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The FASEB Journal • Research Communication

Epigenetics: intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)

modifies the histone code along the rat hepatic
IGF-1 gene
Qi Fu, Xing Yu, Christopher W. Callaway, Robert H. Lane,1,2 and Robert A. McKnight1
University of Utah School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA

ABSTRACT Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) lin resistance (5–12). Though moderately controver-
decreases serum insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels. sial, the positive relationship between growth retarda-
IGF-1 is an epigenetically regulated gene that has two tion and adult morbidities, including insulin resistance,
promoters, alternative exon 5 splicing, and multiple appears to be stronger in men than in women (5, 6,
termination sites. The regulation of gene expression 12). Growth and insulin sensitivity are modulated by
involves the whole gene, as evidenced by the aforemen- hepatic IGF-1.
tioned IGF-1 paradigm. We hypothesized that IUGR in In humans and rodents, absence of IGF-1 leads to
the rat would affect hepatic IGF-1 expression and alter poor prenatal growth (13). Moreover, multiple investi-
the epigenetic characteristics of the IGF-1 gene along gators find that human IUGR infants have lower fetal or
its length. IUGR was induced through a bilateral uter- cord IGF-1 concentrations when compared with appro-
ine artery ligation of the pregnant rat, a well-character- priately sized infants (13–15). Postnatally, IUGR de-
ized model of IUGR. Pups from anesthesia and sham- creases serum IGF-1 levels in human infants during the
operated dams were used as controls. Real-time RT- first 9 mo of life (16). Furthermore, IUGR also de-
PCR and ELISA was used to measure expression at day creases serum IGF-1 levels in preadolescent children
of life (DOL) 0 and 21. Bisulfite sequencing and who do not exhibit significant “catch-up” growth (17).
chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) quantified Finally, adults that lack IGF-1 suffer from decreased
IGF-1 epigenetic characteristics. A nontranscribed insulin sensitivity (18).
intergenic control was used for ChIP studies. IUGR Fetal and newborn rats with induced IUGR also
decreased hepatic and serum IGF-1. Concurrently, suffer from decreased serum levels of IGF-1, and the
IUGR modified epigenetic characteristics, particularly organization of the rat IGF-1 gene is remarkably similar
the histone code, along the length of the hepatic IGF-1 to the human IGF-1 gene (19, 20). Both human and rat
gene. Many changes persisted postnatally, and the IGF-1 genes are large and contain 6 exons separated by
postnatal effect of IUGR on the histone code was 5 introns (21, 22). Extensive nucleotide and amino acid
gender-specific. We conclude that IUGR modifies epi- conservation exist between the IGF-1 genes of both spe-
genetic characteristics of the rat hepatic IGF-1 gene cies, as well as comparable expression of multiple mRNA
along the length of the whole gene.—Fu, Q., Yu, X., variants (22). These mRNA variants are useful markers of
Callaway, C. W., Lane, R. H., McKnight, R. A. Epige- altered transcriptional regulation and may function to
netics: intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) modi- modulate translational efficiency and cell growth.
fies the histone code along the rat hepatic IGF-1 gene. In the rat (Fig. 1A), exon 1 and exon 2 encode two
FASEB J. 23, 2438 –2449 (2009) different leader sequences and involve multiple tran-
scription start sites with multiple inframe ATGs. Either
Key Words: chromatin 䡠 DNA methylation 䡠 Barker hypothesis exon 1 or exon 2 is spliced to the exon 3, which
䡠 chromatin immunoprecipitation 䡠 insulin resistance encodes the N terminus of the mature peptide (23–25).
Exon 1-derived [promoter 1 (P1)] transcripts predom-
inate in every tissue expressing the IGF-1 gene, with the
The early nutritional milieu of the fetus influences exception of the liver, in which relatively high levels of
the adult phenotype. A relevant marker for this phe- Exon 2-derived [promoter 2 (P2)] transcripts are pro-
nomenon is intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) duced (26, 27).
(1). IUGR is a significant cause of human morbidity Another variable that occurs with hepatic IGF-1
and mortality that is associated with many of the most
common complications of pregnancy, such as pre- 1
These authors contributed equally to this work.
eclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of preg- 2
Correspondence: Division of Neonatology, P.O. Box 581289,
nancy (2– 4). Multiple studies demonstrate that IUGR Salt Lake City, UT 84158, USA. E-mail: robert.lane@hsc.utah.
predisposes human infants toward several postnatal edu
morbidities, including poor postnatal growth and insu- doi: 10.1096/fj.08-124768

2438 0892-6638/09/0023-2438 © FASEB

Figure 1. A) Rat IGF-1 gene structure and alternative splicing. Exons and introns are shown as boxes and horizontal lines,
respectively. Transcription start sites are indicated by arrows. The 5 sets of ChIP primers/probes for P1, P2, exon 5, proximal,
and distal 3⬘ UTR are shown as black bars. B) Rat serum IGF-1 levels at DOL0 and DOL21. C, D) DOL0 (C) and DOL21 rat
hepatic IGF-1 mRNA variant levels (D). Graphs represent IGF-1 mRNA expressed as mean ⫾ se percentage of control for male
and female rats. P1, transcripts starting from exon 1; P2, transcripts starting from exon 2; IGF-1A, transcripts without exon 5;
IGF-1B, transcripts with exon 5. White bars indicate control values; gray bars indicate IUGR. *P ⬍ 0.05; **P ⬍ 0.01; ***P ⬍ 0.001;
****P ⬍ 0.0001.

