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Name : Galang Kesatria Tama

NPM : 17113068
Class : PI 17 A
Subject: Qualitative Research

Exploring Q and A Session Toward Students’ Speaking Ability

in SMK Budi Karya Natar

A. Background of the study

Speaking is one of the skills that has an important role in language learning
process. Since speaking is the productive skill, the learners should be able to produce
some words or sentences in order to make sure that the students accept and
impelement of what tearcher explained to them. According to Kosar and Bedir (2014)
Students’ speaking ability is an important role to be improved for the students to make
them conduct communication with the teacher or their friends directly.Also the
teacher’s effort in proposing students to articulate their ideas and opinions are highly
motivated. Therefore, Boonkit (2010) stated that communicative ability becomes an
important goal in teaching and learning process.
Students also want to be fluent and profecient in speaking skill at the same
way.Many of them are more focus on their speaking ability that the other skill,
because it is like a requirements for them to master speaking skill. By mastering
speaking skill, students can actively get involved in the conversation orally as well as
throwing their opinion to others. The important of being fluent in English especially
speaking ability must be bring a positive vibes for both teacher and students. It is not
other to be a good learning process that needs interaction between teacher and
students in the classrom. Since Interaction in the classroom plays pivotal roles (Sari,
2018). However, there are still a limitation of some students who have a problem in
mastering English. Some of them have unmotivated to learn English and some of
them have lack of brave, even just to answer a simple question from a teacher.
Additionally, Oktaviani and Mandasari (2020) stated that it because English is a
foreign language in Indonesia and it makes teaching and learning process is not that
easy although some students have learnt English since they were in the kindergarten.
Looking at this problem, as the teacher who always find a solution, they try to
explore question and answer session toward students’ experiences related to the
material given by the teacher in the class. Since it is consider as interaction, it can be
as a great solution for creating successful interactive systems in the interactive design
in teaching and learning process (Sari, 2018). Teaching and learning process are
divided into three sessions or activities such as Pre- Activity, Main Activity, and Post-
Activity, question and answer session are flexible. It can be conduct at the Pre activity
for example asking about students’ condition. It can be stated in the main activity, or
it also can be involve in the post-activity. However, mostly teacher ask students’
understanding in the main and post activity. In the question and answer session,it is
not always related to the material, but sometimes related to the students experiences.
Therefore, this question and answer session in asking students’ experiences can be a
good platform for the students in expressing their opinion toward their experinces. For
example, when teacher explain the material about family and teacher ask to the
students “Who have a big family?” or “Which one of your family do you thing that the
most kind in your life?”, and “Why your mom is the best mom in the world?” and etc.
Undirectly, the students will triggered themselves to answer the question from the
teacher, because it relates to their family, eventhough maybe some of them do not
know how to say it in English, but at least they can express their opinion in their own
way. Reasonly, Pratiwi (2013), said that in the implementation of communicative
activities, the students are placed in the certain situation where they have to perform a
task by communicating as well as they can.
Thus, the researcher want to do a research in the vacational high school of
SMK Budi Karya Natar, since the school is near from the researcher’s house. The
researcher would like to do a case study by interviewing the teacher and some
students toward question and answer session toward their exeriences in the classroom
with the following questions below :
1. What type of Questioning that the teacher used in the classroom?
2. How is the students opinion toward the Q and A session toward their
experiences in the classroom?

