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Jinji Zhang│​GitHub​ ​LinkedIn​ ​Medium 


Full-Stack Software Engineer 

1887 20th Avenue 
San Francisco, CA 
(978) 727-4140 
Python, C, Bash, Command Line, MySQL, JavaScript, Node.js, jQuery, Unix/Linux, Emacs, Git, Regex, 
JSON, CSS, HTML, Jinja, Flask, Django, Docker, Apache, Nginx, HAProxy, Gunicorn, RESTful APIs, 
Makefiles, Test Driven Development, Technical Writing, Teaching, Public Speaking. 
​ AR 2019 
BackRow​ -​ M
Built a Q&A web app which is meant to make your Google Slides presentations go along smoothly 
in a team of 3. Wrote code to dynamically embed any google slide, and led team in using Django 
framework. Languages and technologies used include Python, Django, OAuth2, Redis, HTML, 
CSS, JavaScript. 

AirBnB Clone​ ​ ​-​ N

​ OV 2018 - FEB 2019 
Created an AirBnB clone beginning from a developer facing console to a dynamic web 
application. Topics included TDD, data storage, web frameworks, dynamic rendering, RESTful 
APIs, and working on an existing codebase. Languages and frameworks include Python, Flask, 
MySQL, sqlalchemy, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery. 

WikiFlash​ ​-​ ​FEB 2019 

Prepared a product for Holberton’s 24hr Hack Day that found the shortest route between 2 
Wikipedia pages like the ​Wiki Game.​ Helped implement the core back end in Python based on 
Dijkstra’s algorithm. Based on time constraints, took role of managing our project file system and 
helped front end team on last minute CSS fixes to have a prepared product by the deadline. 

Custom Shell​ - ​AUG 2018 

Wrote a custom UNIX shell in C that handles the PATH and executes commands in both 
interactive and non-interactive mode. Focus on understanding how processes work under the 
hood and how the shell parses arguments and handles errors. 
Holberton School, San Francisco, CA ​- Software Engineering, Teaching Assistant 
June 2018 - April 2019 

San Francisco Conservatory of Music, SF, CA ​- Bachelor of Music, Flute Performance 

September 2012 - May 2017 

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