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Ask Mystery






by Mystery 

150+ New & Classic Pickup Artist NEGs 

Written and Compiled by Erik von Markovik

(Pickup Artist, Mystery)

Copyright © 2019 Erik von Markovik

Ask Mystery LLC
Cover design, layout and editing by Saana Railo

Las Vegas, Nevada

February 2019

The First Four Phases of Pickup by Mystery 

(The M3 Model) 

1. Opening - A1
2. Female to Male Interest - A2
3. Male to Female Interest - A3
4. Comfort Building - C1

To learn the fundamentals of structured pickup, order my book ​Mystery Method: How
To Get Beautiful Women into Bed​ by clicking the following link:

Click here to get your own copy​! 



In the pickup arts, a ​neg​ is a statement or action to ​briefly disqualify yourself from
being considered a potential suitor.​ It allows a woman space to pursue you. A neg is also
known as a neg (or negative) hit (deprecated), a Disqualifier, and an Indicator of
Disinterest (IOD).

Use these communication tools with discretion. The result of a neg is usually laughter.
They are not insults, they simply convey that you are NOT hitting on them. Negs
preserve comfort. Have some prepared negs to use when you need them.

I came up with the term and concept of a neg back in the 90’s, shared it on the pickup
newsgroups (forums) of the era, and finally published the concept in my book ​The
Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into Bed. ​Still today, negging remains
the most misunderstood concept in pickup arts, although it has been somewhat widely
popularised since, and one may occasionally comes across it in the media - for example,
President Trump has publicly used the term.

Negging the target disarms the friends, preserves comfort in the target by
demonstrating that you aren’t hitting on her, and gets a laugh. Sure, negs may be used
on a set on the open, but generally negs are earned by the group’s behaviour. Along with
Demonstrations of Higher Value (DHVs), negs are used in the second phase of
attraction (A2), and only in Qualifying (A3) when there is a break in compliance. 2 or 3
negs in A2 is all you need before phase shifting to A3. Negs are no longer needed once in
Comfort (C1), unless it’s for comedic effect.

A note on consideration: Consider negging the right person; don’t throw a neg about a
wig at someone who is actually obviously wearing one. Calibrate.

The “THROW & GO” Rule

A neg, like a pebble, should be ‘thrown’ at a person light-heartedly, and then the pickup
artist continues to run an opener or gambit. Run an A2 DHV gambit, pause it, toss a
neg, and continue the gambit. Throw and go. Don’t throw and wait.


Shotgun Negs 

A shotgun neg is a statement said in front of others; it’s humor for the group.

● I bet you were the kind of girl that got the spaghetti sauce all over her face.
● You taste like a bad decision.
● You're very pretty, too bad you're not my type.
● I think it’s great that you are so confident, you can go outside in whatever you
want regardless of what’s in style.
● You're not much of a sweet talker, are you?
● MYSTERY: You have really pretty eyes… Especially the left one.
● PUA: I LOVE your eyes. (Look into her eyes) OMG, are those contacts?! Oh, you
little cheat! (Playful hit.) I totally fell for that.
● ALI G: You have beautiful eyes. Can I touch them?
● I dig the way you give up fashion for comfort.
● Holy shit. You really don't know what you're doing, do you? (In reference to
● (To woman’s friend) You have a very loud friend.
● You're just like a sheep, but you don't smell.
● When I look in your eyes, I see myself fatter than I am. But that's okay, that's
because eyes are spherical…
● You have big feet. I like stability.
● You're too drunk for me to even talk to!
● You're cute, in a dorky way.
● MYSTERY: I could talk talk to you for hours... I can't listen to you!
● I like your look. Beauty is common, but you seem to have character.
● You remind me of that movie star… Woody Allen.
● You remind me of my aunt Minnie.


● Those shoes look really comfortable.

