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Rudy Wirawan

Bunda Mulia University, Ancol, North Jakarta, Indonesia

This research was based on the habits carried out in the teaching and learning process
in SMP Negeri 18 Bekasi. Learning methods were usually used for general learning
activities. The teacher was always more active to explain the subject matter in front of
class, and students tend to be passive and only listened what the teachers explained. If
students’ speaking ability did not develop, most students had difficulties later, when
they tried to communicate with each other by using English. In this globalizationt era,
English language was very important. So, the research was done by applying the role
play method to improve English language skills. The purpose of this research was to
explain the application of role playing methods in learning activity, and described the
improvement of students’english speaking ability through role play. Techniques in this
research included observations and interviews.
Keywords: Speaking ability, Role Playing, Method, Students, Teachers.

I. Introduction

In English, there are four basic skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. English speaking skill is important today, but the lack of teacher’s skills in
teaching make students difficult to master speaking skill. When teachers teach
speaking skills in the class, they only read the dialogue on the book and ask students
to read or memorize the same dialog and practice it in front of the class. This method
does not make students become more active and seem boring. So to solve this
problem, it means to find effective ways, so students can master speaking skill
easily and fun. Role play is one method that can be used in teaching speaking. The
study will be intended to develop techniques and quality of the learning process in
class between teachers and students. So for this purpose, then, classroom action
research is applied

Research Questions:
1. Does the use of role playing methods improve the quality of the process of
speaking skills for students of SMPN 18 Bekasi?

2. Does the use of role playing methods improve the quality of the results of
speaking skills for students of SMPN 18 Bekasi?

The result of this research is expected to have theoritical and practical

significance. For the theoritical significance, it is expected to enrich the theories of
references that deal with teaching speaking and hoped that this study can give more
meaning and deeper understanding generally for the readers and English teachers
for the innovative and creative methods that can be applied in teaching speaking.
For practical significance, this study is expected to give positive contributiions to
the readers and teachers about how to use role play method to improve students’
speaking skill.

In this research, the researcher will start from observations about understanding
concepts or definitions of role playing, analyzing ways of learning triggers that are
interesting and fun, so they can improve students' speaking ability to be more
confident. then, the reseacher will obeserve the benefits that gained through this
method, stimulate improving the ability to train the fluency of speaking in different
conditions and situations. Finally I will analyze the effectiveness in improving
English communication skills for students

II. Theoretical Framework

2.1 Definition of Role Playing Learning Methods

The role playing method is one of various methods that used by teachers at
school especially in subjects which related to social science and language. For
example is English. Of course the role playing method will be very useful to
practice their speaking and listening skills. According to Brown (2001), "role-play
minimally involves (a) a role to one or more members of a group and (b) assigning
an objective or purpose that participants must accomplish." Brown suggested role-
play can be conducted with a single person, in pairs or in groups with each person
assigned a role to accomplish an objective.
2.2 The Purpose of Role Playing Method

The role play learning model emphasizes individual relationships with the
community or others. It focuses more on the social negotiation process. It also gives
priority to increase the abilty of individuals to connect with others. This method is
also designed to invite students to investigate personal and social values through
their own behaviour. To Zuhaerini (1983), this model is used when the lesson is
intended to: (a) explain an event that consist of many people, and based on didactic
consideration it is better to dramatize then to be told, because it will be clearer and
can be lived by children, (b) train the chiildren so they are able to solve social-
phsycological problems, and (c) train the children so they can get along and give
possibilities for understanding others.
2.3 The Benefits of Role Playing Method

Pavey and Donoghue (2003) summarize the benefits of using role-play


“to get students to apply their knowledge to a given problem, to reflect on issues
and the views of others, to illustrate the relevance of theoretical ideas by placing
them in a real-world context, and to illustrate the complexity of decision-making.”

This pedagogical tool has been used in various fields, from medicine to law,
from business to psychology (Westrup & Planander, 2013). Though role-play has
traditionally been used in settings with an emphasis on the social dynamic of
learning and fostering collaboration among students (Joyce & Weil, 2000),
researchers have found role-play useful in getting students to better grasp practical
cognitive skills as well (Shapiro & Leopold, 2012).