mRNA transcripts involves the inclusion or exclusion of while me3K36 is associated with actively transcribed
exon 5, which changes the translational reading frame regions.
of the peptide coding region of exon 6. The IGF-1A The location of a modification is tightly regulated
transcript lacks exon 5, while IGF-1B contains exon 5 and is crucial for its effect on transcriptional regula-
(23, 28, 29). Unfortunately, little evidence ties specific tion, and these marks affect transcription within the
promoter usage to a specific IGF-1A or IGF-1B tran- context of the neighboring histone codes (37– 40).
script, respectively. Finally, multiple polyadenylation Furthermore, histone modifications at one site have
sites in the 3⬘ untranslated region (UTR) of the IGF-1 been known to influence modifications at additional
gene generates different lengths of mRNAs, ranging sites (41).
from 0.8 to 7.5 kb. The high-molecular-weight species Because IUGR affects IGF-1 serum levels in humans
represents ⬍50% of total IGF-1 mRNA in liver, in and rats, we hypothesized that IUGR in rats would
contrast to most other tissues. decrease serum levels of postnatal IGF-1, alter hepatic
The above IGF-1 variants are likely examples of IGF-1 mRNA species levels, affect postnatal DNA meth-
epigenetic regulation, which denotes an inherited state ylation in the hepatic IGF-1 5⬘ flanking region, and
of gene regulation that is independent of the genetic modify multiple markers of the postnatal histone code.
information encoded within the DNA itself (30 –32). To understand the effect of IUGR on the hepatic IGF-1
Epigenetic regulation involves covalent modification of epigenetic characteristics, we would also need to deter-
DNA and histones (33–35). DNA methylation within a mine the histone code along the entire gene.
promoter and 5⬘ transcribed region usually represses To test this hypothesis, we used a model of uteropla-
gene transcription, whereas DNA methylation toward cental insufficiency and subsequent IUGR that has
the 3⬘ end often signifies gene activation (36). A been well characterized by multiple groups (42– 44). In
dynamic relationship exists between DNA methylation this model, bilateral uterine artery ligation is per-
and the associated histone code (histone covalent formed on d 19 of gestation in the pregnant Sprague-
modifications that determine how DNA and histones Dawley rat. IUGR pups in this model are ⬃25% smaller
interact). These histone covalent modifications affect than control pups, and IUGR pups are predisposed to
transcriptional regulation and include histone acetyla- develop both growth failure and insulin resistance early
tion and methylation. For example, histone H3 acety- in life, as well as overt diabetes relatively late in life (44,
lation (ac) at lysine (K) 9 and 14 and trimethylation 45). Interestingly, gender-specific responses to IUGR
(me3) at K4 are often associated with gene activation, become evident for multiple processes by day of life 21


