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Now i tell you about the castes' descriptions and dispositions of the Planets.

qq dat rfq{qra} qHFilrir tuerqrl I ga: qfi: {|{t qr6: tgr*t T{rnq ll { o tl lO. NAMES OF PLANEZS .' The names
of the nine

planets respectively are : the Sun, the .Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Notes : In the Sanskrit literatuie on astrology, the planets

are denoted by different names. Please see. ch. 2 of my English translation of Horasara, for additional
information in this regard.

ffi1qi-Ttf{-qgar eft'i€-rrg-*.ffi: t ETt:, irrqtl drql:, T(: T(-{tr tu: ltl lll ll. BENEFICS AMD MALEFICS.' Among
these, the

Sun, Saturn, M'ars, - decreasing Moot{, Rahu and Ketu (the aseending and the desceuding nodes of the
Moon) are malefics while the rest are benefics. Mercury, however, is a malefrc if he joins a malefic.
Notes : That decreasing Moon and increasing Moon are

.respectively a malefic and a benefic is the view conveyed by the sage. Yct some exponents and
comrnentators hold the following view :

When the Moon is ahead of the Sun but within 120",

she has medium strength. Between l20o to 240' she is very auspicious, ssg qfffiIrlnii]. From 240" to 0"
she is bereft of

, strength. This is Yavanas' view, vide P. 70 of my English Trunslation of Saravali. This view is, however,
related to the' Moon's strength or otherwise, while waning Moon (Krishna Paksha or dark half Moon) is
a malefic and waxing Moon (Sukla Paksha or bright half Moon) is a benefic. Should the Moon be
conjunct a benefic or aspected tra benefic, she turns a benefic, even if in a waning state.

'28 Brihat parasara Hora Sastra


\goint Moon and Mercury ar., iorr, ur" benefics: refiil q Rqrqrv) rFr: gg{irFqir: I €r{ $q} gri: x}m}
tu} qifrqErq.F:trtRtl iivql


il:i"?,:j"; .3:*Y,::l t:.:h'-'i;. ffi ; ;"" #eirtl: Y::::::"".'^_:.:n:q1-._lwrr'erupiierd;;;'"#;]J;:'":

tFqfq: $r{fli: r}wvqrarqgriT g:qE: ulntl ,l:l? ,_t!*!rA.Ry G7\ERNANCES.. rhe sun is the

TU{rirErqr: r

happiness. Venus gou.rnr s.rrn (potln.v)_-*i,," r","r, Notes : The degree of benefic effects of the


mentioned above will be commensurut" *ittr tn. ,t..o!it;';il corrcerned planet. If the Sun is strong, one
wiff have a matured

<frffr} g rT.nnl +fif iiql Eul rragnr-€q sfqqt

soul and will make abundant. spititual ffiess. Knowledge and general happiness wit berpet acquired ir
rJpit". i, *.ilJ;;;;;:

tTtt?qET: t gEqrid illvtl

i.1tl_ <fegnra ilqr rwfggqrl r gi nlq {,fEn ! qefftl sf#ena nt{rr 14-15. PLANETARY CABINET.. Of royal

As regards Mercury, we have clear instructions from kr":"1-thathe becomes a malefic ifhejoinsa malefic

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