● I like that skirt. Those are really popular these days.
● I like that skirt. I just saw a girl wearing that a few minutes ago.
● Nice shoes, I hear they are coming back in fashion. (My girlfriend Saana
accidentally came up with this when she commented on Beckster’s sweatpants).
● Is that a wig? Oh… Well, it looks nice anyway.
● What do you call that hairstyle? The waffle?
● Those are nice nails, are they real? Oh… Well… They're… Still nice.
● You know what, I think your hair would look much better up/down.
● Aww.. Nice teeth! Are they real?
● Aww.. Nice hair! Is it real? [Pull] Hey it moved! Wow.
● You are pretty... You could have been a model... If slightly taller.. And slimmer..
● Wow nice hair! Is it real?... Well it's nice anyways.
● That's a nice hairstyle… Is that your real hair?
● Wow, were you a hand model?
● Wow, those are interesting shoes… But I think you should get them in red instead
of black.
● That’s a cheesy <top, skirt, headpiece>. Well, at least you're lucky to have a nice
body. (To compensate for whatever it was you negged)
● You are nearly as tall as me. I like tall girls. [Lift her up] Are those heels 4 or 5
inches? [Drop her]
● Wow, how do you dye only the roots that dark color? That takes a lot of skill.
● Your hair looks nice. Is that your natural color?
● Just out of curiosity, am I too young for you?
● Your perfume [or piece of clothing] doesn't suit you. You should be wearing
something that brings out your youthful character.


● I guess you're trying to join the <celebrity name - e.g. Kylie Jenner> club when it
comes to hairstyles. I've seen a lot of women with a similar style, but I must say it
suits you a lot better than most women.
● That's a nice dress. I remember seeing you at a club before and you were wearing
the same dress. It IS nice though.
● Weren't you wearing this dress the last time you were here?
● You drank too much last night didn't you? Your eyes look a little red. That's okay
though, you still look pretty hot.
● I bet you're even prettier without so much makeup on.
● Your eyes are pretty red. You haven't been treating your body very well lately,
have you?
● PUA: Is that your natural hair color?
Woman: <Yes / No>
PUA: Hmm… Well it's not bad / So you changed it to that?



Sniper Negs 

These negs are used directly on one person.

● MYSTERY: Aww, your nose wiggles when you talk. It's soooo cute!
● Your nose wiggles when you laugh... It’s so cute, do it again.
● MYSTERY: Ah, that's so funny… Your nose wiggles when you speak. [Point and
be cute.] Look there it goes again… It's so… Quaint… Heeheehee look!
● STYLE: Hey, look, you got some lint on your shirt.
● LOVEDROP: You blink a lot when you talk.
● Your pupils are SO dilated right now.
● Aww, you just spat at me.
● (Motion to her nose as if you are warning her she has a booger hanging from it.)
● You got a boogie.
● You've got an eye crusty.
● You've got a little something in your teeth.
● Ew, your palms are sweaty.
● MYSTERY: Ew, your hands are sweaty… Ewww! Where have your hands been?
No, don't tell me, I do not WANT to KNOW.
● You've got something in your ear.
● You need to wash that dress already.
● Hey... You've got eye crusties. OMG. Don't worry about it. You're not out to
impress ME. Anyway I'm sure that some guys LIKE eye crusties.
● You have man hands.
● You talk a lot.
● MYSTERY: OMG, are you actually wearing sweatpants? That's like GIVING UP.


● Those shoes look like they must be really comfortable.

● You have such gorgeous hair... Like Lassie’s.
● Wow, that's a cute ring... Where did you get it? A McDonald’s Happy Meal?
● OMG, those are pretty earrings. I didn't know Toys R' Us sold jewelry.
● That is a lovely huge purse... You don't have some poor dog named Precious in
there suffocating to death, do you?
● STYLE: You have some food or something on your cheek there (wipes it off).
There, it's gone now.
● LOVEDROP: Those are the coolest shoes! My mom has the exact same pair!