(DOL21) in this model. We therefore tested our hy- Express software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA)
pothesis at DOL0 and DOL21 in both genders to (Table 1). Briefly, to test the transcripts starting from P1,
determine the consequences of IUGR on IGF-1 chro- primers spanned the junction of exon 1 and exon 3. For
transcripts initiated from P2, primers spanned the junction of
matin structure during the perinatal and postnatal exon 2 and exon 3. For IGF-1A transcripts, the primers
period. We chose DOL21 purposefully to avoid the spanned the junction of exon 4 and exon 6, while for IGF-1B,
confounding effects of adolescence and senescent mat- the primers spanned the junction of exon 5 and exon 6.
uration. Real-time RT-PCR quantification was then performed using
glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as an
internal control. Relative quantification of PCR products was
based on value differences between the target and GAPDH
MATERIALS AND METHODS control using the comparative Ct method (TaqMan Gold
RT-PCR manual; PE Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).
Bisulfite modification
All procedures were approved by the University of Utah
Animal Care committee and are in accordance with the APS
Bisulfite modification was performed as described earlier
Guiding Principles (46). Bilateral uterine artery ligation was
(42). IGF-1 P1 and P2 have multiple transcription start sites.
performed on d 19 of gestation in pregnant Sprague-Dawley
We elected to analyze CpG sites that were upstream of the
rats. Surgical procedures have been described previously (42,
longest known 5⬘ UTR of transcripts from each promoter.
43, 47– 49). The DOL0 pups were delivered by cesarean
Relative to the cDNA clone accession M15647, the 12 CpG
section at term. DOL21 animals were separated from their
sites in P1 were at ⫺528, ⫺523, ⫺470, ⫺302, ⫺260, ⫺231,
dams for 4 h, anesthetized, and sacrificed at the two ages;
⫺143, ⫺86, ⫺31, ⫺29, ⫹13, and ⫹ 22. Bisulfite-treated
livers were quickly removed, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen,
genomic DNA was amplified with the following primers: CpG
and stored at ⫺80°C.
sites between ⫺528 and ⫺470: set 1 forward 5⬘-ACCTTCTT-
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) TAGT ATGG; CpG sites between ⫺302 and ⫺143: set 2
Serum IGF-1 levels at DOL0 and DOL21 were measured by 5⬘-AATTACAAAAACCCAAATCAAATACT; CpG sites be-
using mouse/rat enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit (DSL, Web- tween ⫺86 and ⫹ 22: set 3 forward 5⬘-AAAAATATCTC
ster, TX, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol. TCTTCCTACCTATTAC, reverse 5⬘-TTAGATAGGAATATTA-
GAAATTTGGGG. Relative to the cDNA clone accession no.
RNA isolation NM_178866, the 6 CpG sites in P2 were at ⫺231, ⫺142, ⫺133,
⫺112, ⫺70, and ⫺41 on the genomic DNA. The primer
sequences for CpG sites ⫺231 to ⫺112: set 4 forward 5⬘-
Total RNA isolation was performed as described earlier (42,
43). Total RNA was extracted from DOL0 and DOL21 liver
AAACCACTTCCTTACCTAA; CpG sites between ⫺70 and ⫺41:
using the Nucleospin RNAII kit (Macherey-Nagel, Bethle-
set 5 forward 5⬘-GTTGTTGTTGTTATTGTTYGTGGTA, reverse
hem, PA, USA), including DNase I treatment. RNA was then
quantified spectrophotometrically and checked by gel elec-
for the primers were 95°C for 10 min, followed by 94°C for 30 s,
trophoresis for integrity.
annealing at 53°C (sets 1, 4, and 5) or 54°C (sets 2 and 3) for
30 s, 72°C for 30 s, 35 cycles. For each group, 4 animals were
Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analyzed by bisulfite sequencing. The PCR products from bisul-
(RT-PCR) fite-treated genomic DNA were cloned into the vector pSC-A
(Stratagene, Cedar Creek, TX, USA). Six colonies from each
Real-time RT-PCR was performed as described earlier (42, PCR cloning were inoculated into SeqPrepTM 96 plates (Edge
43). Target primers and probes were designed using Primer BioSystems, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). The plasmid DNA was

TABLE 1. Real-time RT-PCR primer/probe sets

Transcript Sequence



2440 Vol. 23 August 2009 The FASEB Journal FU ET AL.

prepared by using SeqPrep 96 Plasmid Prep Kit (Edge BioSystems) TABLE 3. ChIP analysis of intergenic region 5⬘ of IGF-1
and sequenced according to the manufacturer’s instructions confirms presence of histone covalent modifications with signals
for double-stranded plasmid DNA using the BigDye® Termi- proportional to the amount of input DNA
nator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems) with
M13 forward or reverse primers. Using these primers, we DNA from ChIP Amount (ng) Ct of intergenic region
often encountered multiple sequence traces per reaction.
Therefore, the alternative sequencing primer 5⬘- acK9H3 1 35.9
TGCAGCCCAATGTGGAATTCG was used successfully to se- 4 34.1
quence the majority of the failed colonies. acK14H3 1 30.9
4 29.1
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay and real-time me2K4H3 1 34.6
PCR 4 31.6
me3K4H3 1 35.3
4 32.7
ChIP with anti-acK9H3 (Cell Signaling Technologies, Beverly,
me3K9H3 1 34.7
MA, USA), anti-acK14H3, anti-me2K4H3, anti-me3K4H3, anti-
4 32.8
me3K9H3 (Millipore Upstate, Charlottesville, VA, USA), or
me3K36H3 1 32.7
anti-me3K36H3 (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA) was per-
2 31.1
formed as described earlier (42). The chromatin equivalent
of 100 ␮g DNA based on the absorption at A260 was used in
each immunoprecipitation (IP). For anti-acK14H3, 20 ␮g of
antibody was used. For all of the others, the volume of The distribution pattern of histone covalent modifica-
antibody was equal to the volume of formaldehyde cross- tions along the IGF-1 gene was determined by looking at
linked chromatin. After purification from IP chromatin, DNA the same six modifications at the five sites indicated above.
was determined against a standard curve with SYBR Safe DNA Values were expressed as percentage of the P1 site. To
gel stain (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA). The SYBR absolutely quantitate the five sites in each sample and
Safe fluorescence was measured with a Tecan plate reader establish that all primers and probes annealed equivalently,
(Genios Pro-Basic w/o FP; Tecan Austria GmbH, Grodig, a synthetic template was generated by cloning the five sites
Austria) and Magellan V 6.2 software (Tecan). DNA frag- into a single plasmid of pBSKII (Stratagene) (synthetic
ments containing IGF-1 site-specific sequences, including P1,
template cloning primers are shown in Table 4). The
P2, exon 5, and proximal and distal 3⬘ UTR of the IGF-1 gene
synthetic template was diluted serially, and each site was
and an intergenic region, were quantified by real-time PCR.
quantified by real-time PCR. Ct values for all five primer/
Primer and probe sequences listed in Table 2, and their
location on IGF-1, shown in Fig. 1A, were designed using probe sets were found to be equivalent (Table 5).
Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems). Intergenic
sequences have been used as internal controls in ChIP assays Statistics
(50). Therefore, we used a site 263.8 kb (accession no.
BH351084) upstream of the IGF-1 gene, which is not tran-
scribed, as an intergenic control. This region was found to
contain low levels of all 6 histone covalent modifications, with Data were expressed as mean ⫾ se percentage of control or of
the signal proportional to the amount of input DNA from P1. ANOVA (Fisher’s protected least-significant difference)
each ChIP analysis (Table 3). Relative quantification of PCR and Student’s unpaired t test were used for real-time RT-PCR.
products was based on value differences between the target Student’s 2-tailed t test was used for statistical significance for
and the intergenic control using the comparative Ct method DNA methylation. A value of P ⬍ 0.05 was considered
(TaqMan Gold RT-PCR manual; PE Biosystems). statistically significant.