Previous Study

Relevant research which related to the application of role playing methods at

the high school level especially in language learning had been widely publicized.
The results of the researches showed that the role playing method is an effective
method to applied in language learning at school. Ladousse (2004) indicated that
"role play is one of the whole gamut of communicative techniques which develops
fluency in students, which promotes interaction in classroom, and which increases
motivation." The researcher believed that the method of role playing could improve
activity, understanding, be effective in improving students' speaking skills and also
students were able to appreciate joint decision and cooperation.

III. Research Methodology

The research method used was classroom action research methods. It was an
effort that carried out by the teacher to improve the learning process which included
teachers and students, learning techniques and also the evaluation could improve
the quality of learning itself. According to Kasbolah (1999) classroom action
research was research "in the field of education carried out in a classroom area with
the aim of developing or improving the quality of learning"

This research would be held in SMP Negeri 18 Bekasi, Bekasi City, West Java.
It would be held in October. Data information was obtained and collected from the
2nd grade students of SMPN 18 Bekasi with 20 students and English teachers. It was
used in this research were assessment data on the implementation of learning
(practicing speaking in the classroom using role playing methods), information
from the result of interviews with students and english teachers of SMPN18 Bekasi
as source data and the result of observations from surveillance of researcher and
teacher while practicing speaking skills. During conducting observations and
interviews several instruments were used:

1. Observation guide sheet. It was used to collect data about student learning
activities during classroom action research in training speaking skills using role
playing methods.

2. The test of result learning, this instrument was used to obtain data about
learning outcomes or the results of improving speaking abilities by using role
The researcher used two techniques such as interview and observation sheets to
collect the data. Interviews were conducted to collect data from teachers and
students as source of data which related to the process and results of learning the
students' speaking skills before, and after the action. Observation sheets were made
for measuring. The measurement was used to find out the students' activeness in
speaking skills through the method of role play and to know the performance of
teachers in teaching speaking. This research used qualitative and quantitative
analysis. Quantitative data was obtained from learning outcome. While, the
qualitative data was obtained from the results of the student observation sheet.

IV. Findings Results

4.1 Results of Interviews with Teacher and Students

Interviews with teacher and students were held at SMPN Bekasi 18. The
researcher asked about the implementation of learning and the results of students'
speaking skills which had been applied by the previous teacher. The results of
interviews proved that there were problems in learning English especially training
students’ speaking skills. According to the teacher, the low interest of students to
speak English and the lack of effort in implementing the teacher regarding
innovative methods of speaking skills made practing speaking skills did not run
optimally. This opinion was also supported by the results of interviews with some
students. They said that they were less fond to learn English especially in practicing
speaking skills, because they felt embarrassed, scared, and had difficulty to convey
their thoughts and feelings orally in front of the class, when they viewed by teachers
and other students.

4.2 Observation of Learning Process in Class

Observations were made on learning process in English class. The researcher

act as an observer and the teacher act as an insturctor. The researcher observed
learning process, and the methods used by the teacher to practice the students'
speaking skills.
1. Preliminary Conditions

As a preliminary illustration of the results of observing the activities of

students' speaking skills existed many disadvantages Based on observations of
student process assessments related to frequency data on the scores in improving
speaking skills before used the role playing, the students' assessment results were
obtained. Assessment data could be seen as follows:

Table 1. Frequency Data on the Score of Speaking Skills of the 2nd Grade Students
of SMPN 18 Bekasi in the Preliminary Conditions.

Num Scores Frequency Precentage Description

1 40-49 7 35% Not Completed
2 50-59 8 40% Not Completed
3 60-70 2 10% Completed
4 71-80 3 15% Completed
5 81-90 0 0% Completed
Total 20 100%
The level of completeness : 5 : 20 x 100% = 25%

The scores of speaking skills in the table above showed that there were 7
students (35%) who got a 40-49, there were 8 students (40%) got 50-59, an interval
score of 60-70 existed 2 students (10%), there were 3 students (15%) who got scores
in interval of 71-80, and no one got a score of 81-90 (0%). These results indicated
the quality of the speaking skills in the preliminary conditions were still low, so that
it needed improvement.

