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Observation Result

Group 1:

Vera Apriliani Lakoro A12120002

Shanti Rachmawati Afrilya A12120004
Falah Maharani A12120006
Zahra At-Thahira A12120008
Nur Faiza Harsono A. A12120013







` In a learning process there must be good cooperation between students and teachers. The
teacher as a facilitator in the process of successful learning must be able to create fun learning
for students. In elementary school-age children, children tend to be more interested in learning
that involves them directly, because they will understand and understand more with concrete
learning. The teacher becomes the determining actor when students are no longer interested in
learning, that's why as a professional teacher must be able to condition all aspects of learning
into a unified whole, both from aspects of teacher preparation such as learning materials and on
technical aspects at school. Educational problems will always arise along with the development
and improvement of students' abilities, situations and existing environmental conditions.

Therefore, it is very important for teachers to make learning a gathering place for young
thinkers, great students through various approaches, models and methods that are suitable to be
applied to elementary school age children, which in the end students have good life skills as
supplies in the future. The teacher must be able to summarize it all into an interesting and fun
learning strategy. Observation in class 11 IPA 3 SMA Negeri 1 Palu was carried out to find out
that the teacher teaches in the classroom using a lesson plan, so that in the learning process, the
teacher has a reference and is in accordance with the learning objectives to be achieved.

Observation is a way to gather data by watching people, events, or noting physical

characteristics in their natural setting. This observation is expected to add to the reason for
science by going directly into the field and providing a learning experience that fosters research
abilities and skills as well as deeper knowledge, especially in the field being studied.

In this case, we observed in SMAN 1 Palu, which located at Gatot Subroto street number
70, on November 11st ,2022. We did the observation on subject English Language and Literature,
the Teacher’s name is Mr. Tasu Mustapa S.Pd,M.Pd. The class starts at 07.15-08.45 AM in grade
XI Science 3. The total numbers of students in the class are 33 students, but only 28 students
attended the class which consists of 11 males, 16 females, and 1 teacher. At that time, there are 6
students who came late, yet the teacher still allowed them to enter the class.

In teaching and learning process, the teacher has a role as an educator and facilitator. The
teacher called as an educator because he is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge
and competence, while as a facilitator, the teacher’s job is to support every students to do their
best thinking and practice. The teacher encourages the full participation of students, promotes
mutual understanding, and cultivates shared responsibility among students. To achieve student
learning success, the teacher's task is not only to convey information to students, but also to be a
facilitator in charge of facilitating learning (facilitate of learning) for all students, so that they can
learn in a pleasant, happy, enthusiastic, not anxious, and dare to express opinion openly. All that
feelings is the basic capital for students to grow and develop into human beings who are ready to
adapt, face various possibilities, and enter the era of globalization which is full of challenges
(Mulyasa, 2013). Meanwhile Student Participation is an assessment of a student’s performance
in a course outside of their assessments. Items that might be evaluated in student participation are
engagement in class discussions and student behaviour in group settings. The activeness of
students is shown by their participation. This activity can be seen from several behaviors such as
listening, discussing, making something, writing reports, and so on. Student participation is
needed in setting goals and in teaching and learning activities (Hasibuan & Moedjiono, 2006). In
the participation of students, certainly has a manner that reflects their behavior.
Therefore, the mannerism that was evident in the classroom was almost good. Most of
them respect each other, while some students do homework in other subjects and students’ off-
task. Students’ off-task means the behavior of students that out of the context of learning
activities is relatively constant and disrupts the student learning process. Off- task behaviors
carried out by students cause disturbances in the classroom (Bluestein, 2013). These behaviors
need serious handling from the teacher. Off-task behavior can cause failure in teaching and
learning activities and can even cause students to leave class or fail in learning. In this case the
classroom teacher has a very important role. The teacher must be able to create a comfortable
learning environment so that apart from being an educator, the teacher must also be able to
understand the problems of students in the class in order to determine the right response to deal
with any behavioral deviations committed by students.

The teacher must do 3 steps of learning in teaching process. The teacher opens the class
by doing pre-activities. Start from pay attention to the cleanliness of the classroom by asking
students to throw out the trash and adjust the student's seating position, asking a student to lead
the prayer together, apperception, and seeking further information. Pre-activities are an excellent
way to get students to engage with content before they engage with it in class. This is important
because can increase comprehension by activating students' prior knowledge and generating
interest in the topic.

Next, the teacher continues with the main activities by explaining the material about
future plans, giving students exercises through dictation, and students collect their exercises
deftly to be corrected by the teacher. Dictation gives students practice in understanding and
writing clear English prose. It is also useful for students to practice in notes/writing. The
dictation method is one way of presenting lesson material by asking students to copy what the
teacher says. The tools used in this method are oral, while the learning tools that are mainly in
copying learning materials are writing and hearing tools (Suradji, 2008).

For the post-activities, the teacher evaluated students understanding of the material that
has been explained, told the students about the material for the next meeting, and that time
teacher closed the teaching and learning process by saying a greeting. Evaluation of learning is
very important to do to determine the effectiveness or not of a learning system implemented by
educators. Because if an educator does not carry out an evaluation, it is the same as if the
educator has no progress in designing a learning system. If the teacher can apply the 3 learning
steps above properly, it will produce an active nature of conversation. Depends on our
observation, the nature of the conversation can be classified as active. Students are enthusiasm in
doing exercises, they ask the teacher when they don’t understand about something and the
teacher also answers and explain clearly. In addition to the learning steps above, there are
several factors that influence the effectiveness of physical setting learning in the classroom.

