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Sarah Hewitt Hewitt 1

English 12
Mrs. Perry
December 9, 2018

August 2018

August 3, 2018, I got on a plane with my family to fly to Myrtle Beach. Our trip was to

visit Charleston Southern University and see if I would be a good fit there. I brought my parents

as well as my grandparents and my little sister. I loved everything about that school. It was the

one place with which I didn’t find fault. There were just so many amazing things that I loved

about it and I knew that it was the college for me. While we were in Charleston, we visited my

Uncle Allen who had been admitted into the hospital there. After visiting him, we left Charleston

and enjoyed the rest of the weekend with my family. My sister stayed in Myrtle Beach but my

parents and I flew back to New York on August 5th.

The next week, after my return, I worked every day and I was very busy. I also had

something planned each day before and after work. During my busy week, we were informed

that my uncle was going to be moved to Hospice. I had a gut feeling that I should fly back down

and see him so I told my dad. My parents and I collectively decided to fly back to Myrtle Beach

to see my uncle as well as be there for the rest of my family. We got on a plane on August 9th and

joined my family.

That weekend I made unforgettable memories. I spent hours talking with my uncle and

just being with him. He told me stories and I told him about CSU. I helped him eat his food and

drink his water. I felt happy to help. The caring came easily for me and I was willing to help in

any way I could in order to make him comfortable and happy. His nurses were so kind and happy

and loving towards him and my family. There was one nurse who even took the time to teach me
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some of what she was doing to help him. She was one of the kindest people I have ever met. She

was there the few moments after I heard my Uncle Allen say “B-bye, sweetie” for the last time.

She taught me that being a nurse isn’t just to help the patient, but it is to also help and be there

for the patient’s family as well.

I had to work Monday August 13th so I had to fly back to New York with my mom and

my sister. We got home on Sunday and spent time with each other and kept each other company.

I went to work on Monday and I was told that my Uncle Derwin had now been admitted into the

hospital. He fell and really hurt himself. We didn’t realize how badly he was hurt. The next day

went by, and I was supposed to work that afternoon, but my mom and I decided we needed to be

there for my dad and to be there with everyone else. My mom and I found a flight out of

Rochester. Then while my mom was at work, my sister and I began to pack to fly back to Myrtle


At 2:10 pm Tuesday August 14, 2018, my dad called my mom, my sister and I to tell us

that Uncle Derwin had passed away. We drove to Rochester and got on a plane. We didn’t get to

Myrtle Beach until midnight, and then we didn’t get to my cousin’s house until 1:30 am. Then

my sister and I stayed at my cousin’s house and went to sleep.

August 15th was the longest day I have ever experienced. It felt as though weeks had gone

by. We were all so busy but we felt like we were standing in place. The next day, August 16th,

some of the family celebrated Uncle Derwin’s life and enjoyed our time together listening to

music and eating some of our favorite food. We knew that was what he would have wanted us to

do. That night at 9:36pm we got a call that. My Uncle Allen had passed away.
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We stayed in South Carolina until we left on August 26, 2018. We spent time with

family, we kept busy, and we tried to help each other through this challenging time.

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