B. Review of Previous Study

Wood and Shirazi (2020) investigate about students’ experiences with

audience Response system ( ARS). Eventhough, this study was suit with the higher
school, but it is not impossible that it can be applied in the high school students. This
research was focused upon research which examines how ARS is experienced by the
students in large group session in higher education setting and the way it impacts to
their learning. This research was used a qualitative and mix-method studies. The
objective of the study was to synthesise and critically analyse qualitative and mixed-
method research which examines how students experience the use ARS as part of
large group in higher education setting. It concludes that the main aim of this review
is that to further understanding of pedagogical discussion surrounding the use of ARS,
systematically reviewing, summarising, and synthesising existing research in the field
which focuses on students experiences of ARS.
Sujariati et al (2016) investigate about English teacher’ questioning strategies
in EFL classroom. The aims of this research was to look into how teachers asked
questions, their questioning strategies, and types of teacher’s questions that was often
ask by teachers. This research applied qualitative method especially conversation
analysis. It can be conclude that the objective and the aims of the use of questioning
strategies as a teaching device can be reached by doing and applying the questioning
strategies in a good way, and make the interaction and the communication between
teacher and students will be more valuable.
Rosyidah (2018) investigates about an analysis of teacher’s questions used in
classroom interaction.The aim of this study are to know the type of question does the
teacher tend to use in classroom interaction, and the questioning techniques used by
the teacher. The research ws conducted in SMK Ma’arif NU Prambon, grade 11. This
study was used qualitative method. It can be conclude that the teacher used all of the
types of the questions such as procedural, convergent, and divergent question. Also, in
asking type of questions, the teacher used seven types of questioning techniques.

C. Literature Review

Definition of Question and Answer Session

Question can be define as phrase, sentences or gestures that look at the information through
reply. By asking and throwing a question, probably somebody will get a new information.
Therefore, question usually like a teacher’s talk, when teacher say words, pharases, and also
sentences, for sure it needs a listener. That listeners belong to the students as that can replay
the teacher questions. So that, question also can be throw and ask by the students. Some
definitions of question are stated by some expert. One of the expert that explain the meaning
of question is Linch (1991)He states that question is a command or interrogative expressions
used to elicit information or a response or to test knowledge. In other words, when the people
produce sentences to other people when it involves command and interrogative expression to
get any information or responses means a question.

On the other hand, Long & Sato (1983) states that question is a linguistic expression used to
make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression. Therefore, the
information requested may be provided in the form of an answer. Cotton, K. (1998) defines
question as any sentence which has an interrogative form or function. In classroom settings,
teacher’s questions are defined as instructional cues or stimuli that convey to students the
content elements to be learned and directions for what they are going to do and how they are
going to do it. It focuses on the relationship between teachers' classroom questioning
behaviors and a variety of student outcomes, including achievement, retention, and level of
student participation. For sure question needs an answer, but it is not always to be answered,
since it is not consider as retorical question. Answer can be defined as an act of responding
the question. We will never answer, if there is no question stated. When responding the
question, the listener or the students are also produce some words, phrases, even a long
sentences based on the question given.

In the class, what makes the classroom runs well and effective is thet a good interaction
between teacher and students. It is not other to be a good learning process that needs
interaction between teacher and students in the classrom. Since Interaction in the classroom
plays pivotal roles (Sari, 2018). Therefore, by giving a question, hopefully sudents can
actively answer it. Question and answer session become one of the important session in the
main activity during the learning process. It is not other than to make sure that the students
can accepted the material given or not.
Why Question and Answer Session Important?

There are many reasons why teachers should give some questions to their students. Either the
questions are addressed to an individual student or the whole class in their classroom. The
teachers used various questions and questioning types as their strategy in questioning not
only to promote classroom interaction, but also to encourage the students to communicate in
a real-life setting, to build a closer connection with the students, and to help the students deal
with difficulty in expressing themselves because of their limited vocabulary. The questions
are used frequently at the end of the lesson but sometimes at the beginning and the middle of
teaching and learning process.

Regarding the reason why questioning is important during the learning, there are several
reseachers who stated abot this differently. For example, Ellis (1992) proposes two reasons
why teachers ask questions in their classrooms. First, questions require responses, therefore,
they serve as a means of obliging learners to contribute to the interactions. Learner's
responses also provide the teachers with feedback which can be used to adjust content and
expression in subsequent teacher-talk. Second, questions serve as a device for controlling the
progress of the interaction through which a lesson is enacted. It has been found that questions
can also be used to motivate students, to revise, control, test or assess, explore, explain,
encourage students to focus on a particular topic, elicit information, and check understanding
and to control behavior (Young 1992., Richards & Lockhart 1994). It means that teacher's
questions are not only a means of obliging teacher-talk to guide the students' attention but
also adjudge students to be more active and focus on a particular topic, so we can check and
control the students' understanding.