TABLE 2. ChIP/real-time PCR primer/probe sets

Transcript Sequence



TABLE 4. Primers used to clone IGF-1 sequences to make synthetic template used in standard
curve for real-time PCR quantification

Transcript Sequence


Lowercase indicates restriction sites added for cloning purposes.

RESULTS insufficiency significantly increased CpG methylation at

the ⫺470 CpG site with a trend toward hypermethyl-
DOL0 and DOL21 serum IGF-1 levels reduced in ation at ⫺523 and ⫺528 sites relative to controls
IUGR (Fig. 2A). In DOL0 females, the ⫺260 CpG site was
hypermethylated, while sites ⫺143 and ⫺29 were
IUGR significantly decreased serum IGF-1 levels in both hypomethylated (Fig. 2B). At DOL21, sites ⫹22,
male and female rats vs. controls at DOL 0 (67.4⫾2.8 ⫺470, and ⫺523 were significantly hypermethylated
vs. 88.2 ng/ml in males; P⬍0.001; 69.1⫾3.4 vs. in IUGR males relative to controls (Fig. 2C), with no
78.4⫾1.5 ng/ml in females; P⬍0.05). At DOL21, serum significant difference in IUGR females relative to
IGF-1 levels in both male and female rats continued to controls (Fig. 2D).
be significantly decreased (501⫾175 vs. 638⫾136
ng/ml in males; P⬍0.01; 591⫾38 vs. 913⫾103 ng/ml in IGF-1 P2 DNA methylation
females; P⬍0.001) (Fig. 1B).
Six CpG sites were analyzed for methylation status within
Hepatic IGF-1 mRNA levels
P2 of IGF-1. At DOL0 in males, uteroplacental insuffi-
ciency significantly increased CpG methylation at sites
At DOL0, IUGR significantly decreased P1-initiated tran-
⫺112, ⫺133, and ⫺142 relative to controls (Fig. 3A). In
scripts to 25 and 40% of controls in males and females,
females, only site ⫺112 was hypermethylated, whereas site
respectively (Fig. 1C). Similarly, P2-initiated transcripts
⫺133 was hypomethylated (Fig. 3B). At DOL21, site ⫺112
were reduced to 39 and 46% of male and female
remained significantly hypermethylated in IUGR males
controls. IGF-1A variant transcripts were reduced to
(Fig. 3C), while site ⫺133 remained hypomethylated in
approximately one-third of male and female control
females (Fig. 3D).
levels, and IGF-1B was 26 and 39% of control male and
female levels, respectively. At DOL21, in IUGR animals,
P2-initiated transcripts (75 and 79% of controls in Hepatic IGF-1 histone code
males and females, respectively) and IGF-1B transcripts
(70 and 85% of controls in males and females) were Five sites along the IGF-1 gene were analyzed for six
still less than controls (Fig. 1D). histone H3 covalent modifications in the control group
to determine a “normal” histone code of the rat hepatic
IGF-1 P1 DNA methylation IGF-1 gene. The extent of each modification at the
specific sites was quantified by ChIP/real-time PCR and
Twelve CpG sites were analyzed for methylation status expressed as a percentage of that observed at site P1,
within P1 of IGF-1. At DOL0 in males, uteroplacental the predominant promoter in most tissues. For control
DOL0 male and females (Fig. 4A), acetylation at K9 was
significantly higher at P2 relative to P1, and acetylation
TABLE 5. IGF-1 real-time/ChIP primer/probe efficiency
of this site progressively decreased toward the 3⬘ UTR
Synthetic template/
region of IGF-1. Acetylation at K14 was also increased in
rxn (fmol) Site Mean Ct % of P1 both sexes but was statistically significant only in fe-
males. Di- and trimethylation at K4 followed a similar
0.1 P1 18.7 100.0 pattern, with both forms of methylation being higher at
0.1 P2 19.0 101.6 P2 relative to P1. Though not as robust, trimethylation
0.1 Exon 5 19.1 100.3 at K9 was increased significantly at P2 relative to P1,
0.1 Proximal 3⬘ UTR 18.9 99.0
without the diminution of this marker in the 3⬘ UTR
0.1 Distal 3⬘ UTR 18.8 99.5
regions. In contrast to patterns of the previous de-

