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Big Thanks for the opportunity given to me. Greetings to lecturers, all friends.

on this
occasion we will discuss the Yusuf Qardlawi consep about hadith.

Okay, so, this articleo analyze Yusuf al-Qardhawi's thoughts about hadith hermeunetics
in book called Kaifa Nata'āmal Ma’a al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah. This article is a
literature study with descriptive analytical methods. The results of the study show Yusuf
al-Qarḍawy gave 8 important guidelines in understanding hadith. the eight methods are

1. Understanding the Hadith according to the instructions of the Koran al-Karīm

2. Collecting hadis that are in the same theme
3. collecting and sharing between Hadiths that appear contradictory
4. Understanding the hadith by considering background, condition when pronounced
and its purpose
5. Distinguishing between changing means and fixed goals in hadith
6. Distinguishing between hadiths that are actually meaningful and figuratively
meaningful in understanding hadith
7. Distinguishing between hadiths that are meaningful and meaningful figuratively
in understand the hadith
8. Ensuring the meaning and contours of the hadith lafad).

The attention of Yusuf Qarḍawy who was still considering the text aspect, the writer and
the reader showed a hermeunetic step in the method. Especially when in the application
there are many aspects of hermeunetics in understanding the meaning of the text.

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