One of the factors is the physical setting in the classroom. This class uses a panel system
in the sitting position. Physical setting like this is the most widely implemented pattern in the
class. This kind of seat is very good for formal teaching where students sit in a row facing the
teacher. This can facilitate student mobility and accessibility, mobility is the convenience that
students get to move from one place to another, so in arranging seating patterns it is very
important to pay attention to whether the seating patterns that are made can provide flexibility
for students to move from one place to another. Even though the spatial layout has been made as
creative and attractive as possible, because the main substance, namely the comfort and
convenience of students cannot be fulfilled, this will also be inversely proportional to the main
goal of the learning process which requires that students feel comfortable and that learning can
also be carried out effectively. While accessibility is the ease or flexibility of students in
accessing sources and learning aids, it could be that students are able to move here and there but
the class pattern is still not optimal so that it prevents students from accessing several sources
and learning aids. For example, student accessibility in accessing bookshelves, learning media,
reading corners, and others. All of these things must be considered. So it is not only the learning
process that is maximized, but also the ease in accessing learning resources must also be
maximized. This class arrangement is in accordance with the principles that need to be
considered by the teacher in managing the physical environment of the class according to
Loisell, namely visibility, accessibility, flexible, and comfortable (Winataputra, 2003).

Besides that, interaction with each other is an important point in teaching and learning
activities because not only for students benefit, but also teachers get feedback on whether the
material presented can be received by students well. The way they are interacting with each other
goes well. There is no conflict and they convey their opinion to other students politely. Their
interaction still related to the topic.
When students and teachers interact, they have their respective roles. The teacher lead the
class because teacher have the ability to prioritize listening over than speaking and seeking to
understand different perspectives and the teacher also as a decisive because the teacher leads in
the class. In teaching, teacher must pay attention at the tone of the session. The tone of the
session in the classroom was really good, the teacher was very good to teach even without
looking at the textbook because he has mastered the material. The learning is systematic and
directed. Meanwhile the students follow the teacher because students are recipients of
knowledge. However there are some students that not interested to follow the teaching and
learning process because his chairmate is not pay attention and only play a game in his phone
and it’s affected him. Thus, he has poor learning motivations.

After the teaching and learning process, we found students’ beliefs, attitudes, and values
that seem to emerge. Students’ beliefs are things or habits that students get from home and they
unconsciously apply them in the classroom. For example, if at home students are accustomed to
silence and are never given the opportunity to express opinions, they will behave the same way
in class, tend to be silent and do not like to talk and even ask questions. But in the class that we
observed, almost all students seemed free to express their opinions and only a few tended to be
silent. A student's attitude is their tendency to respond a certain way towards something.
Naturally, the student's response can be on a continuum of positive to negative or good to bad.
The attittude can be seen when the students give greetings and handshake to the teacher, raise
hand before asking, students don’t make noise during the learning process and disciplinary in
class. Examples of values are self-discipline, empathy, consistency, and the ability to understand
and respect fellow human beings. Good attitude, discipline, and empathy are some examples of
personal values that must be owned by someone. The values of the students that we observed in
terms of dicipline, students are not too disciplined because there are still some students who are
late. But in the learning process students and teachers respect each other where students listen
seriously to what is conveyed by the teacher. At the end of the class students can understood and
know how to apply “will” and “be going to” (future plans) in daily conversation.

Finally, at the end of the meeting, the teacher provides an overview of the material to be
studied at the next meeting. Overview is important because it will make students ready
beforehand because they have learned the new material, making it easier to understand it. But we
realize there are some activitites that seemed unusual and significant. The activities that seem
unusual is when the teacher offers students to be free from the final test with the condition that
they are never absent, all assignments are fulfilled, and have perfect scores in daily exercises.
The other unusual activities is the male students are more dominant in responding and answering
the teacher than the female students. And the significant activity is brainstorming. Brainstorming
in the classroom is a useful teaching strategy. It is a powerful tool that generates ideas and helps
find solutions to problems. Brainstorming has other attributes; it motivates, stimulates, and
promotes student interaction. The combined, focused mental power generated during a
brainstorming session elevates performance and almost guarantees both individual and group
achievement. It was advertising executive Alex F. Osborn who first began developing methods
for creative problem solving back in 1939. He wanted to improve and develop creativity among
his executives. To this end, he began to hold group-thinking sessions where ideas and thoughts
were shared and discussed and quickly saw a significant improvement in the quantity and quality
of ideas produced.

During the observation, the observers were listen, pay attention, and take a note about
what happens during the learning process. We write down the necessary data and in accordance
with the protocol that has been given and record the results of observations. Classroom
observation is a necessary part of evaluating teacher performance. As a classroom observer, your
job is to be as unobtrusive as possible so that you can see how class progresses in as organic a
matter as possible. Being a classroom observer is kind of like being a nature photographer; it is
your job to observe and report without disturbing any of the natural going-ons of the classroom.

In conclusion, depends on the results of observations in class XI IPA 3, teaching and

learning activities with the dictation method are quite effective, it can be seen from the
enthusiastic students who listen carefully and do their assignments, they also seem happy and
feel challenged by the dictation. In addition, with conventional or panel seats, students can move
more freely, especially when collecting assignments in front of the class. But there are some
students who are still disturbed by cell phones, the teacher should prohibit the use of cell phones
in teaching and learning activities.

E. Mulyasa. (2013). Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru. Bandung : PT Remaja


Hasibuan & Moedjiono. (2006). Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Bluestein, J. (2013). Manajemen Kelas (translated by Siti Mahyuni). Jakarta: PT Indeks.

Guntur Tarigan, Menulis Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa Bandung,

Udin S. Winataputra. (2003). Srategi Belajar mengajar. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional

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