2442 Vol. 23 August 2009 The FASEB Journal FU ET AL.

90% Promoter 1 CpG sites 90% Promoter 1 CpG sites
-528 +22 -528 +22
80% 80%
Exon 1 * Exon 1

70% 70%
* *
% of CpG methylation

% of CpG methylation
60% Con 60% Con

in DOL0 females
in DOL0 males

50% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% IUGR 10% IUGR

0% 0%
28 23 70 02 60 31 43 -86 -31 -29 3
+1 +2
2 28 23 70 02 60 31 43 -86 -31 -29 3
+1 +2
-5 -5 -4 -3 -2 - 2 -1 -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -2 -1

Promoter 1 CpG sites Promoter 1 CpG sites

C Promoter 1 CpG sites

D Promoter 1 CpG sites
-528 +22 -528 +22
Exon 1 Exon 1
50% 50%
% of CpG methylation

% of CpG methylation
in DOL21 females
in DOL21 males

40% 40%
Con Con
30% * 30%

20% 20%

10% 10%

0% 0%
28 23 70 02 60 31 43 -86 -31 -29 3
+1 +2
2 28 23 70 02 60 31 43 -86 -31 -29 3
+1 +2
-5 -5 - 4 - 3 -2 -2 -1 -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -2 -1
Promoter 1 CpG sites IUGR Promoter 1 CpG sites IUGR

Control methylated-CpG
IUGR unmethylated-CpG

Figure 2. Rat hepatic IGF-1 P1 CpG methylation. Graphs represent mean ⫾ se percentage of CpG methylation between ⫺528
and ⫹22. A) DOL0 male. B) DOL0 female. C) DOL21 male. D) DOL21 female. White bars indicate control values; gray bars
indicate IUGR. Right panels show methylation pattern; each horizontal row of beads represents 12 CpG sites. Open circles
represent unmethylated CpG sites; solid circles represent methylated CpG sites. *P ⬍ 0.05.

scribed covalent modifications, trimethylation of K36 concentrations of me2K4, while me3K36 decreased at
was highest at exon 5 and the 3⬘ UTR regions vs. the 5⬘ all sites, with P2 and the distal 3⬘ UTR site being
end of the hepatic IGF-1 gene. It is important to note statistically significant (Fig. 5A). At DOL21, similar to
that a similar pattern of histone code for these modifi- the DOL0 findings, IUGR significantly increased
cations was observed for control DOL0 male and fe- me2K4 and decreased me3K36 at the P2 site (Fig. 5C).
males (Fig. 4B). Furthermore, less me3K36 was also evident along the 3⬘
At DOL21 in control males, the distribution patterns end of the hepatic IGF-1 gene, with statistical signifi-
of acK9 and acK14 were essentially equivalent to DOL0, cance being reached for exon 5.
while the histone H3 methylation patterns differed In females, in contrast to the males, both hepatic
(Fig. 4C). A shift away from me2K4 and toward exten- H3 methylation and acetylation were affected by
sive accumulation of me3K4 at P2 was noted. Trimethyl IUGR. IUGR significantly increased me3K4 of the
K9 was uniformly distributed across the gene. The DOL0 female IGF-1 gene at P1, as opposed to me2K4
pattern for me3K36 was similar to that seen at DOL0 in males (Fig. 5B). Furthermore, me3K36 was also
but at a much higher level. Importantly, as was seen at decreased significantly at all five sites in DOL0 IUGR
DOL0, DOL21 females showed a pattern similar to females. In terms of acetylation, IUGR significantly
DOL21 males (Fig. 4D). increased acK14 at P1, exon 5, and 3⬘UTR distal sites
The same six histone H3 covalent modifications at of the hepatic IGF-1 gene in the DOL0 females. At
the five sites were then analyzed in IUGR rat liver and DOL21, in IUGR females me3K36 remained lower
quantified relative to the control animals, where the along the entire length of the gene, in contrast to
controls were considered to be 100%, after normaliza- males in which me3K36 was significantly decreased at
tion with the 263.8-kb intergenic region for both two sites (Fig. 5D).
groups. Data in the figures are presented as percentage
of gender- and age-matched control samples. In some
circumstances in which it appears that IUGR had a DISCUSSION
significant effect on a specific modification, the change
was not statistically significant secondary to variability in The primary finding of this study is that IUGR affects
the control animals. the epigenetic characteristics of hepatic IGF-1 along its
In males, hepatic H3 methylation was affected by entire length and that many of these changes persist
IUGR. At DOL0, P1, P2, and exon 5 had a higher postnatally within the context of decreased hepatic


Figure 3. Rat hepatic IGF-1 P2 CpG methylation. Graphs represent mean ⫾ se percentage of CpG methylation between ⫺231
and ⫺41. A) DOL0 male. B) DOL0 female. C) DOL21 male. D) DOL21 female. White bars indicate control values; gray bars
indicate IUGR. Right panels show methylation pattern; each horizontal row of beads represents 6 CpG sites. Open circles
represent unmethylated CpG sites; solid circles represent methylated CpG sites. *P ⬍ 0.05; **P ⬍ 0.01; ***P ⬍ 0.001.

