutes of low-intensity warm-up, you start your workout.

2. You then go all-out for 30-60 seconds as quickly as possible (if you're new to HIIT, there is plenty
of 30-second intervals, but you still want to try to work towards 60-second intervals).

3. You then slow it down for the same period as your high-intensity interval to a low-intensity
recovery period. Again, if you are new to HIIT, this rest period may need to be extended to 1,5-2
times as long as your high-intensity interval. You're not ready to hit the high-intensity again if
you're still out of breath and your heart is racing. You repeat this cycle of all-out and recovery
intervals for 20-30 minutes.

4. You repeat this cycle of 20-30 minutes of all-out and recovery intervals.
5. You do a low intensity cool-down for 2-3 minutes.

The HIIT style can be applied to any type of cardio you normally do. You can go out and walk and sprint,
or you can hop to get it done on the elliptical trainer or recumbent bike.


Lift Heavy Weights

Research published by Greek sports scientists found that men who trained with heavy weights (80-85
percent of their 1-rep max or "1RM") increased their metabolic rates over the following three days,
burning hundreds of more calories than men who trained with lighter weights (45-65 percent of their

A further study showed that energy expenditure increased mainly because of burning fat after lifting of
heavy weights (and the researchers were uncertain of why).

So hit and hit the weights hard if you want to boost your metabolic rate and speed up your fat loss.

And if you want extra points, concentrate on compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts, because those
are the exercises that burn the most calories after the training.


Avoid consecutive resting days

Two days in a row without exercise can slow your metabolic rate down.

Train three or five days, then take one day off and then another three to four days off, instead of
training for five or seven days straight, then take a two-day rest.


Split Up Your Cardio and Weight Training

Instead of lifting for a little over an hour and then splitting it up for 30 minutes. Get your cardio up in the
morning, or vice versa, after work.

This upgrade will not only help keep your metabolic rate constantly high twice a day, it will also help
preserve the muscle.

In 2009, researchers at the University of RMIT worked together with well trained athletes and found
that "combining cardio and resistance training during the same session could interrupt genes to anabolic
effect" in terms of laymen. Cardio suppressed the anabolizing hormones IGF-1 and MGF prior to
resistance exercise, and cardio increased muscle breakdown after resistance exercise.
Several other studies, such as those of the Center of National Medicine for Children, the Waikato
Institute of Technology and the Jyvaskyla University in Finland, have reached the same conclusion: both
endurance and strength training impairs you're gaining on both fronts simultaneously. Training simply to
gain strength or just to stay is far superior in a workout.

Cardio also saves your energy before weightlifting and makes it much more difficult to follow tip #2.


Do Not Drink Your Calories

When you cut fluid calories, they're a disaster.

If you don't even have an appetite, they don't fill you up, and most are filled with sugar that keeps your
insulin spiced, which, in turn, leads to more fat storage, they're far too simple to eat.

Stick to water, flat tea (or sweeten it with a natural sweetener like stevia or truvia), black coffee or other
non-calorie beverages instead of using juice, sodas, sucrose tea or coffee drinks etc.


If you plan or currently struggle to lose weight, try to add each of the tips above. Also, feel free to
contact A Better You to speak to Personal Trainer Toronto or In home Personal Trainer to help you
achieve your goals. If your diet is in the right position, your body can do nothing but shred the fat!

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