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5 Ways to Bring Your Heat to Your Home Without a Radiator!

Warm home without radiator is made? And yet it is done!

Outside it's cold and you run automatically in the radiator to look for protection from winter.
And your bones can get hot, but you feel your pocket freeze. What would you say if we
assured you that there are alternative, effective and tried-and-tested ways to keep your home
warm (and your pocket happy) without the help of the radiator? To see how you can do it, just
keep reading. Alternatively, you can see here how to save on the radiator.

Throw curtains And yet the curtains are an extra obstacle for the cold. Just select them and
use them smartly. What does this mean; First of all, you prefer curtains made of thick and hot
materials. Beyond that, keep it open during the day, leaving the warm sunlight in your house,
and shut it off from afternoon to protect your home from the cold.

Do not lose your spark If you have a fireplace then you definitely use it as a more economical
and effective "shield" against the cold winter weather. But even if you turn it on, it does not
mean you're taking it to the full. To do so, when not lit, do not forget to place the special
shutter in front of it. This will save you 15% more heat for your home. In addition, to put a
brake on heat loss, all you have to do is buy a special chimney balloon. From the chimney,
too, it gets very cold and heat is lost through the house. Do not forget to remove it when you
want to turn wood again. Do you light a fireplace? Here's how to increase your performance.

Coverage system You certainly knew that your floor is responsible for your cold home.
Indeed, according to the British Energy Foundation, a "bare" floor is responsible for 10% of
the total heat loss from your home. The solution naturally lies on the carpets. But British
experts suggest that you do not stop there but cover possible gaps in the floor of your home
with throws or even blankets to "trap" the heat. Finally, if the floor of your home is wooden, do
not forget to cover possible gaps between its boards with silicone to put a brake on the

do you want everything steamed? If your choice to close the radiator is accompanied by the
decision to open your air conditioner, we are with you. Just do it properly: when using the air
conditioner, adjust the blinds so that they look towards the floor. In this way, you will achieve
the correct distribution of air in the space.

Put Fire Candles do not only have a decorative role in your home. Beyond the wonderful,
romantic light and the aroma that gives it to you when it's awake, the truth is that they warm
up your space ... literally. So light up a few in the evening in the living room or in your
bedroom while keeping your balconies and windows closed tightly to feel their warmth!
Correspondingly, your oven also works: the heat it emits directly floods the space. So, if you
use it, you can only leave your door open after you take it out of it. Are not you a fan of

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