IGF-1 mRNA and serum protein levels. A secondary yet IGF-1 expression. Vileisis et al. (19) used unilateral
important finding of this study relates to gender. While ligation to induce IUGR and found that fetal weight
the hepatic IGF-1 histone code does not vary between positively correlated with serum glucose (P⬍0.001),
the genders under normal conditions, the postnatal liver IGF-1 protein (P⬍0.001), and serum IGF-1 protein
effect of uteroplacental insufficiency and IUGR on the (P⬍0.001) levels (19). No correlation was evident for
hepatic IGF-1 histone code is gender specific. either serum insulin or lung IGF-1 protein, demonstrat-
In the rat, previous studies used unilateral uterine ing that the effect of IUGR is gene- and tissue-specific.
artery ligation to investigate the effects of IUGR on Interestingly, serum fetal glucose concentrations corre-

Figure 4. Distribution pattern of histone modifications along the IGF-1 gene in control DOL0 and DOL21 rat livers. Six histone
modifications at 5 sites on the IGF-1 locus were analyzed by ChIP/real-time PCR. Values for 4 sites, including P2, exon 5, and
proximal and distal 3⬘ UTR, are presented as mean ⫾ se percentage of P1value (set to 100%). A) DOL0 male. B) DOL0 female.
C) DOL21 male. D) DOL21 female. *P ⬍ 0.05; **P ⬍ 0.01; ***P ⬍ 0.001; ****P ⬍ 0.0001.

2444 Vol. 23 August 2009 The FASEB Journal FU ET AL.

Figure 5. Histone modifications along the IGF-1 gene in DOL0 and DOL21 rat IUGR livers relative to control. Six histone
modifications at 5 sites, including P1, P2, exon 5, and proximal and distal 3⬘ UTR on the IGF-1 locus, were analyzed by
ChIP/real-time PCR. IUGR values at each site were compared to their equivalent control values (set to 100%). A) DOL0 male.
B) DOL0 female. C) DOL21 male. D) DOL21 female. *P ⬍ 0.05; **P ⬍ 0.01; ***P ⬍ 0.001.

lated positively with liver and serum IGF-1 protein IGF-1 proteins with either a 48-residue class-1 prepep-
levels, implicating fetal glucose delivery in the regula- tide or a 32-residue class-2 prepeptide.
tion of hepatic IGF-1 synthesis. Postnatally, both the P1 and P2 sites respond to
In our model of bilateral uterine artery ligation, we diabetes, fasting, and increased caloric intake, with the
found at DOL0 that IUGR reduced serum IGF-1 levels. P2 sites appearing to be more sensitive to the latter set
IUGR reduced hepatic IGF-1 mRNA transcripts initi- of conditions (52). Furthermore, when compared to
ated from alternative promoters as well as reduced the P1 site, P2 differentially responds to GH signaling
levels of alternative splice variants A and B in the DOL0 (54, 55). For example, increased serum levels of IGF-1
animals. At DOL0, the reduction in serum IGF-1 pro- in C3H/HeJ mice vs. C57BL/6J mice appear to result
tein levels was not as great as the reduction in mRNA. from increased transcription from the hepatic P2 pro-
One possible explanation might involve translation moter (56), while other studies have shown that GH
efficiency. It has been shown recently in yeast under stimulates both P1 and P2 transcripts equally well (57).
conditions of starvation that gene-specific translation In terms of the phenotypic significance related to the
efficiency appears to increase, particularly when multi- usage of exon 5, only limited literature is specific to the
liver. Zhang et al. (58) have demonstrated that fasting
ple upstream open reading frames (uORFs) exist
decreases levels of the IGF-1B transcript in adult rat
within the 5⬘ UTR. In the case of IGF-1 P2 transcripts,
liver without affecting levels of the IGF-1A transcript.
there are 8 uORFs (51). At DOL21, IUGR decreased
The specific transcript is important because it deter-
hepatic IGF-1 transcription initiated from P2 as well as
mines which E-peptide is produced (e.g., Ea or Eb). In
transcripts containing exon 5. The DOL21 mRNA data
the rat, the Eb peptide (or the E1 amide) has growth-
are more consistent with the lesser decrease in serum promoting effects on epithelial cells. This action is not
IGF-1. The reduction in IGF-1B transcripts in IUGR diminished significantly by competition with IGF-1,
males and females would influence Eb peptide levels insulin, or antagonist antibodies to IGF-1 receptor. In
but not circulating mature IGF-1 protein levels. humans, the synthetic hEb peptide can regulate cell
In terms of IGF-1 transcriptional regulation from growth and differentiation of several cancer cell lines in
different promoters, several groups, including Adamo a manner that is also distinct from either IGF-1 or
et al. (26, 52) and Simmons et al. (53), established the insulin (59). Furthermore, the human liver makes an
structure and start-site usage of the 5⬘ end of the rat Ec peptide that is 73% homologous to the rat Eb
hepatic IGF-1 gene. Based on combined works, multi- peptide from the IGF-1B mRNA species (60).
ple dispersed sites over a 350-bp 5⬘ region produce a P1 As suggested by these multiple mRNA species, the
transcript that includes exon 1, whereas multiple highly hepatic IGF-1 gene is regulated epigenetically. Though
localized sites within exon 2 produce the P2 transcript. studies have noted specific epigenetic changes in re-
The two different predominant IGF-1 mRNA species sponse to IUGR in other genes, the vast majority of
initiate translation at distinct AUG codons and result in these analyses have been limited to promoter regions.


