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Five Year Plan

I am proud to say that I have a very solid plan for the next five years and everytime I

think about it, I get so excited all over again. Life is good! Currently I work at Subway as a

sandwich artist. Don’t worry, my plan is not to work there forever but it is nice to have a part

time job to save money for out of state tuition costs. I have decided to attend University of

Colorado Boulder in the fall of 2019. The school is not cheap, college never is, but it has been

my dream school for years that I refuse to pass up on this opportunity. Boulder is a beautiful

town full of friendly people. In Boulder you are surrounded by the Colorado Rocky Mountains

so everyone hikes, skiis, and climbs rocks. It is the place for me and I a place where I want to be

and where I belong.

I plan to major in environmental studies and policy because I am passionate about

conserving our planet for as long as possible. I will be living on campus for the first couple of

years which will be such a new and exciting experience for me. I do not worry so much about

living away from my parents because honestly, I have been very independent from an early age. I

know most kids don’t even do their own laundry or clean their own rooms, but I have been doing

it all and I cannot wait to be on my own.

Luckily, my Subway job can transfer to wherever I go and there is a Subway on campus

at CU Boulder! It works out perfectly. Personally, I already do not like my Subway job but I can

do it for a few more years to take care of necessary finances. Work-study is one of the best things

to do to pay for school or have a little extra cash in your pocket for those late night adventures,

jazz band performances in Boulder, or baseball game tickets in Denver.

I believe that the most exciting part of my journey over the next five years will be joining

the ROTC program on campus. ROTC stands for Reserved Officer Training Corps which is

made to take perspective military officers, work with them throughout college, and by the time

we graduate we are able to be leaders in the military. I am joining the Air Force ROTC program

at Boulder because it is one of the best available at a public University. I am a person who

thrives when there is structure, and hard work. Plus I come from a military family so this doesn’t

scare me. It is exactly what I want.

The Air Force rewards most cadets with scholarships within their first year to help cover

tuition and all cadets receive monthly stipends that range from $200 - $600 based on grade level

and total involvement. Not only will I be getting paid in college, but once I graduate and

commission with the Airforce as an officer I will receive my yearly pay which can go anywhere

from $80k and up, plus living and food expenses covered, and so many travel opportunities. My

biggest fear has been to pay so much for an education, and be stuck without a career and a lot of

debt. The Air Force takes care of all of that for me. During my junior year of college, I will be in

flight training and flying airplanes before the age of twenty.

Once you commision with the Air Force as a pilot, you are required to serve ten years,

which sounds like a really long time but I know that if I am doing something I love and seeing so

many different parts of the world that time will fly by.

My degree with the environmental studies major will come in much later in life, after the

service when I am looking for a civilian job. As long as I get to learn as much as possible about

the environment, and make some sort of change in the world within the next five years I will feel


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