In addition, teachers use questions to stimulate thinking about a concept and challenge
students to attend to higher levels of thinking appropriate to the content and learning
outcomes. Using instructional of questions can be accelerated during questioning related to
facts and decelerated for more complex material and open-ended questions. Teachers can
allow more waittime for students' responses for more meaningful learning. It means that
instructional classroom can be as a question; furthermore,teachers should plan the question to
stimulate thinking about a concept and challenge the students to attend to higher levels of
thinking appropriate to the content and learning outcomes.

Questions serve to develop students’ interest in a topic and to motivate students to become
involved in lessons supporting their construction of meaning. Teachers often use questions as
a means to evaluate students’ preparation or lack thereof. Additionally, questions are used to
review and summarize previous lessons and assess achievement of instructional goals or
objectives. Most importantly, teachers use questions to develop critical thinking skills and
nurture insights by exposing new or related relationships. The purposes are generally pursued
in the context of classroom recitation, defined as a series of teacher questions, each eliciting a
student response and, on occasion, a teacher reaction to that response (Dillon, 1982).



The aim of this study is to know the type of Questioning strategy that the teacher used
and to know the student’s opinion toward the question and answer sesion given by the in
teacher in SMK Budi Karya Natar. A descriptive qualitative research design was employed in
this study since the data was obtained through questionnaire and Interview. As it is inline
with Patton and Cochran (2002: 2) that the aim of descriptive qualitative is using more data in
the form of words than numbers of data analysis. This study attempts to explore certain
information about phenomenon or case of the subject.

This study took place in SMK Budi Karya Natar exactly at grade XI of Network
Computer Technique (TKJ) in the second semester. This class devided into three classes, TKJ
A, TKJ B,and TKJ C, which is each class is consist of around 30 students. There are some
reason why the researcher chooses TKJ students grade XI. The first is because the teacher
tend to use teacher’s questions as the way to interact with the students. The second, the
students have low motivation to ask and answer the question given by the teacher, but only
some of them who are participate at this session.


The main data of this research is teacher’s question in classroom interaction. The data
was taken from the teacher’s talks in the classroom. The subsidiary data was taken through
interviewing the English teacher. Meanwhile, the students’ opinion data was taken from thirty
students chosing randomly from three classes of TKJ A,C and C. The subsidiary data such as
the teacher answer and students’ answer shall not be gotten in the classroom observation.


The important data, such as the teacher’s utterances in giving questions were obtain through
classroom observation. Since Ary () stated that observation is a basic method of obtaining
data into qualitative. So that, the researcher observed the classroomfor about three meetings.
In observing the teaching learning process, the researcher used observation checklist which
combine with field note to know the questions types and techniques used in the classroom.
The researcher also used audio recording to record what was going on the classroom.To
double check and gain more informations during the classroom observation, the researcher
interviewed the teacher after doing the classroom observation.
3.3.1 Research Instrument

To achieve the objectives of this study, the necessary data were collected through some
instruments such as observation checklist, field note, interview, and audio recording.

1. Observation checklist Observation checklist was used while doing the observation in a
classroom. It was used to group the questioning types and techniques used during
teachinglearning process. The checklist consisted of the questioning techniques by Willen
and the types of questions by Richards. The checklist was also combined with the field note
that researcher got during the observation. It was for completing if the utterances on the
recorder is inaudible.

2. Field note According to Lisa Kevin, field notes are the notes about what were happened to
a period of observation or interview. The data about whattypes and techniques used by the
teacherwere observed from the interactions that occured in the classroom. It was used to take
a note about the additional information while doing the observation, such as the time when
the teacher give types of questions to the students and what questioning techinques used onto
the teaching learning process, or the example of teacher’s utterances while giving the

3. Audio Recording The recorder was used to catch the teacher’s utterances in giving
questions during the teaching learning process and record the interview process. Peachey
pointed out that a recording in classrooms is objective and unbiased since it enables the
researcher to be closed to the observer without disturbing or distracting him/her too
much.The recorder was used to keep the teacher’s utterances which are missed by the
researcher while doing the observation.It was also used to fulfil the data transcription.