Recent studies involving epigenetic programming of alyzed. The increased accumulation seen here was not
the hepatic DUSP5 gene led us to the insight that many associated with increased hepatic expression from P2
of the epigenetic consequences of perinatal environ- (26, 27). The differences between P1 and P2 could be
mental events are not limited to the 5⬘ regulatory due to multiple factors. First, the transcriptional activity
region (42). at P1 may influence modifications at P2. Second, P2
One of these epigenetic consequences is DNA initiates transcription from a single cluster of sites and
methylation. DNA CpG methylation plays a central role contains a putative CAAT box and TATA box, both of
in gene expression. Traditionally, DNA methylation which attract particular chromatin modifying com-
within CpG sites within promoters is thought to silence plexes (52). These core promoter elements are missing
genes in an “on– off” manner (36). Evidence of this from P1. Promoters lacking TATA boxes attract a
phenomenon is seen in developmental processes regu- different set of factors and therefore a different chro-
lating tissue-specific gene expression. In contrast, we matin modifying complexes are likely attracted (64).
have observed in two disparate genes (i.e., DUSP5, The lack of core promoter elements and associated
IGF-1) that environmental stresses in the perinatal protein complexes in P1 may be responsible for dis-
period affect CpG DNA methylation in regions margin- persed transcription initiation from two major and two
ally populated by CpGs, leading to moderate decreases minor sites spread over several hundred bases (52, 64,
in gene expression, at least at a tissue level. 65). Finally, the greater accumulation of modifications
More specifically, the modest extent of IGF-1 P1 and at P2 may simply be due to an overall increase in
P2 DNA hypermethylation appears to dampen IGF-1 histone residency across P2.
expression in the IUGR liver. Similar results were seen Interestingly, histone modifications spanning the
for CpG methylation within the promoter of the gluta- normal IGF-1 gene were similar between male and
mate decarboxylase (GAD) gene (61). GAD DNA iso- female controls, though a great deal variability did exist
lated from repressive GAD nonexpressing brain tissue among the controls. However, when challenged with
showed a 2- to 4-fold increase in methylation compared IUGR, males and females responded differently. For
to GAD⫹ tissue but still only represented ⬃5% increase example, IUGR increased me2K4 at P1, P2, and exon 5
in sites methylated. In addition, DNA methylation has in DOL0 male livers, whereas IUGR increased me3K4 at
also been used to demonstrate changes in nucleosome P1 and acetyl K14 across the entire locus DOL0 female
positioning to explain changes in gene expression (62). livers. At DOL21, me2K4 at P2 was still increased in
The changes in DNA methylation seen here between IUGR male livers, whereas IUGR decreased me3K4 at
IUGR and control may be an indication of altered P2 in IUGR female livers. Interestingly, less variability
histone placement. was often found among the IUGR animals relative to
Histones and associated modifications have also been the controls, which suggests that the response to IUGR
implicated in gene activation and silencing and play a forces a relative synchronization of the histone code.
role in all stages of transcription, including initiation, This epigenetic synchronization may limit the ability of
elongation, and termination. Site-specific histone mod- the liver to respond to the continuum of demands
ifications, including histone acetylation and methyl- placed on it throughout the life of the animal. Al-
ation, have been identified around transcription start though the technology is not yet available to test
sites. The main sites of lysine methylation associated directly the consequences of these histone modifica-
with gene activation include K4, K36, and K79 on tions in a gene-specific manner in vivo, it is clear that
histone H3, while acetylation occurs at H3K9 and K14. the IGF-1 hepatic histone code differs for males and
Though earlier works focused on the consequences of females under the stress of IUGR.
single site histone modifications, it is now evident that A telling example of this difference is me3K4 at P1,
modifications at different sites influence their effect on which is increased in IUGR female livers at DOL0, but
transcription, which involves simultaneously reading not in male IUGR livers. me3K4 occurs secondary to
multiple histone markers (63). the attraction of the methyltransferase Set1 by phos-
To establish a more complete histone code for IGF-1, phorylated RNA polymerase II (66 – 68). me3K4 of the
we looked at six histone H3 markers. Trimethyl K4 5⬘ end of a gene is commonly associated with gene
(me3K4), acetyl K9 (acK9), and acK14 are traditionally activation and initiation of elongation (69 –74). Subse-
associated with gene activation. Dimethyl K4 (me2K4) quently, the increase in me3K4 at P1 in DOL0 IUGR
and me3K36 are traditionally associated with tran- females relative to the controls was unexpected given
scription elongation, while me3K9 is considered to the decrease in IGF-1 mRNA levels. This finding sug-
be involved in gene silencing. Recently, however, gests that the initial stage of RNAPII polymerase migra-
me3K9 also has shown to be associated with active tion on the IGF-1 gene may not have been affected.
genes (66 – 68). In contrast, transcriptional elongation may be af-
In the context of mapping the histone code for the fected. This theory is suggested by IUGR decreasing
“normal” rat IGF-1 gene, acetyl K9 and K14 were me3K36 in the body and 3⬘ end of the gene in IUGR
highest at the 5⬘ end, while me3K36 accumulated more males and females at both ages, in association with the
at the 3⬘end. The two IGF-1 promoters displayed differ- decreased levels of IGF-1 mRNA. As RNAPII polymer-
ent modification patterns with P2 having a greater ase migrates toward the 3⬘end of the gene, the methyl-
accumulation of all histone covalent modifications an- transferase Set2 is attracted to the transcription com-

