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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

First I am going to be starting off with my transcript. I do not believe that these are a true

reflection on my capabilities just for the simple fact that I can do anything I put my mind to.

During my freshman year, I made up this stupid plan to mess around and not care too much

about school my first year then for the rest of my years I would focus on everything important.

But my plan didn't go the way i expected it to. I ended up failing for many reasons like troubles

at home, doing not so smart activities and dealing with my emotional/mental stability. Around

my Junior year I started to pull everything together because I wanted a great future for myself

and I wanted to make my family proud. So I switched everything around and made up all of my

credits and now I have a full plan on what I want to do in life and how I want to go about it. My

transcripts from my Junior year to now is my true reflection on what I am capable of.

As for my attendance, I do believe it is a true reflection of my capabilities. Although

there were some days that I should have gone to school but I was either too tired or there were

activities outside of school that I had to take care of. Other than those things, I think that my

attendance was obviously a lot better than my transcripts. I could have done better with coming

to school and I have noticed that it has only been my senior year that I have missed most days of

school but I feel that I am doing great especially when having a part-time job, keeping up with

my physical life, going to school, etc.

Overall, I believe than in certain subjects I could have tried harder and done my work

when I was suppose to and I should've came to school even if I didn't feel like doing so. But with

all of things that I shouldve done, I made it up and dealt with the consequences. Now I have

earned my way to graduation and to get my diploma.

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