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Bibi the Conjuror

By The Economist Editorial Board

The Economist

April 13, 2019

Eileen Boyle

Mr. O’Grady

Contemporary World Issues

Displacement has caused many problems throughout history, but most prominently (and

most recently) is the displacement of Israelites to Palestine after World War II. This has caused a

continued dispute that is still going on in present day. The concentration of Israelites has wanted

recognition as an independent nation, but Palestine is desperately clinging on to their claim for

the land. Neither side is willing to compromise, and that is where the biggest issue lies. There are

no officially recognized borders, and there are issues with what areas can be annexed versus

what affect that would have politically. Palestinians-turned-Israeli citizens could easily vote

Israeli politicians out of office, which would cause even more disruption and would leave the

state of the two countries even more in flux.

Israel and the United States have been allies for a very long time because of Israel’s

choice of a democratic government. The United States has been happy to support its allies, and

has not commented on if or under what circumstances it would revoke its support of Israel’s

choices. The United States has supported Israel as an independent nation by having a United

States Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital. This issue could easily be solved if Israel and

Palestine cooperated and made some sacrifices, and hopefully this will change as soon as they

realize they neither can have everything they want.

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