Reaction Negs 

● You must be a terrible dancer. [Why?] Because good dancers are usually graceful
in heels, and you're kind of clumsy.
● You should wear your hair up/down.
● You're very little…
● Those shoes look really comfortable/uncomfortable.
● Geez, you must have driven your parents crazy.
● Um, it’s too early in our relationship for you to be (doing whatever she was
● You’re already back to square one with me.
● I bet you are high maintenance.
● Alright, that’s it, I’m changing our Facebook status to “It’s complicated”.
● Uh-oh… Tourette’s! (When she swears.)
● (To obstacles) Does she have an off button?
● Is she always like this?
● How do you guys hang with this girl?
● I can already tell, you and I are NOT going to get along.
● I know you like I know a hole in the wall. Here's you. Here's a hole in the wall.
Same thing.
● If she keeps interrupting… Just call her on it. Say, "Why do you keep interrupting
me, are you that insecure/immature that you can't give somebody a chance to
● Or​ "Excuse me, may I finish my sentence?"
● Or​ "Are you gonna let me finish?"
​ ello? I'm talking, geez. Is she always like this?”
● Or “H


● I'm not boyfriend material. You need a guy who will buy you flowers and be really
nice to you. That guy over there looks perfect for you.
● MYSTERY: (Loudly) Lady, I'm not going to make out with you!
● Hello? It's private, geez.
● You're such a dork!
● Wow. You really wrecked a moment! Your past boyfriends must have really hated
that about you.
● [Target tries to see something you're showing obstacle] Excuse me! I'm showing
her, not you. Wait your turn, geez…
● [If you ask the obstacle a question and the target answers] I didn't ask you, silly.
● You don't get out much, do you?
● MYSTERY: Were you dropped on your head as a child? Don’t answer that, that
was rhetorical.
● OMG where's your off button? Jesus Christ, you can dress her up but you can’t
take her anywhere, how do you roll with her?
● Hands off, wait for your turn. Jesus, where's your off button?
● STYLE: Oh my god, listen to you guys, this is just like watching The View.
● OMG hands off the merchandise! What are we, starting a tab here, Jesus Christ,
you must be rich...
● I LOVE you guys... I love you guys so much... I'm ADOPTING you... [If target in
set is bitchy, say "except you" and go for group hug that locks out the target from
her circle]
● You know what? I was just being polite, I really wasn't that interested…
● No you can't try that on, your head's too big!
● You had a hard childhood, didn't you?
● Hey, don't make me come down there!
● My, you come on strong! That isn't till later in the relationship.


● That’s cute.
● (Acting bitchy) What's wrong? Not used to talking to guys as devastatingly
handsome as me? You wanna talk about it?
● If the target is quiet I point it out by saying something like:
(to obstacles) "You girls need to get her out more and break her out of her shell."


Collection of Negs

Classic Mystery Neg

MYSTERY: Do you know why… You and I… Will NEVER get along? (Pause.) We’re too
similar. I won’t take your shit; you won’t take my shit… What FUN’S THAT?!
(Stack into Toxic Neg.)

Toxic Neg
MYSTERY: I’m too toxic for you. You should quit your job. See?! I give shitty advice and
everything. If you and I we’re in a room together for too long, I’d pull my hair out of my
head. Hanging out with you, I’d be BALD!

On the Fence Neg

PUA: You’re on the fence. What?! There’s a fence now? Yep. And YOU… Are on it. Ha.
How do you feel now?!

You’re Creepy Neg

Wow, you're a little creepy. You're not going to start following me home are you? Ok
good. If you are though, there's a great bush outside my bedroom window. I had an ex
who used to hide in it all the time.

You Look Terrible Disqualifier

PUA: (Genuinely concerned.) What's the matter? You look horrible tonight! Did you
have a hard day today? You look like you need a rest. Perhaps you need to lay off the
alcohol, and just sit down and chill out or something. You probably haven't been taking
good care of yourself lately.

Mystery’s note: ​This neg can be a little harsh so calibrate. It is to evoke laughter, not
hypochondria. It’s funny.