2446 Vol. 23 August 2009 The FASEB Journal FU ET AL.

plex under normal conditions (66 – 68, 75, 76). Set2 verses adults (mean age 22.6⫾4.2 yr) who were appro-
methylates K36 of histone H3, and this methylation priately sized at birth. IUGR adults who were character-
appears to be critical to transcriptional elongation. Our ized by low weight and height also demonstrated signif-
findings suggest that uteroplacental insufficiency and icantly lower mean serum IGF-1 levels.
IUGR disrupt components of this system, such as Set2 Low IGF-1 levels also contribute to adult insulin
or RNAPII polymerase phosphorylation, the latter of resistance, another major morbidity associated with
which is necessary for Set2 binding. At a minimum, our IUGR. Hepatic IGF-1 is of vital importance for normal
findings represent a downstream marker of aberrant carbohydrate metabolism in both mice and humans. In
transcriptional regulation of the hepatic IGF-1 gene in mice, elimination of hepatic IGF-1 production using a
the IUGR rat and demonstrate the value of assessing Cre/loxP recombination system increases serum levels
chromatin structure at more than the 5⬘ promoter region. of insulin without significantly affecting glucose elimi-
It is possible that our findings will further represent an nation (80). In humans, recombinant IGF-1 is ⬃6% as
initial disruption of the histone code that leads to subse- potent as insulin in the production of hypoglycemia
quent failure of IGF-1 transcriptional elongation. (81). Furthermore, severe IGF-1 deficiency in humans
In our study, an IUGR insult altered components of leads to insulin resistance, which is reversible with
the IGF-1 histone code that persist from the perinatal recombinant IGF-1 (18).
period into juvenile life. Alterations to the histone code Caution is always necessary when attempting to apply
that continue well beyond the point of insult offer data from a rat model to human pathophysiology. The
insight into possible mechanisms through which utero- fetal and juvenile rat are physiologically immature
placental insufficiency may predispose toward the phe- relative to the human, and the insult imposed on the
notypic changes seen later in life. Two persistent fetal rat in this model of uteroplacental insufficiency is
changes are particularly intriguing. The first change is severe, while the effect of uteroplacental insufficiency
the persistence decrease in me3K36 at DOL0 and experienced by humans ranges across a continuum.
DOL21 in both genders at multiple sites. As discussed Furthermore, we acknowledge that early postnatal nu-
above, this may lead a dampening of IGF-1 transcrip- trition is important. We have previously characterized
tional elongation and a subsequent decrease in expres- breast milk from our control and IUGR dams after 21 d
sion. The second change is the increase in me2K4 at P2 of supporting their respective pups, and no significant
in the male animals. Though often thought of as an differences in KCAL, protein, fat, or zinc were noted
“activating marker” of transcription, evidence exists between the two groups (48).
that the increase in me2K4 may come at the expense of The work we present here establishes part of the
me3K4, likely an even more potent transcriptional histone code for the rat hepatic IGF-1 gene under
activator (77, 78). The significant decrease of me3K4 in normal and intrauterine growth restricted conditions.
the DOL21 female IUGR liver in association with the The results show unique patterns of multiple histone
decreased expression of IGF-1 mRNA is consistent with modifications at defined locations within the gene. Our
the concept that the ratio of me2K4: me3K4 may be an findings strongly support the concept that alterations in
important regulator of transcriptional regulator. The the histone code along the IGF-1 gene are responsible
latter highlights the concept that similar responses in for the reduced levels of IGF-1 observed in IUGR rats.
gene expression to a stimulus may occur through Changes in both histone acetylation and methylation
gender-specific modifications of the histone code. How- were observed, which indicates that multiple histone
ever, caution needs to be exerted in speculating on the modifying complexes are affected by UPI.
long-term effects of persistent modifications of histone
The project was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of
marks, particularly considering that the effects of these
Health, grant HD41075. We thank the Division of Neonatol-
changes are likely dependent on multiple factors, in- ogy and the Developmental Origins of Health Laboratories at
cluding the histone code of multiple other nucleo- the University of Utah for their support and guidance.
somes. At this juncture, no primary “epigenetic trans-
genic” animal model exists to demonstrate how an
initial change in an epigenetic characteristic changes
expression of a specific gene.
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