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Chapter 11 Study Guide

• There are 4 types of Transformations

• Reflection, Translation, Rotation and Dilation.

Reflection (also called FLIP):

To reflect Over the X-axis Make the y coordinate Negative

To reflect over the Y – axis Make the X coordinate Negative

To reflect through the Origin Make X and Y coordinates Negative
Swap the X and Y coordinates
To reflect over the line Y=X
(X becomes Y and Y becomes X)

Translation (also called Slide or Shift)

(x, y) becomes (x ± h, y ± k) where h and k are the horizontal and


vertical shifts.

Note: If movement is left, then h is negative. If movement is down,

then k is negative

Dilations (Enlargement or Shrinking)


From the origin dilated by a factor of “c”: (x, y) becomes (cx, cy)
Rotations (Turn)

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