Model Neg
PUA: Do a lot of people ask you if you are a model?
MODEL: Yes, all the time.
PUA: I think they were just being polite.

Don’t Be Greedy Neg

She kisses you on the cheek and then goes to kiss the other cheek...
PUA: Only one… Don't be greedy.
WOMAN: Yeah, but I'm French.
PUA: Are all French girls as greedy as you?

Gum Neg
Take gum out and offer it to her.
WOMAN: (No thanks, I’m drinking beer)
PUA: I know... Take the gum.

Hand Model Neg

MYSTERY: What do you do?
WOMAN: Oh, I'm a model.
MYSTERY: What, like a hand model?

Drooling Neg
When the girl is talking to you...
PUA: Oh… You just spit on me. That's okay though, I don't mind women drooling all
over me.

Nice Girl Neg

PUA: I don't think we should get to know each other.
PUA: I think you are just too much of a NICE GIRL for me.

Heckler Neg
COMEDIAN: Hey. If I wanted any shit from you I'd squeeze your head. Is she always
like this?


Shouting Neg
PUA: (Shouting.) Hey, who wants to take her place? (To woman,) I'm afraid you and I
are just not going to work out tonight.

Picture Neg
WOMAN: Can you take a picture?
PUA: Ha ha! No.
WOMAN: (You're an asshole.)
PUA: …And I'm fun! Go get yourself a lacky.

Mystery’s notes: U​ se this only when the women are attempting to tool you, it's easier to
just be polite and take the picture. Calibrate.

Spastic Neg
STYLE: Oh My God, you are like, so spastic!

Kino Calibrator Negs

After a hug ...
● Ok now, that's all you get.
● Ok, time’s up. From here on out it's $9.95 per minute.
● All right, hand's off now. I'm not that easy.
● Let's slow this down.
● I'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now. (This is an Indicator of Interest and a
Statement of Intent, not a neg.)
● …And get off me. (A great concise neg.)

Matador’s Neg Stack

● Oh shut it, I eat girls like you for breakfast.
● Don't make me come down there, I’ll pick you up by your puppy scruff little girl.
● It's good you know how to fight ‘cause you're gonna have to fight for me… And it's
worth it.
● Come here you little shit (pick her up). I'm going to Vegas next weekend, wanna
get hitched?


Bonus Negs List 

● You look like the kind of girl I'd want backing me up in a bar fight.

● MYSTERY: Alright, you’re losing me. (Roll off the set. Best used 20 minutes into

set. Wait for woman to re-engage you in conversation.)

● Ok now, that's all you get.

● I don't know who your last boyfriend was, but he did not spank you enough.

● You need to find a nice man... On the Internet.

● Ok, Miss Wikipedia over here.

● 300,000 sperm... And you're the one that got through.

● OMG, ADD Girl. (Attention Deficit Disorder)

● MYSTERY: She’s pooping words. I can smell it. I can smell it.

● I hope you weren’t this demanding as a child…

● I thought I loved you... And then you [spoke/whatever she did]

● Part of me wants me to stay here and talk to you guys... And part of me wants to

run away as fast as I can.

● You're either the coolest girl I've met all night... Or a total weirdo, I haven't quite

figured it out yet.



I hope this compilation of negs serves you well. And remember, the result of a carefully
executed neg is laughter. Having memorized your favorite negs, enjoy introducing them
into your next night’s sets. You are training for a time in the future when you will NEED
them: for your next girlfriend.

Now, Get Out of The House!

Las Vegas 2019

Psst.. Are you thirsty for more?

Just like martial arts, pickup is a skill ideally mastered under the wing of a proficient
coach… In real life.

I offer PUA bootcamps, live-in PUA residentials and Live Online PUA training for those
of you who really want to master the art of attraction.

If you haven’t trained with me before, Live Online with Mystery is where I suggest you
get started.

I look forward to meeting you there!

Click here to check out my upcoming courses and events​!


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