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Individual practice with peer evaluation

The circumstances are fairly complicated as the emotional impact on my fictional self is
taking a toll on me. What makes the situation even more complicated is the fact that it not
as a job in the sense that after work hours I would be left alone, this continues even in the

The whole situation causes negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, and anxiety.
Specially frustration as what can one do about any complaint, when the complaints come
at 3:00 AM, except to worry of course. Also, I would feel a lack of empathy on the part of
my neighbors. Additionally, I would experience a sense of duty as I started with this it
wouldn't be correct not to finish it, which brings additional stress as I feel bounded to
continue being the leader of the neighbor board.

Having this situation in mind there are several options to consider. The first one is to
continue as the leader or the board but establishing certain limits to diminish the
emotional damage that this job is causing, such as prohibiting calls after business hours.

The other option, which I favor more, is to take a break from the whole ordeal. No one has
the obligation to absorb other people frustrations or anxieties. I have the impression that
the neighbors call at such hours not because they want to fix an issue (if they really
wanted that they would call in business hours when something can be done) but because
they want to be heard and blow off some steam. Even though is a nice activity to get to
know the neighbors, which is especially necessary when one is new to the area, there are
other less taxing ways to do so. Finally, I am not even arguing for a total forfeit, just taking
a rest and see how thing develop.

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