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we're going to go over how to apply NSX licensing to your newly installed and registered

NSX instance. This is going to be another one of those very quick and easy ones, but
nonetheless let's go through the steps here. So from your vSphere Web Client on the main
home page, we're going to want to click under the Licensing tab under the Administration
section, and then from there we're going to want to click on Licenses. Now you're going to
see here we have several tabs here. Now the one that we really want to pay attention to is
going to be under our Solutions tab. Now currently, I'm running an Evaluation Mode and it's
currently Expired. But that's okay, I've got that worked out with VMware for the point of this
class license that we have been running here.

But what we want...what you want to do to be able to install the license is go ahead and select
your NSX for vSphere instance, click Assign License Key. And you could do two options: if
you've already entered your NSX license key into your licensing manager for vSphere, if you
can go ahead and Assign an existing license key and you would see it on the drop-down here;
or more than likely this is the very first time you're entering that license in the vSphere, so
let's go ahead and hit the drop-down and change Assign a new license key. And then which
we...what we would do is go ahead and enter the License Key in question here and any
optional Label that we wanted to give it. You can hit Decode once you assign the license key
and it will tell you details about that product, so the available capacity, and the usage, when it
expires, and the label you've assigned to it. Now I'm not going to input my actual NSX
license key here because I don't want anybody running off with it. But this is where you will
go ahead and input the license key and then hit OK. That is simply all you need to do to
license your NSX instance; there is no additional work required.

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