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Learning Methode Quran Hadis

The PAI learning method is defined as certain ways that are most suitable for being
able to be used in PAI learning outcomes that are in certain learning conditions.1
According to Zakiyah Darajat in his book Special Methodology for Teaching Islamic
Religion, there are several methods, namely:
a) Lecture method, provide understanding and description of a problem
b) Discussion method, solving problems with various responses
c) Experimental method, knowing the process of occurring a problem
d) Demonstration Method, Using props to clarify a problem
e) Giving assignments method, in certain ways freely and responsibly
f) Socio-drama method, shows the behavior of life
g) Drill method, measuring the absorption of lessons
h) Group work method
i) Question and answer method
j) Project Method, solve problems with steps scientifically, logically and systematically2

The teaching method is so many kinds that it is difficult to classify it. Because, a
method that is considered bad by a teacher, might be good in the hands of another teacher.
And for more details it will be put forward in more detail about the various methods, which
among other things the authors can say as follows:
1. The Lecture Method
The lecture method is how to convey a subject matter by means of oral narrative to
students or the general public.3 This method is carried out by the teacher verbally with the
intention of telling, explaining, explaining, and preaching instructions from a room and time.
2. The Question and Answer Method
The question and answer method is a way of presenting lessons in the form of
questions that must be answered, especially from the teacher to students or can also be from
students to teachers.4 In teaching and learning activities through question and answer, the
teacher gives questions or students are given the opportunity to ask questions first when
starting the lesson, in the middle or at the end of the lesson.
3. Discussion Method
Muhaimin, Paradigma Pendidikan Islam (Bandung: Rosda Karya, 2002), h. 147
Zakiah Darajat, Metodik Khusus Pengajaran Agama Islam (Cet.IV; Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2008) h. 289-310
Armai Arief, Pengantar Ilmu dan Metodologi Pendidikan Islam (Cet. 1; Jakarta: Ciputat Pers, 2002), h. 135-136
Ibid. h. 141
The word "discussion" comes from Latin, namely "discussion" which means "to
examine". "Discussion" consists of the root words "dis" and "cuture". "Dis" means separate,
while "cuture" means to shake or hit. Etymologically, "discuture" means a blow that separates
something. In general, the notion of discussion is a process involving two or more
individuals, integrating verbally and facing each other, exchanging information (information
sharing), maintaining mutual opinion (self maintenance) in solving a particular problem
(problem solving).5
In the teaching and learning process the method of discussion is a method carried out
by students studying the material or delivering material by discussing it, with the aim of
giving rise to understanding and changes in student behavior.

Ibid. h. 145

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