4. Interview guideline Interview guideline was the instrument in making sure about the
possibilities occurred in the classroom interaction. This instrument was used tointerview the
English teacher after doing observation in the classroom. It was done to clarify and gain more
informations about the phenomena in teaching learning process. Before conducting the
interview, the researcher was brung general idea about the questions that will be asked. The
structure of the interview was developed prior to the interview.


To analyze the data about types and techniques of questioning, the researcher has
completed the the following steps.

1. Transcribing the data First, for the audio recording, the researcher put the data into
computer and trancribed it. After transcribing the data, the researcher read the transcription in
order to reduce the data. That is forknowingwhich one should be analysed and which one
should not.
2. Coding the data Coding the types and techniques of questioning used by the teacher was
done before analyzing the data. The types and techniques was code use different color and

a. Types of questions There are three types of questions used in this research. They are:

1) Procedural questions are highlighted in light yellow

2) Convergent questions are highlighted in light blue
3) Divergent questions are highlighted in light green
b. Techniques of questioning All the nine of questioning techniques are:

1) Plan key questions to provide lesson structure and direction was coded in character a.
2) Phrase questions clearly and specifically was coded in character b.
3) Adapt questions on student ability level was coded in character c.
4) Ask questions logically and sequentially was coded in character d.
5) Ask question on variety of level was coded in character e.
6) Follow up student responses was coded in character f.
7) Give student time to think when responding was coded in character g.
8) Use questions that encourage wide student participation was coded in character h.
9) Encourage student questions was coded in character i.
The researcher then listed all the codes from audio recording, and grouped the similar codes.
Before counting these data, the researcher then combined it with the data of audio recording.
It was for checking whether or not the researcher missed the data while doing the

3. Counting the number of each types and techniques of questioning After combining the
data, the researcher count the number of each teacher’s questions types and techniques, and
presented it in form of table.

4. Summarizing the data Summarizing the number of the data was presented in form of table.
The table is presented based on the questioning types.

Another data collection technique used in this research is interviewing the English teacher.
The steps that were conducted included transcribing the interview record, reading the
transcript, and interpreting the result. Interpreting the result here means the researcher
analysed the data from interview based on the needed to answer the research questions.

There are some stages that were done by the researcher to conduct this study,The stages
are in the following:

First, the researcher formulated the title of the research based on the phenomena
happened in SMK Budi Karya Natar especially in English learning. In order to clarify the the
problem to this research, the researcher came to SMK Budi Karya Natar and did the
preliminary research in SMK Budi Karya Natar. The preliminary research gave the
information to the research about the teacher and students interaction in the classroom. Then
the researcher interviewed the teacher to double check the information that had been got by
the research. Through this step, the researcher got the real phenomenon about the way of
teacher-students interaction in the classroom. Thus, by doing these steps, the researcher
expected that this research is important to be done.

Second, The researcher collected the data through classroom observation. The
researcher used audio recording, observation checklist, and field note as the instruments to
get the data. The researcher did the observation in two meetings. The researcher also
interviewed the teacher to double check what going on the classroom was.

Third, the research analysed the data that was collected by doing the observation and
interview. The researcher analysed the first data that is type of questions commonly used by
the teacher in classroom interaction. To analyse the first data, the researcher used Ricahrd and
Lockhart’s theory about types of questions. The researcher thenanalysed the second data
about the techniques used in asking the questions to the students in the classroom. Theory of
William Willen used as the reference to analyse the data.

The last, after analysing the data based on the theories, the researcher wrote the report
of this research by writing the finding based on the data obtained from the research. The
research reported the results of this research in form of thesis proposal.

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