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L:Hi andres

A :Oh hi larry

A :What are you doing here?

L: I am searching goblins ( sonando un poco loco) pequeña risa de loco al final

A: what? In men’s section? jajajaja

A: Are you a little crazy?

L: no, I’m not crazy

L: Do not say it again. I have to keep looking for the goblins

A: ok ok No problem. I wish you could find them.

A: That was so weird. Well…. So, Let`s see. I came here to buy…

A: oh my God , I forgot it( con voz de desesperacion)

A: I don’t remember ( una mano en la cabeza)

SD: hello andres

A: hi dudes

SD: what are you buying?

A: dudes I don’t remember

SD: jajaja

SD: Can we help you?

A: yes of course.

S: Perhaps, are you looking for this checked shirt?

S: ohh Or those socks

S: ohhh those sneakers

A: Samuel i don’t think so

D: Okay, Let me think. Maybe were you looking for women's clothes? (guiñar el ojo)
(toque de picardia)

S: I do not know what kind of fantasies you have but that's not Good

S: Right, andres?

A: I don’t know

D: come on Andres I know you thought about it hehehe (picardia)

S: shut up! David
S: think andres
A: you too
Think (varias veces)

D: These are good quality caps

S: Pleae David, stay focus.

D: ok
If I were Andres, what would I buy? Mmmmmmmm
L: hi dudes
L: look at my goblin
L: so cute ( medio loco)
SD: what? Your goblin?
SD: ahh your book with a goblin cover.
L: yes, what were you thinking?
S: we were thinking that you were crazy, that you were out of your mind.
A: ok dudes
A: Hey, Now, I remember what I was looking for.
A: I have to buy my mom's panties

D: you see dudes, I wasn`t wrong. He was looking for women`s clothes jajajaja.


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