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Mallecoccio 1

Final Course Paper

A Personal Philosophy of Worship

For PT520 Theology and Practice of Worship

Dr. Kenneth Pyne

15 March 2019
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I. Introduction

A. An Etymological Definition and Examination of the Word “Worship”

B. A Practical Definition of the Word “Worship”

C. A Personal Philosophical Statement on Worship

II. Examining the Biblical and Historical Practice of Worship

A. Worship as Practiced in the Old Testament

B. Worship as Practiced in the New Testament

C. Worship as Practiced in the Church’s Past

D. Worship as Practiced in Today’s Church

III. Differentiating Worship as Personal, Communal, Universal, and Eternal

A. Personal Worship for the Individual Christian

B. Communal Worship for the Local Church

C. Universal Worship for the Church at Large

D. Eternal Worship for the Saints in Glory

IV. A Defense of This Student’s Philosophy of Worship

A. The Biblical Support for the Statement

B. The Historical Background for the Statement

C. The Current Need for the Statement

V. Conclusion
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