2. After Use the Role Playing

In this stage, students were given a briefing how to compose a short drama
script such as an explanation of drama materials, how to frame drama from some
collections of students' ideas and improved it into a short drama script. Then the
drama script that had been made, it would be played through role playing. The main
purpose of this learning was students were able to play roles represent to the
characters in pronunciation, intonation, and right expression.

The results of observations on students’ score in this stage increased than

preliminary conditions. Data on students’ score assessment in this stage could be
seen as follows.

Table 2. Research results of speaking skills with role playing methods

Num Scores Frequency Percentage Description

1 40-49 1 5% Not Completed
2 50-59 2 10% Not Completed
3 60-70 4 20% Completed
4 71-80 7 35% Completed
5 81-90 6 30% Completed
Total 20 100%
The level of completeness : 17 : 20 x 100% = 85%

Table 2 above showed the percentage of 20 students from the 2nd grade of
SMPN Bekasi 18. Score of 40-49 by 5%, score of 50-59 by 10%, score of 60-70 by
20%, score of 71-80 by 35%, and score of 81-90 by 30%. From the table above, it
was known that the completeness of learning at this stage reached 85% or 17
students, and students who did not complete 15% or 3 students. So, the
completeness of the results of students’ learning skills in this stage had reached 80%
according to the achievement target.

V. Discussion

Based on the results of research, it can be stated that there is an increase in the
quality of speech skills such as processes and results by use role playing methods
(Table 2). According to Shapiro & Leopold (2012) “researchers have found role-
play useful in getting students to better grasp practical cognitive skills as well” ,and
according to Westrup & Planander (2013) “This pedagogical tool has been used in
various fields, from medicine to law, from business to psychology” In the
preliminary conditions and the stage after using role play methods can be said that
this research has successfully answered the research questions which made by

a. Preliminary condition

At this stage it can be seen that the scores, interest, and activities in
following the learning of speaking skills is still low. In addition the acquisition of
scores that are still under average. Therefore the action is taken to improve students'
speaking skills.

b. After use the role playing method

At this stage, there is a significant improvement in the quality of the process

and results. After use this method students are more enthusiastic and interested in
participating in this learning. They are also more serious in conducting discussions
and playing roles, so that improving the quality of the process and the results of
speaking skills have reached indicators of achievement. In quality of process,
students look enthusiastic and actively express opinions when discussed by the
group and also active in playing their roles. They also look more responsible and
serious when working together, discussing, and playing roles in front of the class to
get the best results. In quality of results, the test scores show an improvement over
the prelimentary conditions. Based on the data of each table shows that there are
significant improvements of students’ scores. In table 1 shows that the level of
completeness reaches 25% ,and in table 2 shows the level of completeness that
reaches 85%. It proves that students are able to pronounce language articulation
and intonation well. They also speak fluently, although not all.

c. Problem Anaylisis

The problems that experienced by researcher in processing data were researcher

had difficulty to cooperate with research subjects, required considerable time to
collect data from interviews of each student who was the subject of research, large
data entry, the data did not correspond with researcher’s assumptions
IV. Conclusion

Based on the results of classroom action research conducted in two stages using
role playing method in speaking skill learning in the 2nd grade students of SMPN
18 Bekasi, it can be concluded that the use of the role playing method can improve
the quality of process and also the quality of results of students’ speaking skills.
These are indicated by increasing scores and level of completeness on each stage.
In the first stage, only 5 students (25%) of 20 students who are able to get scores
more than 60 and in the second stage, it increases to 17 students (85%).


The use of role playing methods is proven to improve the quality of process
and the quality of results in speaking skill learning. This research also proves that
mastering the role playing method make students more active in learning and its
atmosphere is more fun. Then it can be implied that the role playing method can be
used as a reference for teachers to apply in speaking skill learning activities. Besides
that, this method can be used as a fun, creative, innovative and alternative method.

Suggestions :

Based on the explanation above, researcher can present some suggestions for
students and teachers. Students should understand that speaking skill is an
important thing that must be mastered, for that students need to take this lesson with
sincerity, so they are able to speak well and fluently, and teachers should use the
role playing method in teaching and practicing students’ speaking skills, because
this method is more effective and efficient.

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